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Author Topic: Assemblies thoughts  (Read 15749 times)


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Assemblies thoughts
« on: February 18, 2011, 10:30 »

I'm curious as to what others are thinking about the Assemblies so far.

First: Speedloader Pistols are really, really good. They solve the major problem of a Marksman build, and thanks to the Chained Court change and the starting AoM mod (reset for Technical), they're very easy to assemble. I think the Speedloader is better than any other Pistol Assembly, Exotic, or Unique, with the singular exception of the Blaster (which does the same thing, just better); its speed advantage is just too much for the others to supplant. (Though I'll never say no to the Jackal, because the ability to break walls with a pistol is godly. The Blaster and Energy Pistol do that too though, I think...) It's good enough that I'd consider going for two even if you needed Whizkid, since I don't run MGK.

Second: Power Armor is the best armor in the game. Anything that could be better is much harder to assemble, requiring multiple Uniques and Whizkid and resulting in something with less move speed and knockback resistance. (See: Nanofiber Skin Cybernetic. Nanofiber is just terrible in general.) The problem is, it's so good, there's no real reason to use the Nano Pack on anything else, and a good number of assemblies require it.

Third: Tactical Armor and Boots are probably tied at my second favorite Assembly (after the Speedloader). Not having to carry any Green or Blue Armor is really nice for inventory space, and the Tactical Boots are the best footwear thanks to their move speed and knockback resist. (Phaseshift is a little slower and it adds to knockback, so it's not worth it unless you find the armor too.) The new Chained Court also means you can get one of them guaranteed on every run if you want it.

Fourth: When would you actually use High Power Weapon as it stands? You might if you're running Ammochain, but I don't think you can add Agility Mods to a High Power Weapon even with Whizkid, so accuracy is a problem even if reloading isn't. Most builds don't run Reloader unless you're running Shottyman, but Shotguns can't be modded with High Power and neither can Rocket Launchers, so Fireangel can't use it, either. (I'm pretty sure you CAN mod a Missile Launcher to be High Power, which seems like more reason to go to the Wall in such runs. Add a Bulk first and it's a three-shot 6d8, which is a fair trade.) You could put it on a BFG, I guess. I think you should be able to use it with the Combat Shotgun, though; yes, it might be a bit of an automatic inclusion in builds with Shottyman, but looking at the above items, I'm guessing that isn't why it was excluded.

The mechanic is really good, if a little inconsistent in the power levels. I'm looking forward to reading about the Master assemblies whenever the recipes are found!


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Re: Assemblies thoughts
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2011, 11:21 »

High power plasma + 2 x Th + 3 x SoaB + MAc ((1d10+3)*8)= roughly the same damage as BFG (10d8) AND no need of ammo. It possesses the power of absolute and ultimate destruction, making it so good that even it's lack of accuracy doesn't darken it's shining power. On HNTR everything and everywhere gets pwned immediately after you get this rifle.

Edit: Knockback is the blessing in most cases, unless it's melee or some other cases. So the fact that Phase set grants increased knockback is a good side, not bad.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 13:00 by ZZ »
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Re: Assemblies thoughts
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2011, 11:44 »

High Power Pistol would work really nicely with MGK, since it gives the pistols slightly more damage than the lack of SoB (through blocking).  Since you autoreload your pistols on each kill in MGK, and High Power Pistols have limited magazine size, it seems like a really nice fit for any Marksmanship-styled run.

Actually, after I'm done dying from my AoMs runs, I will go for AoMr using MGK and some high powered pistols just to see how much more useful they get.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 12:07 by thelaptop »
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Re: Assemblies thoughts
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2011, 12:00 »

Regarding High Power assembly - managed to mod BFG with it once. It turned into a lovely weapon of utter anihilation. It was nice on shotguns too, before ability to mod them with it got removed in one of later betas :(
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Re: Assemblies thoughts
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2011, 13:50 »

It kind of depresses me how many of them need the unique mods and, by extension, how rarely you'll ever get to play with them.

I've been using the tactical rocket launcher and assault rifle combos most.


