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Author Topic: [M|AoOC|17%|YAVP] I like AoOC...  (Read 3747 times)


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[M|AoOC|17%|YAVP] I like AoOC...
« on: January 06, 2012, 20:21 »

Picked up .9.9.5 a few days back. Spent most of my time on AoMr runs only to die horrible deaths to stupid things... and the more luck I had with equipment, the stupider the death. So, switch to something else: AoOC--

 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Adam Ring, level 3 Arch-Vile Warrant Officer Scout,
 sacrificed himself to kill the Mastermind on level 8 of Hell.
 He survived 2775 turns and scored 14985 points.
 He played for 4 minutes and 52 seconds.
 He didn't like it too rough.

 He killed 15 out of 84 hellspawn. (17%)
 Who gave him the ticket to hell, anyway?
 He was an Angel of Overconfidence!

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 4
  Levels visited   : 1
  Levels completed : 0

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  Daredevil Gold Badge

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 0/60   Experience 3066/3
  ToHit Ranged +0  ToHit Melee +0  ToDmg Ranged +0  ToDmg Melee +0

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

  Class : Scout

    Ironman          (Level 1)
    Hellrunner       (Level 2)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   nothing
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   minigun (1d6)x8 [200/200]
    [c] [ Boots      ]   nothing
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   shell box (x79)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] combat pistol (3d3) [14/15]
    [b] assault shotgun (7d3) [6/6]
    [c] green armor [1/1] (100%)
    [d] combat knife (2d5)
    [e] large med-pack
    [f] 10mm ammo chain (x124)

-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------


-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    8 imps
    3 arachnotrons
    1 revenant
    1 mancubus
    1 arch-vile
    1 Spider Mastermind

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He left level 3 as soon as possible.
  On level 3 he entered the Vaults.
  He came, he saw, but he left.
  He left level 4 as soon as possible.
  He left level 5 as soon as possible.
  Then at last he found Dis!
  He overloaded a nuclear plasma rifle on level 8!
  On level 8 he finally sacrificed himself to kill the Mastermind.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 Are you sure you want to overcharge the nuclear plasma rifle? This will
 overload the nuclear reactor... [Y/n] You overcharge the nuclear
 plasma rifle! Warning! Explosion in 10 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 9 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 8 seconds! There is a lever here.
 You pull the lever... Warning! Explosion in 7 seconds! There is a lever
 You wear/wield : a minigun (1d6)x8 [200/200] Warning! Explosion in 6
 seconds! There is a lever here.
 Warning! Explosion in 5 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 4 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 3 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 2 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 1 seconds!
 You feel relatively safe now. Congratulations! You defeated the Spider
 Mastermind! Press <Enter>...

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 421 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 331 of those were killed.
 5 of those were killed by something unknown.
 18 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
 And 52 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.

 16 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
 4 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
 8 killed the bitch and survived.
 4 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.


Scout was an obvious pick for this one-- being woefully undergeared and underlevelled meant running straight down the stairs, whether it was an extra floor or a normal one, was the best option. Taking two levels of Hellrunner was done to aid in this endeavor, as well as possibly getting Dodgemaster for the big fight against the Cyberdemon. Luckily, there were two invulnerability orbs and managed to skip five floors with it on, including two Arachnotron caverns. On the final floor, it was a warehouse filled with crates... and the stairs in the far opposite corner.


Sneaking through between the crates in the first two rooms was a trivial task: it was like the forces of Hell had never expected a lone marine to storm its depths. Not a single creature was spotted. Foolishly, Adam left the cover of the crates to swiftly move along the wall in the third and final room. As soon as he stepped around the final crate before the wall, he found himself staring into the ghastly visage of an archvile. Six successive shots of an assault shotgun echoed around the room as he retreated back behind the crate.
Reaching back to reload, he cursed his foolishness as he realized he had made the mistake of a novice, not a hardened marine: he felt a chain of 10mm ammo where there should've been a box of life-giving shotgun shells. Crucial moments were lost as he fumbled to reload his weapon... moments during which he felt the harsh sizzle of boiling metal grate against his ears as his battered armor fell to pieces around him. Cooked rare, Adam unloaded his weapon, through the muzzle, into the arch-vile. It was dead, probably in a hell even worse than this place, he mused.
Resolving to be cautious, Adam patched himself up with his medkits. They didn't seem to do much for the wounds, but at least they kept him alive. He advanced amongst the edge of the crates, rather than the exposed wall he rushed at so excitedly earlier. It was fortunate he did this, for it was here he found a weapon precious beyond all others: the nuclear plasma rifle. Grimly steeling himself against necessity, he felt that this singular tool would be decisive to his destiny. He tossed it in his bag. Laden with destiny or not, his trusty shotgun and shell box were his old comrades here.
Finely honed senses indicated that his final destination lay just a few steps behind the final crate. Having learned from his previous encounter with the arch-vile, Adam poked his shotgun around the corner and fired blindly. The harsh scream of an arachnotron showed that he had guessed correctly. This floor wasn't empty... they were simply waiting for him. Exposed, the arachnotron charged around the corner, but the fierce shotgun blasts kept it at bay, where it couldn't properly aim. With a final blast, followed by a wail, Adam confidently stepped out to find another incensed arachnotron standing over the body of its comrade. Stepping back behind the crate, this arachnotron proved no more intelligent than its partner and quickly fell.
Mentally and physically prepared, Adam began his descent into the Phobos Arena.
Something was horribly, horribly wrong. There was no open floor, punctuated by pillars. The loud, clanking steps, described to him by supposed survivors wasn't there. This wasn't the Phobos Arena. All his training, his knowledge of missile speeds, his honed reflexes, his agility, would be useless against an opponent that didn't fight like that. With a look of determined resignation, he knew that fate had not truly forsaken him and he would do honor to the marines by fulfilling his mission. He pulled out the nuclear plasma rifle.


