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Author Topic: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed  (Read 23767 times)

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2006, 06:43 »

Patience my dear friend, features will be added ;-). As for the AI it's not a bug, the AI is just stupid ^_^ (I'll make a temporary fix for that in the next version)

Edit: I just implemented the Berserk! movement algorithm instead.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2006, 06:54 by Kornel Kisielewicz »
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2006, 08:27 »

New beta version -- this one with lua enabled. I also fixed a few old bugs and added a minor feature:

-- [add] weapons and wearable items are swapped by default
-- [mod] moved to Valkyrie + Lua
-- [fix] improved monster movement a little
-- [fix] fixed two handed weapons
-- [fix] fixed message from butcher
-- [fix] cant close/open door on monsters
-- [fix] fixed the turn counter
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Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2006, 09:49 »

 DiabloRL 7DRL PRERELEASE roguelike postmortem character dump

  DaEezT, level 9 warrior, killed the Butcher
  in Butcher's Hideout, after 7435 turns.
  He scored 138484 points, killing 370 hellspawn.

  He advanced to level 9 gainging 52564 experience.
  He found 2345 gold coins.

-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Strength   40/40
  Magic      10/10
  Dexterity  20/23
  Vitality   55/55

  Life 146  Mana 18
  Armor 14  ToHit 60

-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

  [ Head   ]  nothing
  [ Neck   ]  nothing
  [ Torso  ] quilted armor [10]
  [ Weapon ] berserk sword of dexterity (10-20)
  [ Shield ]  nothing
  [ RRing  ]  nothing
  [ LRing  ]  nothing

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

  potion of Full Healing
  quilted armor [9]
  falchion (4-8)
  2345 gold coins


My inhuman warrior was able to wield a berserk sword with only 40 str, even though the items.ini says 100. Good thing this bug exists or I would have died for sure ;)
I just noticed that "He found 2345 gold coins." is the amount I had in my inventory when I killed the Butcher. Wouldn't it be more interesting to show the total amout a character found during the game (including any gold spent or gained through item sales)?

Another minor thing:


The health/mana globes can obscure the lowest dungeon row (or however you want to call it). But it doesn't seem to have any negative effects (the wall hidden by the globe still blocks my character).

And still no invisible monsers D:
« Last Edit: November 27, 2006, 09:54 by DaEezT »
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Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2006, 09:59 »

Yeah I know there's still no Attrchecking while wielding weapons :). But the thing that impresses most is that the fact that you found a ego-berserk sword :D.

As for the globes obscuring vision, I knew about that. But as the edge-tiles of a map are always impassible and never have any features, I decided that it's easier just to ignore this glitch, then to make a twice as fat wall along the borders.
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2006, 10:34 »

hmhmhm somehow the effect if the items.ini is strange.
I tried to eliminate mana potion drops to increase the number of healh potions, so edited the file and set level and price to the same values as the berserk sword. But after killing only 8 zombies a was rewarded with a shiny new potion of full mana.
I even tried setting "level" to 99 but I am still able to find them on level 1...
For comparison: I reached the Butcher twice and church level 4 three times and only came across one (1) berserk sword.

Two more things I noticed:
- wearing rags never leads to a armor warning text (the orange/red text at the bottom of the screen).
- magic items aren't blue in the inventory and shop screens

PS: I also noticed what you did to the logger
"Morality is merely a convention with which men mutually agree to delude themselves. There are no moral facts, just preferences, and one is no better than any other."

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2006, 10:40 »

hmhmhm somehow the effect if the items.ini is strange.
I tried to eliminate mana potion drops to increase the number of healh potions, so edited the file and set level and price to the same values as the berserk sword. But after killing only 8 zombies a was rewarded with a shiny new potion of full mana.
I even tried setting "level" to 99 but I am still able to find them on level 1...
For comparison: I reached the Butcher twice and church level 4 three times and only came across one (1) berserk sword.
Because similary to original Diablo, health and mana potions are generated by a separate independent procedure. (see Jarulf's guide)

Two more things I noticed:
- wearing rags never leads to a armor warning text (the orange/red text at the bottom of the screen).
That's because they have such a low durability (4 AFAIK). I don't remember if they had the armor warning in original diablo.

- magic items aren't blue in the inventory and shop screens
The menu system doesn't support different entry colors. But come to think of it that could be fixed (the problem is that it needs two colors -- selected and deselected -- ego items are lightblue (blue is to dark) and artifacts will be gold (yellow aka lightbrown) -- so they would both be white when highlited...).

PS: I also noticed what you did to the logger
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2006, 10:49 »

That's because they have such a low durability (4 AFAIK). I don't remember if they had the armor warning in original diablo.
I assumed that the game simply displays the orange/red text when durability drops below a certan percentage. It's not needed for rags and as long as it works with everything else (and it does as far as I tested it) it's fine.

The imp that writes the "log.txt" in my DiabloRL folder. It doesn't contain the values the game read from the inis anymore and also doesn't show "generating xyz". Not that I really care but as I said: I noticed :p
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Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2006, 11:30 »

That's because they have such a low durability (4 AFAIK). I don't remember if they had the armor warning in original diablo.
There was "orange" picture for items with 2-5 durability and red one for those with 1 durability (I remember that because I found Thinking cap - which has 1 dur max - once and had the dur warning icon)
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Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2006, 12:11 »

I assumed that the game simply displays the orange/red text when durability drops below a certan percentage. It's not needed for rags and as long as it works with everything else (and it does as far as I tested it) it's fine.
It is so -- it's just that the percentage is "below 25%" and "below 10%" -- which for an item of durability of 4 means that it never happens unless the item is destroyed (dur 0/4) :)

The imp that writes the "log.txt" in my DiabloRL folder. It doesn't contain the values the game read from the inis anymore and also doesn't show "generating xyz". Not that I really care but as I said: I noticed :p
Ah, those are debug messages -- I add them as I need, and usualy forget to remove them :D
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz

Malek Deneith

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Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« Reply #24 on: November 27, 2006, 12:56 »

It is so -- it's just that the percentage is "below 25%" and "below 10%" -- which for an item of durability of 4 means that it never happens unless the item is destroyed (dur 0/4) :)
Not true - it's 5 dur for "orange" and 1 dur for "red" regardless of how much durability the item has (and I DID confirm it ingame just a second a go)
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Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2006, 08:15 »

Minor bug:
"Item to repair" messages overlap with level up message.

You could show "Level up" only if there is not enough place for the whole message.

Code: [Select]
    ----               ##...............##.......?....+                 ####
---######------------------------- shield  Up, enter character screen -######---
   ######                     mace (1-8) (Dur 9/32)                    ######
    ####                                                                ####
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