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Author Topic: [] Demon AI Bug  (Read 1548 times)


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[] Demon AI Bug
« on: January 18, 2012, 12:14 »

It's been discussed elsewhere, but since it's not in here I might as well post it. Here's some nice Demons that have found buddies:

Unknown command. Press "?" for help.                                           
 Screenshot created.                                                           
c==========#@........... /   ................/.................#...........#
#.|=......... #  ^.%.....##.......###}####/#.####.#.#...........#
 ========  =.=
==}====..... |#  .##... .##%......#.................#..##.......#
 ======== ===
===}|=======.  # . ##..........##..#.................#...........#
 ======== ===
=========.========  ...........##..#.................#...........#
 # #       
 # #
|      #.#%.......  ===========}|=============}===========================
 # #       
#.#......      ^#  .===============================================
 # # 
|     # #....         #   .========h=======================.#......=....#
 # #     
# #             #   ......========}=============..\...+...##......#
 # #        # #           
|#   ................#.................#...##......#
 # ########## #             #
cc\       #             #    ...............#.................#...........#
fgsfgsfg                   Armor : green armor [1/1] (73%)                     
Health: 75%  Exp:  2/52%   Weapon: pistol (2d4) [6/6] (T1)                     
Phobos       Lev2 

Here they all are several (I mean like 200) turns later:

Run - direction...                                                             
 Run - direction...                                                             
c==========#@........... /   ................/.................#...........#
#.|=......... #  ^.%.....##.......###}####/#.####.#.#...........#
 ========  =
|===}====..... |#  .##... .##%......#.................#..##.......#
 ======== ==
+}+=}|=======.  # . ##..........##..#.................#...........#
 ======== ===
=========.========  ...........##..#.................#...........#
 # #       
 # #
|      #.#%.......  ===========}|==c==========}===========================
 # #       
#.#......      ^#  .=========c=====================================
 # # 
|     # #....         #   .================================.#......=....#
 # #     
# #             #   ......========}=============..\...+...##......#
 # #        # #           
|#   ................#.................#...##......#
 # ########## #             #    ...............#.................#...........#
cc\       #             #    ...............#.................#...........#
fgsfgsfg                   Armor : green armor [1/1] (64%)                     
Health: 60%  Exp:  2/58%   Weapon: pistol (2d4) [6/6] (T1)                     
Phobos       Lev2 

It seems that once two Demons are adjacent to each other, they basically stop moving. I shot at them, and they moved in tandem for about three steps.

You see : water                                                               
 You reload the pistol.                                                         
 ========  =
|===}====......|#...##... .##%......#.................#..##.......#
 ======== ==
 ======== ==
 # #        #
 # #
|      #.#%.........==========c}|=============}===========================
 # #        #.
 # # 
|     # #.............#....================================.#......=....#
 # #     
# #.............#.........========}=============..\...+...##......#
 # #        # #
 # ########## #   
..........# ..................#.................#...........#
cc\       #     ........#   ................#.................#...........#
fgsfgsfg                   Armor : green armor [1/1] (64%)                     
Health: 60%  Exp:  2/60%   Weapon: pistol (2d4) [6/6] (T1)                     
Phobos       Lev2 

Once they come into your sight range, they wake up and begin to chase, although they almost always trip each other up again. It seems they have the best chance to unbug in one-width hallways. Here one of the other pairs woke up randomly and actually got loose:

There's no door you can close here.                                           
 You close the door.                                                           
 # #     ...#.#......=================.......%..#...........=================
 # #
 # #   .....#.#............
 # # 
 # # ....
 # #  ......#.#............
 # ##########.#.............#...................#.................#...........#
\   ....#.............#...................#.................#...........#
fgsfgsfg                   Armor : green armor [1/1] (64%)                     
Health: 77%  Exp:  2/74%   Weapon: pistol (2d4) [6/6] (T1)                     
tired                                                       Phobos       Lev2 

For some reason, reloading my pistol seems to be what unties them sometimes. Maybe it's just coincidence. Because of the nature of this bug and the way Demons move, using the run, wait command virtually guarantees that all possible demons will pair up in a given level:

You see : fgsfgsfg (lightly wounded) [m]ore | floor                           
 Targeting canceled.                                                           
 # #     ...#.#......=
 # #
 # #   .....#.#..........
 # # 
 # # ....
 # #  ......#.#............
 # ##########.#.............#
\   ....#.............#...................#.................#...........#
fgsfgsfg                   Armor : green armor [1/1] (64%)                     
Health: 77%  Exp:  2/81%   Weapon: pistol (2d4) [5/6] (T1)                     
tired                                                       Phobos       Lev2 

That's all I have. Now here's hoping the rest of my UV AoMr run goes well!


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Re: [] Demon AI Bug
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2012, 12:19 »

See here for precedent.

I think we found a typo in the code that relates to this bug, so it should be fixed. We'll need to test a little more before closing the case.
I'm just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.

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