(First post, so tell me if I've screwed up by putting this in the wrong place or asking something that's covered in a guide already, or something.)
So I first found DoomRL a while back, but I've got really into it as of (I love Nethack to bits, and this game is a neat variation of the mechanics with a completely different play style. I like it.) Done a bit of wandering around, and made my way down to the depths a few times, but I don't quite seem to be able to make that final push to an actual win yet. (Mancubi and revenants destroy me too low down, and I haven't yet found a decent armor setup.)
The Nethacker in me has me going for 100% kills on every level, which I'm not sure is the right way forward. (It also has me trying to batter things with big swords, which is probably why my best runs so far have been AoB.)
Notes on current progress:
ITYD: 3 deaths and a max of level 17 on one "ignore everything and bolt to the Hellgate for the Gatekeeper Bronze" run.
HNTR: 219 deaths (almost all first-three-level AoBs) and a max of level 22; the AoB run of my life, but taking a look at the Mortuary on a run without the City Of Skulls was probably an error. (AoB runs have two big hates: arachnotrons and arch-viles. Yeah.) Also had an AoB level 21 run that got careless in the Spider's Lair.
HMP: 190 deaths (I started playing the game on this difficulty, which probably wasn't smart) and a max level of 18; just a plain ol' run that eventually got arch-viled to death.
UV: 25 deaths and a max level of 14; going for the Arena Silver, I eventually found (from a brief browse around the forums) that AoMC was the way to go. A couple of lucky vaults got me a gatling gun before I went in and the rest was history - until I ran out of ammo and armor and got arch-viled. Again.
N!: Not yet.
Badges: Check the sig. The platinum was Armorer.
Medals: Hell Champion, Hell Armorer, and UAC Bronze and Gold (I've read elsewhere that the Silver doesn't stack. It really should; I get the argument for why it doesn't, but... ugh.)
Challenges: Done most of the Bronze badge challenges except Hunter and Masochist. Made level 17 on Marksman and 21 on Shottyman (both HNTR).
So yeah. Any thoughts or advice on how to make the big push towards the end to finally get my first win under my belt?