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Re: Assemblies thoughts
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2011, 14:26 »

There is a way to get those unique mods in the game. It's not guaranteed, but trust me: If you play often enough you'll find a way to get them.
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Re: Assemblies thoughts
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2011, 14:26 »

High Power Pistol would work really nicely with MGK, since it gives the pistols slightly more damage than the lack of SoB (through blocking).  Since you autoreload your pistols on each kill in MGK, and High Power Pistols have limited magazine size, it seems like a really nice fit for any Marksmanship-styled run.

for the high power pistol, I recommend 2d6/4.  usually for high power stuff I like the more powerful way, but 6 bullets in total was definitely not enough for me.  I also wonder if dualwielding speedloader and 2d7/3 makes sense - a strong barrage to start, and quick reload to followup.

The gatling gun seems decent for AoMC, or Cateye games.  Not needing to make the assault rifle is a nice bonus, since those mods have other uses.

any thoughts on the elephant gun?  I found that in any given situation I'd rather have either the combat or the double.  I'm thinking it would be great with juggler, though.  perhaps also in AoMC.

and I can second how awesome high-powered combat/assault shotgun was - the former made AoHu seem quite doable.
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Re: Assemblies thoughts
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2011, 14:59 »

I'm curious as to what others are thinking about the Assemblies so far.

First: Speedloader Pistols are really, really good. They solve the major problem of a Marksman build, and thanks to the Chained Court change and the starting AoM mod (reset for Technical), they're very easy to assemble. I think the Speedloader is better than any other Pistol Assembly, Exotic, or Unique, with the singular exception of the Blaster (which does the same thing, just better); its speed advantage is just too much for the others to supplant. (Though I'll never say no to the Jackal, because the ability to break walls with a pistol is godly. The Blaster and Energy Pistol do that too though, I think...) It's good enough that I'd consider going for two even if you needed Whizkid, since I don't run MGK.

Eh. I like the GCB too much - if I'm correct, SoG applies to each bullet, and the extra power makes up for the extra reload. Just have to keep it in the Prepared slot so it dualreloads properly.

As for the elephant gun, it should be really good with Shottyman, particularly until you get MAD, since it has very good damage with a longer range and without armor cutting it as badly. I haven't had a chance to try it, though... not for lack of effort, mind you. With MAD, its advantage over the Double Shotgun is reduced, but it's still got good power at longer range than the Double.

And I think High Power's high power probably makes up for the reduced accuracy in MAc. <- Based on inaccurate info please no shooty me. Also if it can be put on the Laser Rifle, well, that's pretty self-explanatory. Very unlikely to happen in most games, but...
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 20:17 by Thexare »
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Re: Assemblies thoughts
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2011, 19:23 »

...there's no real reason to use the Nano Pack on anything else, and a good number of assemblies require it...
...the Tactical Boots are the best footwear...
Gravity boots. I'll agree they are hard to make and the Tactical boots are really good for how common they are, but the Gravity boots are amazing. Sure nanofiber isn't as good as Power armor, but with an insane move speed, who cares?

When would you actually use High Power Weapon as it stands? ...
Cateye builds, actually anything with EE and SoB. Maybe just EE really. A high powered chaingun is doing 1d9x4, which chews through a lot of things. It helps save plasma for when you really need it. Reloading shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as you have a backup plasma rifle for all the cells you are saving. Plus you can shoot in the dark without feeling like you are wasting ammo, up until dlevel ~20-30. Unfortunately without EE, accuracy is going to be a problem, so a high powered weapon seems out of the question.
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Re: Assemblies thoughts
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2011, 01:54 »

I tend to use the high power assembly only if I'm not planning on investing in WK (such as not having time to work through Fin): otherwise P3 does the same thing, even if it's harder to get the pieces for it, and another WK would let you mod even further. In most cases, there are better ways to put the mods to use.

Speedloader's great but, again, the lack of additional modding does add a potential cost factor. P3T2 (or P2T3) pistols are VERY powerful weapons, so it's good to have a spare pistol or two to change up your game later on.

