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Author Topic: Quick questions thread!  (Read 553285 times)


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Re: Quick questions thread!
« Reply #690 on: May 21, 2013, 13:38 »

MAD tends to help a lot, I've found out. And of course, shooting at as close a range as possible.
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Re: Quick questions thread!
« Reply #691 on: May 21, 2013, 13:47 »

Is there some trick to doing an AoSh run and not running out of shells?  I'm engaging at close range more often than not, my shotguns have a load of power mods on them, but I keep running out of shells a level or two before the Mastermind.

Do I just need a nano pack?  Or would this all be more ammo-efficent with MAD and an elephant gun?
Not really, just carry a LOT of spare shells- going into Hell with 8 (non-backpacked) stacks and 3 shell boxes is not at all excessive. If you're playing on HNTR or HMP then ammo shouldn't generally be much of a problem.

Also, you don't always need to kill everything on a given floor. Generally you want to, but in a situation like what you described (low ammo a few floors before Spidey) it might be better to just bolt for the stairs and conserve what you have left.
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Re: Quick questions thread!
« Reply #692 on: May 21, 2013, 17:33 »

Quick question: what's Mt. Erebus like? Is it a good idea to go there while doing AoSh?


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Re: Quick questions thread!
« Reply #693 on: May 21, 2013, 18:42 »

Perhaps this will finally give me a reason to experiment without my two favorite basics, Finesse and Hellrunner.  I've been trying Shottyhead so far and it's not getting the job done.  Or I need to be on the lookout for Viles next to sergeants and no friggin' lava to eat the ammo.

Thanks all.


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Re: Quick questions thread!
« Reply #694 on: May 22, 2013, 01:06 »

Is there some trick to doing an AoSh run and not running out of shells?  I'm engaging at close range more often than not, my shotguns have a load of power mods on them, but I keep running out of shells a level or two before the Mastermind.

Do I just need a nano pack?  Or would this all be more ammo-efficent with MAD and an elephant gun?
MAD and elephant gun are very ammo-efficient, so that's a good idea.
However, I believe you are just having bad luck. I've done a AoSh UV YAAM before, and never had any serious ammo problems.
Clearing the Arena rewards you with a shell box, Armory contains one as well (killing the Shambler is not needed there), Military base may contain some in the storage half of the level. Visiting those levels is likely to help a lot.
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Re: Quick questions thread!
« Reply #695 on: May 22, 2013, 01:14 »

Army of the Dead, elephant gun and a box of shells should solve most of your ammo problems.
For the majority of I was one of those "tac shotty best thing evar lyk omg" people but now I highly recommend elephant gun over tactical shotgun. If the game gives you an assault shotgun (or alternatively, should you choose to enter and clear out Mortuary/Limbo and find it there), just ignore it.

And same goes for the Jackhammer. Deceptively badass weapon but it chews through ammo like it's no one's business.

Outside of AoSh--or if you have far too many phase devices to care--you can take down the Wall/Containment Area to hopefully mitigate some of the ammo problems, since the backpack increases the maximum capacity of ammo stacks. 70 shells instead of 50 shells is nice, but several stacks goes a long way.
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Re: Quick questions thread!
« Reply #696 on: June 05, 2013, 16:21 »

I lost all sanity when I used to get further in this game. I really want to just complete this game as a marine or scout that uses melee for ultimate weapon of choice. I am TERRIBLE at coming up with stat combinations that work so if anyone has a some combinations that work or should work until I reach lvl 10 or the highest you get. Like I said something that works and can be done. I had the idea of playing this game penned when I got further. What killed me was my stats didn't aid me when I got to the spider guys (honestly don't remember name).

Seeing as I regained my sanity maybe someone can post a good build and aid me in losing it again :)


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Re: Quick questions thread!
« Reply #697 on: June 05, 2013, 17:00 »

Go for ITYTD Scout, then, and build toward Blademaster. Grab the guaranteed chainsaw, maybe mod it up a bit, but definitely keep a backup weapon or two, since you're not limited to melee only like an AoB. Brute is your friend, as is Hellrunner, with melee builds.
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Re: Quick questions thread!
« Reply #698 on: June 05, 2013, 19:16 »

I lost all sanity when I used to get further in this game. I really want to just complete this game as a marine or scout that uses melee for ultimate weapon of choice. I am TERRIBLE at coming up with stat combinations that work so if anyone has a some combinations that work or should work until I reach lvl 10 or the highest you get. Like I said something that works and can be done. I had the idea of playing this game penned when I got further. What killed me was my stats didn't aid me when I got to the spider guys (honestly don't remember name).

