The following is an archived list of Challenge Champions and Diamond Hunters. Due to the specific criteria of Challenge Champions, only those when this system was created (version will be archived. Diamond Hunters are archived all the way back to 0.9.9, when badges were first implemented.
NOTE: I can only archive diamond badges that appear somewhere on this forum. If you have diamond badges from previous versions and wish to provide proof of them so that they can be properly archived here, follow these steps:
- Create a topic in the Post Mortem forum of the following format: "[MORTEM DUMP] {member name}, {version #}" (e.g., [MORTEM DUMP] Game Hunter,
- Place your mortems in this thread. Each mortem must be in a separate post. Include mortem tags precluding each mortem if you wish.
- Wait until your mortems are verified.
Once verification has been taken care of, all mortems will be linked here with your name in the appropriate badge list.
Before, Challenge Champions were determined via the following criteria:
- Most important is how far you got: reaching the 20th floor is better than reaching the 10th. Consequently, victories are always more qualified than defeats.
- Next is the difficulty: the harder the game, the more your mortem is considered the best. Often there will be cases of runner-ups that were playing on a harder difficulty than the champion's.
- The corollary to this rule is that Nightmare! wins are counted separately from ITYTD-UV ones. Thus there is a best of N! and a best of everything else.
- HOW you win is comes next: full wins are more highly-rated than standard, and standard more highly-rated than partial.
- If there is a tie at this point, medals and badges that require victory in addition to other conditions (e.g., Speedrunner series) will be used to determine the best mortem. Badges that do not require victory are not counted (as there is no way to assume their status in the event that the player has already achieved them before).
- If the weights of the mortems' badges and medals are too close, score will be used to determine the best mortem. (This is effectively a measure of most kills.)
- If the scores are ALSO too close, we will have someone personally determine the best mortem (likely me or Kornel, possibly a group vote). Hopefully it never has to come to that.
Challenge Champions ( Hunters ( Heroic: 2DeviationsOut
- UAC: Q2ZOv, Cotonou, AlterAsc
- Veteran: Tormuse, Zecks, Cotonou, Q2ZOv, AlterAsc, Firstblood, Peter5930
- Strongman: Cotonou, Q2ZOv, Tormuse
- Elite: Tormuse, AlterAsc, Firstblood, Peter5930
- Demonic: 2DeviationsOut, Firstblood
- Berserker: Zecks, Tormuse, AlterAsc, Peter5930
- Marksman: Cotonou, AlterAsc
- Shottyman: Cotonou, , Q2ZOv, Tormuse
- Lightfoot: 2DeviationsOut, Q2ZOv
- Quartermaster: Q2ZOv, Cotonou, Zecks, Peter5930
- Centurial: Cotonou, Gooselord1, AlterAsc, Peter5930,
- Daredevil: Zecks, Cotonou, appuru, Peter5930
- Gatekeeper: Tormuse, Cotonou, Firstblood, Const, Klear, the_scented_llama_of_doom
- Scavenger: Tormuse, Firstblood, 2DeviationsOut, KlearQ2ZOv
- Arena: Q2ZOv
- Longinus: Tormuse, AlterAsc, the_scented_llama_of_doom
- Unaccounted: Technician, Armorer, Eagerness, Inquisitor, Hunter, Masochist, Everyman, Reaper
- Bugged: Destroyer
Challenge Champions ( Hunters ( Technician: 2DeviationsOut
- UAC: Tormuse