The tactical set is awesome, not really much else to say about it. A-modded phase boots beats the tactical ones but not by much, though I'd definitely use the former in an Ao100 run (because you're bound to find the armor); the armor is a great way to free up space because of the regen.

Right now, based on my testing, there are eight different ways to use the Nano Pack in assemblies, so I can't say it's always the best pick. Gravity boots are really awesome, as is plasmatic shrapnel and nanomanufacture ammo. Keep in mind that power armor CAN be destroyed, unlike the skin version: I'd probably prefer a nanofiber skin phaseshift armor over power armor, in fact. In a typical game, it's a great way to go, but there are certainly a number of options depending on what you actually need or want.

I probably shouldn't say too much based on my own testing, since this stuff is real new an' all. I'd rather there be a lot more easier-to-access assemblies in the adv and master sections, however, so I'm gonna try to figure out a bunch of good possibilities.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2011, 01:55 by Game Hunter »
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Re: Assemblies thoughts
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2011, 12:26 »

Man, I don't know if this is a bug or not, but (the wikipedia says you don't need WK) in the midst of my AoMr run, it wouldn't let me assemble that high powered pistol until I got a point in WK. I hadn't tried any of the other assemblies that are supposedly doable without level 1 WK though, and I've already taken the talent so I can't test further. Anyone know what's up with this, or am I just dumb?


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Re: Assemblies thoughts
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2011, 14:24 »

Man, I don't know if this is a bug or not, but (the wikipedia says you don't need WK) in the midst of my AoMr run, it wouldn't let me assemble that high powered pistol until I got a point in WK. I hadn't tried any of the other assemblies that are supposedly doable without level 1 WK though, and I've already taken the talent so I can't test further. Anyone know what's up with this, or am I just dumb?
Wait, what? Needing WK to get a high power pistol? The only pistol assembly that requires the use of 1 WK point is the Storm Bolter, which uses the TBF (Tech, Bulk and F-Storm) assembly. It's kind of impossible that kind of thing would happen normally, so I'm inclined to think it was a bug.
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Re: Assemblies thoughts
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2011, 14:37 »

it wouldn't let me assemble that high powered pistol until I got a point in WK.
Quick test: if you have access to AoHu, you should be able to assemble a high power pistol on turn one. Try that first and, if it doesn't work, take a screenshot including the lines where it wouldn't take and post it as a bug.

The only pistol assembly that requires the use of 1 WK point is the Storm Bolter, which uses the TBF (Tech, Bulk and F-Storm) assembly.
There's also energy pistol, which is so far the only use out of the sniper pack.
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Re: Assemblies thoughts
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2011, 14:48 »

Unfortunately AoHu isn't unlocked for me yet :( My computer just rebooted itself spontaneously, so my current game is lost, and I guess I can try to reproduce what I did, no guarantees though.


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Re: Assemblies thoughts
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2011, 16:46 »

As I expected, I was able to assemble the high powered pistol just fine this time, I started a new AoMr. Must have just been a one time thing. Don't I look quite the fool.

edit: Can I just say here that dual wielding high powered pistols seems to be awful? They take the same time to reload as regular pistols and their clip is only half as large so if you don't kill whatever you're firing at (easily done when you're fighting cacos+) or you're fighting more than one thing at a time you're just forced to take tons of extra damage. If you've got two pistols each with a power mod, you've got more damage per clip with the same reload time and you don't even have to waste a bulk mod that halves the clip size. Sup with that?

Also this is pretty off topic but another thing that I noticed in that is that the +dodge talents don't really seem to mesh well with the pistol build. With the pistol you're mainly sneaking around the sides and corner shooting and doing other sorts of blind fire tricks, along with luring enemies one at a time. In any case, you're rarely being exposed to direct fire, and when you are, you have to stand still while firing unlike with shottyman build, which happens to be one of my favorites. Am I misunderstanding a fundamental aspect of the combat here or is the MGK build not really the ideal? Dodgemaster works really well against cybie, because you know exactly when he isn't going to fire, but I have a really hard time applying the same concept against other tough opponents like Bs or As.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 17:07 by bleak »
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