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Author Topic: NOOBTIP:  (Read 19118 times)


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« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2011, 19:28 »

Wear Gothic Armor with Gothic Boots next to arch viles and mancubi. You'll need all the protection.
Despite what you may think, double shotguns are entirely effective at long ranges.
Shotgun guys need hugs. Take off your armor and give them one!
There's always cells around the corner. Let loose with your high power BFG9000 at that former human!
You should always wait to use medpacks - I mean, nothing's worse than being less than fully efficient, right? Also, you can get by with 12 health. Don't sweat it.
Out of shells for your combat shotty with many many demons in front of you? Do a full reload - you're going to need all the ammo.
Get Eagle Eye on AoMC, to get rid of that last 2% of possible missing.
Playing pacifist? Get SoaB, to show those demons that you're too much of a man to take down!
When 'zerking, make sure to switch to your fists - you don't get the damage boost otherwise, just like in Doom.
Don't worry, the Trigun's alt-fire won't hurt you (aside from the -5 MaxHP, of course).
Arch viles still have the warmup time for attacks that they did in Doom 2. Peeking out from cover, firing at them for two turns, and going back into cover works.
Not enough room to store some bullets you found? Drop a large medpack - you're never going to need it anyway.
You can fire and move at the same time, just like in Doom. Take advantage of this by circlestrafing the Cyberdemon.
You don't lose accuracy when running in Doom, and you can run forever. The same thing applies in DoomRL.
Don't worry, the projectile splashes you see are completely harmless, like in Doom. 'Cept for the Cyberdemon's rockets, you still want to avoid those.
Arachnotrons aren't a big deal, so long as you use weapons like the double shotgun. There's still a pain chance, and shotguns trigger it much more often.
Chainfire groups of arch viles. You really do need the extra firepower for them.
You can survive nukes with the insane amount of armor berserk packs give you.
Just because you're fighting Hell doesn't mean you should be un-gentlemanlike. Always give off warning shots before attacking something, and make sure they can see you.
Stay in the mid range of arachnotrons, and never get within their melee range. If you're right next to them, you won't be able to dodge their plasma, right?
Stand next to walls when fighting revenants so you can swerve to the left/right and have the missile hit the wall, not you. Again, there's no splash damage, so you don't need to worry about that.
Speaking of the revenant, the Revenant Launcher locks onto enemies. Fire it in any direction. Also, fire it right next to you for the largest cone of vision.
Phase devices aren't worth picking up. If you need to use them, then you're doing something wrong. Homing phase devices are even worse - their only use is for being a lazy bum.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 19:37 by Generic »


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« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2011, 21:15 »

Gen: I so totally would do Eagle Eye in AoMC, but that's because Cateye :p
Tormuse doesn't lose, he dies on purpose to lull the demons into a false sense of security.

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« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2011, 02:47 »

Stick around in levels on Nightmare! The monsters enjoy your company.
Take a look to the sky just before you die it's the last time he will!!!


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« Reply #33 on: April 04, 2011, 12:57 »

If you're doing a melee run, nanofiber Cybernetic Armor is a totally excellent idea and you shouldn't hesitate at all.

(I only got away with it thanks to phase devices and ITYTD.)
Logged 22-15-10-0-0 22/43 62/67 (P 349, D 43/67) 36/40 (B19 A12 M5) Arch-Vile CPT

Armorer Platinum and Diamond should be abolished; the Dragonslayer taboo deserves every scrap of mockery it receives.
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