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Author Topic: Reloading from Ground  (Read 2359 times)


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Reloading from Ground
« on: January 28, 2011, 02:47 »

Hi guys, long time. I think this feature would streamline inventory management to some extent(when the idea came to me i was using a plasma rifle with a CS readied for mopup, too damn many medikits and phase devices to have room for spare shells), as well as save lives in crucial situations. if wielding a given weapon, and standing over a stack of that weapon's ammo, default reload could be from the ground rather than from the inventory, saving a turn or two when you really need it.
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Re: Reloading from Ground
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2011, 03:07 »

if wielding a given weapon, and standing over a stack of that weapon's ammo, default reload could be from the ground rather than from the inventory, saving a turn or two when you really need it.
I've thought about something similar, but I pictured it working a little differently. The way I had imagined it you'd only be able to reload off the ground if you had no ammo of the correct type in your inventory. That would save you from having to do the "item shuffle" to reload the weapon used solely for blasting through walls.

Really the only difference is how it'd behave if you were standing over ammo you did have. The question then becomes whether or not giving the player a free pick-up action is too powerful. Honestly I doubt it is, but I'm more concerned about the use-case where you have drop an item, pickup the ammo, reload, drop extra ammo, pickup the item. Even if the action took more game time then normal it'd still be nice just based on the number of saved keystrokes.
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Re: Reloading from Ground
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2011, 18:33 »

I'll second (third) this. Needing to drop/pick up stuff whenever you want just use an off the ground gets kinda annoying and doesn't fit DoomRL's streamlined feel. I'd suggest even expanding this idea to ALL items - allow the player to specify '.' for 'off the floor' whenever prompted with the inventory screen. If it cost the player, say, 3x the usual time expenditure the only balance you'd lose is the small chance of an enemy walking in and blowing up whatever you're shuffling out ... which doesn't feel like much of a loss, IMHO.
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