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Author Topic: Some Strategies  (Read 9210 times)


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Some Strategies
« on: November 10, 2011, 12:44 »

After watching GameHunter's videos on youtube, I ended up playing this obsessively for over a week.

I made it to night 7 using the following build:

Night 1:
Str 10
Dex 13
End 12
Wil 10

1 point in running

It felt like Wil was a weak stat, and dex was the most powerful, as it increases your hit rate and decreases enemy chance to hit.  I took 2 points in End so I can take running (best skill for my play style).

Night 2:
Str 11
Dex 13
End 12
Wil 10

2 points in running

I am going to max out running asap, and go towards sweep attack, because later on I will inevitably become swarmed.

Night 3:
Str 12
Dex 13
End 12
Wil 10

3 points in running

Night 4:
Str 12
Dex 13
End 12
Wil 10

1 point saved

3 point in running
1 point in sweep

I am saving up a point to pump my dex to 14

Night 5:
Str 12
Dex 14
End 12
Wil 10

3 points in running
2 points in sweep

Night 6:
Str 13
Dex 14
End 12
Wil 10

3 point in running
3 points in sweep

Now I'm going toward impale.  This is a useful skill for adding extra damage.

Night 7:
Str 14
Dex 14
End 12
Wil 10

3 points in running
3 points in sweep
1 point in impale

Night 8:
*I died here

Str 14
Dex 14
End 12
Wil 10

1 point saved

3 points in running
3 points in sweep
2 point in impale

I am now saving points for 15 dex.  If I survived longer I would have continued putting points in to impale, then jump, and then pump str to 16, and start on whirlwind.  After 16 str, I would put the rest of the points in to dex.

Equipment studies.  This is how much items you recover/produce every day.  I didn't actually write down notes, this is from memory and may be off.  You also recover a seemingly random amount of hit points every night.

36 bolts, up to 72
1 cannon shot, up to 4
2 knives, up to 10
2 bombs, up to 5
1 dust, up to 4

I would like to hear some strategies or builds that work well.

Game Hunter

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Re: Some Strategies
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2011, 13:59 »

I actually ended up making another video: it was posted today. I don't think I make a lot of progress with regards to getting better, but I'm definitely learning a lot about the game.

Among the four stats available, dexterity is by far the most important, perhaps overly so. Having the ability to hit enemies (and probably dodging, though it just feels too random for me to notice) would appear to supercede practically all other considerations other than needing certain stats for skills. Strength is useful to some extent (one-hitting is what you should hope for against weak enemies), likely the second-most important skill. Endurance and Willpower, for the most part, seem to be stragglers, not providing a whole lot of what they give. Willpower's quickening of pain loss is good (as I learned in the last game in the video) but ideally you should try to avoid taking damage as much as possible anyway.

As for the skills, running seems to be worth leveling but sweep comes first for me: getting that skill to the point where using it can be done effectively without too much retaliation could very well be key against groups. Ironman, like Endurance, is pretty worthless: if it were to also give a (very very) slow regeneration of health, I'd probably get at least one point. The other skills I wouldn't know, never got to a point where I could get them. Whirlwind is sweep+ (although I bet it's got a nasty cooldown, making it less useful considering you already have multiple levels in sweep); impale and jumping are probably situational things and, again, the cooldown of abilities always seems like they can only be used in JUST the right circumstance.

I'll be taking the time to play this game some more so I can figure out what's the best way to get far (given so few options, I imagine there is a single "best"). I'm hoping that such a build (given proper tactics) will bear consistent results: even if this game is technically a roguelike, it's almost completely action-oriented (that is, extremely limited exploration and resource management) and, as such, should try to be appropriately difficult during combat.

Also, welcome to the forums!
« Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 14:01 by Game Hunter »
I'm just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.

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Re: Some Strategies
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2012, 07:04 »

Not a lot of love for impale?
I always max it before touching sweep - better to run away when you're surrounded, and impale helps you to keep mobile whilst targetting the biggest threats. Also good against bulldemons and saves waiting a turn for the enemy to close before attacking.
I also think that willpower seems pretty underrated on here, being able to run a lot is literally a lifesaver.
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