The spider guys are called Arachnotrons. Everyone hates them. Join us in the hatin'. >:-)
Scout's Blademaster is quite good. This is the build I suggest, and this is assuming you play on ITYTD, which is perfectly fine (though truth be told I haven't played in quite a while):

1. Start with a point in Brute. Clear out Phobos Base Entry and use the shotgun when you take down the former sergeant.
2. Don't descend the red stairs on Phobos-2, because this takes you down to Hell's Arena. While it isn't particularly difficult, it makes Chained Court a little tougher, particularly for builds that focus primarily on melee. At your next level up, get a second point into Brute. This lets you get Berserker on your next level up.
3. Enter Chained Court. Pick up your chainsaw and go berserk. If you haven't already gotten Berserker, do so. Keep your shotgun and plenty of shells around.

4. Next order of business is to get the remaining traits that let you use Blademaster, which are 2 points into Hellrunner, 3 points into Brute, and 1 point into Berserker. Getting two points into Hellrunner is probably a better idea than getting Brute 3 immediately after getting Berserker. Though you might want to read up on how dodging and running work.

I don't really want to say much more than that, as the above steps will at least get you started.
Don't feel pressured to take every red staircase you see, it's not required to clear x number of special stages to get to the last boss or whatever.
Sometimes a build works, and sometimes it doesn't, it just depends on the situation and how badly the RNG has decided to screw you over on your particular run.
Yell some obscenities, flip a table, take a breather (or a drink), do whatever you need to do to calm your nerves and then try again.
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Re: Quick questions thread!
« Reply #699 on: June 05, 2013, 20:09 »

The spider guys are called Arachnotrons. Everyone hates them. Join us in the hatin'. >:-)

Edit: So, in the spirit of this thread, are you supposed to be able to get Explorer/Conqueror from ITYTD? Feeling dejected after the above spoliered mortem, I gave the ITYTD Blademaster run outlined above a go to boost my morale. Lo and behold, in my awards list are Explorer and Conqueror(my first ever), despite many of the special levels being missing(including Mortuary/Limbo, no YAFW for me >.<). This seems odd to me - if I knew I could have cheesed those two badges, I'd have done so ages ago =P I guess technically the achievement(visit/clear all generated levels) applies to ITYTD, since I did complete every level that showed up, but... that's not all of them =P feels a bit cheap(though of course that's never stopped me before, lol).

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« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 21:20 by Sereg »
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Re: Quick questions thread!
« Reply #700 on: June 06, 2013, 03:45 »

Giftdropping is also something hard to deduce by oneself.

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Re: Quick questions thread!
« Reply #701 on: June 06, 2013, 11:17 »

Edit: So, in the spirit of this thread, are you supposed to be able to get Explorer/Conqueror from ITYTD? Feeling dejected after the above spoliered mortem, I gave the ITYTD Blademaster run outlined above a go to boost my morale. Lo and behold, in my awards list are Explorer and Conqueror(my first ever), despite many of the special levels being missing(including Mortuary/Limbo, no YAFW for me >.<). This seems odd to me - if I knew I could have cheesed those two badges, I'd have done so ages ago =P I guess technically the achievement(visit/clear all generated levels) applies to ITYTD, since I did complete every level that showed up, but... that's not all of them =P feels a bit cheap(though of course that's never stopped me before, lol).

Hell's Armory/Deimos Lab, Unholy Cathedral, Vaults, and Mortuary/Limbo never appear on ITYTD. They are simply never generated, therefore are not included in the overall generated special levels count. If you enter all the special stages, you get Explorer, and if you clear all the special stages, then you get Conqueror.

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Re: Quick questions thread!
« Reply #702 on: June 06, 2013, 11:31 »

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Re: Quick questions thread!
« Reply #703 on: June 06, 2013, 13:33 »

Oh you and your cheesing and farming.
YAFW should not be a concern for people learning how to play ITYTD. YAAM, maybe. But definitely not FWs.
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Re: Quick questions thread!
« Reply #704 on: June 06, 2013, 16:08 »

Well, sure, but it's gonna come up anyway. The first thing any player with a nuke and an invulnerability is going to do when he reaches the Mastermind is save himself the trouble of the fight by safely clearing the floor with the nuke, whether he knows about YAFW or not.

It's possible that most players in that position won't know about the nuke BFG active, but that's the only thing preventing it, I think.

I agree with you, I'd be happy to see more special levels in ITYTD, since it is a learning level. I just think I know the reason that particular one isn't there... and it's players like me, lol.
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