I was playing AoRA, flooded a room with acid, ran away wounded, was caught by an imp next to barrel. All as normal. Then I quickly tapped enter to get back the main menu, but at some point during the barrel explosion > death animation > nuke explosion > mortem display the game crashed.
Timestamp : 15/03/2011 10:16:16
Message : Fatal exception encountered
An unhandled exception occurred at $0041BE74 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
$0041BE74 TDOOM__PLAYSOUND, line 103 of src/doombase.pas
$004B2809 TDOOMSOUNDEVENT__DRAW, line 479 of src/doomanimation.pas
$00476158 TTEXTMODEOUTPUT__UPDATE, line 148 of D:/Projects/fpcvalkyrie/src/vtoutput.pas
$004419B3 TUIMENU__RUN, line 818 of D:/Projects/fpcvalkyrie/src/vui.pas
$0041D08A TDOOM__RUN, line 308 of src/doombase.pas
$00402102 main, line 91 of src/doomrl.pas