- Strongman:Tormuse, Hamster, 2DeviationsOut
- Elite: 2DeviationsOut
- Berserker: 2DeviationsOut
- Marksman: 2DeviationsOut, Tormuse
- Shottyman: 2DeviationsOut
- Lightfoot: Tormuse
- Eagerness: 2DeviationsOut
- Quartermaster: 2DeviationsOut
- Hunter: 2DeviationsOut
- Masochist: 2DeviationsOut
- Daredevil: 2DeviationsOut, AlterAsc, Tormuse
- Reaper: 2DeviationsOut
- Gatekeeper: IronBeer, ZicherCZ, RSO, Former Lurker, glacialxice
- Arena: 2DeviationsOut
- Unaccounted: Armorer, Heroic, Veteran, Demonic, Inquisitor, Destroyer, Centurial, Everyman, Scavenger, Longinus
Challenge Champions ( Hunters ( Technician: Missileboater, Tormuse
- Armorer: Tormuse
- UAC: 2DeviationsOut
- Veteran: Tormuse, 2DeviationsOut
- Strongman: Tormuse
- Speedrunner: Tormuse
- Elite: Tormuse, 2DeviationsOut
- Demonic: Tormuse
- Berserker: appuru, Tormuse, jle, mikee, Gooselord1
- Marksman: Tormuse
- Shottyman: Tormuse
- Eagerness: Tormuse
- Quartermaster: Tormuse
- Hunter: Tormuse
- Destroyer: MaiZure, Tormuse, mikee, AlterAsc, 2DeviationsOut
- Masochist: Tormuse
- Centurial: DeathDealer, Tormuse
- Pacifism: Tormuse, Q2ZOv
- Everyman:2DeviationsOut
- Reaper: Tormuse
- Gatekeeper: MaiZure, mikee, Tormuse, Missileboater, AlterAsc, Const
- Arena: AlterAsc
- Longinus: Tormuse, 2DeviationsOut
- Unaccounted: Heroic, Inquisitor, Scavenger
Diamond Hunters ( UAC: AStranger
- Veteran: Thomas, Firstblood
- Speedrunner: AStranger, Thomas
- Berserker: MIcu
- Shottyman: Game Hunter, Firstblood
- Eagerness: Firstblood
- Quartermaster: Game Hunter
- Destroyer: Game Hunter, sklres, Firstblood, sklres
- Centurial: Tormuse
- Pacifism: Thomas, AStranger, Firstblood
- Reaper: Firstblood
- Gatekeeper: Game Hunter, Firstblood
- Scavenger: AStranger
- Longinus: Game Hunter, sklres, Firstblood
- Unaccounted: Technician, Armorer, Heroic, Strongman, Elite, Demonic, Marksman, Inquisitor, Masochist, Everyman, Arena
Diamond Hunters ( Berserker: AStranger, Tormuse, BirdoPrey
- Destroyer: Tormuse
- Arena: Tormuse, Matandun
- Unaccounted: UAC, Veteran, Strongman, Speedrunner, Elite, Demonic, Marksman, Shottyman, Eagerness, Inquisitor, Quartermaster, Masochist, Centurial, Pacifism, Everyman, Reaper, Gatekeeper, Scavenger, Longinus
Diamond Hunters ( Veteran: ekiM, RogerN, Game Hunter
- Berserker: AStranger, felttippen, Game Hunter
- Destroyer: Game Hunter, UltimateChaos, ekiM, RogerN
- Pacifism: AStranger, Game Hunter, felttippen, rchandra, Tormuse
- Longinus: Fanta Hege, Game Hunter, ekiM, Tormuse
- Unaccounted: UAC, Strongman, Elite, Demonic, Marksman, Shottyman, Eagerness, Inquisitor, Quartermaster, Masochist, Centurial, Reaper, Scavenger, Arena
Diamond Hunters (0.9.9)- Veteran: Dervis (assumed), felttippen
- Strongman: UnderAPaleGreySky
- Elite: Dervis
- Berserker: Gulthorpe, Dervis (assumed), AStranger, Fanta Hege, mikee, felttippen
- Shottyman: Dervis (assumed), felttippen
- Quartermaster: UnderAPaleGreySky
- Destroyer: Dervis (assumed), Fanta Hege, Journey, Styro, AStranger, felttippen, mikee, Ruldra, Sylph, metroidRL, UnderAPaleGreySky
- Pacifism: AStranger, Dervis (assumed), Fanta Hege, mikee, ekiM, So_1337, felttippen, UnderAPaleGreySky
- Scavenger: Dervis (assumed)
- Arena: Dervis (assumed), Fanta Hege, sorear
- Longinus: AStranger
- Unaccounted: UAC, Demonic, Marksman, Eagerness, Inquisitor, Masochist, Centurial, Reaper