Sorry about the horrible writing. I kept stopping and starting, so there might be a few disconnects in there. And yes, I forgot about that little change regarding the new boss. Instead of going up against it, totally unprepared and probably losing, I just nuked the floor and called it good.

For the non-literary version of what happened on the last floor, it was one of those crate-floors. I ran into an arch-vile but shot it from around a corner until it died, taking a few hits in the process due to player error. Moving to the stairs, I came across a revenant, but just walked away. (It didn't follow.) Grabbed the nuclear plasma rifle (luckily didn't run into anything else-- it was a few blocks in), headed towards the stairs, ran into arachnotrons... shotgunned those from around the corner and headed down. Really the only interesting floor. The other ones consisted of "Run straight for the stairs a few steps away", "Oh hey, an exposed imp. Shoot it for the xp!" and "Humdeedum. Invulnerability orb. CHAAAAAAAAARGE!" Most of those kills were right after I got my first invincibility orb... and walked into an exposed room with a mancubus and revenant.

As for the post title? I tend to do full clears or Ao100 so I'm used to having an incredible assortment of tools (or medkits) to fall back on. Or, if not that, skills built up well enough to fight, run or evade. AoOC forced me, the player, to not fully explore floors and to play defensively for once.


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Re: [M|AoOC|17%|YAVP] I like AoOC...
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2012, 21:02 »

Was there any reason you decided to not engage the enemy outright?  Despite lacking levels, it isn't too hard to take them down if you fight smart.


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Re: [M|AoOC|17%|YAVP] I like AoOC...
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2012, 21:28 »

First time reaching the mastermind. I didn't look up how it attacks beforehand and knew nothing whatsoever about it... I was going into the fight blind and rather poorly equipped.


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Re: [M|AoOC|17%|YAVP] I like AoOC...
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2012, 11:34 »

Very, very nice writeup!
And congratulations on the win!
DoomRL 0.997: Cyberdemon Brigadier General - Games: 217, Wins: 2/5/3/6/0, Medals: 18, Specials: 64, Asm: 39, Badges: 19/17/16/5/1/Are you kidding?
Jupiter Hell: Inner Circle - first tech build reached and working


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Re: [M|AoOC|17%|YAVP] I like AoOC...
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2012, 18:50 »

Ditto for me. If you get the right stuff, this challenge isn't hard (and not too time consuming to try).
 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Bobby Prince, level 3 Cacodemon Warrant Officer Scout,
 sacrificed himself to kill the Mastermind on level 8 of Hell.
 He survived 7129 turns and scored 15816 points.
 He played for 9 minutes and 57 seconds.
 He didn't like it too rough.

 He killed 67 out of 139 hellspawn. (48%)
 He was an Angel of Overconfidence!

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 4
  Levels visited   : 1
  Levels completed : 0

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  Daredevil Gold Badge

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 0/50   Experience 3656/3
  ToHit Ranged +0  ToHit Melee +0  ToDmg Ranged +0  ToDmg Melee +0

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

  Class : Scout

    Hellrunner       (Level 2)
    Dodgemaster      (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   gothic armor [6/6] (119%)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   assault shotgun (7d3) [5/6]
    [c] [ Boots      ]   nothing
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   shell box (x58)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] rocket launcher (6d6) [1/1]
    [b] plasma rifle (1d8)x6 [34/40] (P1)
    [c] combat pistol (3d3) [15/15]
    [d] minigun (1d6)x8 [176/200]
    [e] green armor [1/1] (100%)
    [f] combat knife (2d5)
    [g] 10mm ammo (x24)
    [h] shotgun shell (x2)
    [i] power cell (x50)
    [j] power cell (x10)
    [k] power cell (x50)
    [l] power cell (x50)
    [m] 10mm ammo chain (x128)

-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------

    Bullet     - internal 0%    torso 50%   feet 0%   
    Melee      - internal 0%    torso 50%   feet 0%   
    Shrapnel   - internal 0%    torso 50%   feet 0%   

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    19 former sergeants
    7 demons
    29 lost souls
    2 arachnotrons
    5 former commandos
    4 pain elementals
    1 Spider Mastermind

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  On level 3 he entered the Vaults.
  He came, he saw, but he left.
  Then at last he found Dis!
  Entering level 8 he was almost dead...
  He nuked level 8!
  On level 8 he finally sacrificed himself to kill the Mastermind.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 You enter the damned city of Dis...
 There is a lever here.
 You pull the lever... There is a lever here.
 Are you sure you want activate the thermonuclear bomb? [Y/n] You use a
 thermonuclear bomb. Warning! Explosion in 10 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 9 seconds! Warning! Explosion in 8 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 7 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 6 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 5 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 4 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 3 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 2 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 1 seconds!
 You feel relatively safe now. Congratulations! You defeated the Spider
 Mastermind! Press <Enter>...

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 31 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 24 of those were killed.
 And 4 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.

 4 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
 1 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
 3 killed the bitch and survived.


Only comment is that the level before the last as a Cave full of As. I some how managed to sneak around them and dodge pretty much every hit to get to the stairs.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 18:52 by subanark »
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