Your comments and judgements, please? :-)
Here you have mine :P
Dodger: (adv., req. HR2, maxlvl 2) Increases your chance to dodge missile/melee attack by x% (to be determined).
This got two votes. Any additional comments on it? Might go hand in hand with a revision of Hellrunner trait to make the combination more balanced.
I'd make this more along the lines of a 1 level only trait that would give you the same amount of dodging you have on hellrunner
even when standing still, firing, etc.
Basher: (adv., req. SoaB2, maxlvl 2) 10%/level chance to cause double damage with weapons up to chaingun.
There's still some controversy about it. Could be of some use for AoMr challenge and Shotties.
I personally don't like it. Chance traits is increasing luck, and to get some planning ahead you'd need something more static.
However, the main idea is nice. Perhaps add something along the lines of decreasing firing time for multi-fire weapons (chaingun and plasmagun). It would add damage (potentially) and it would make it both different and another trait route similar to shottyman for shotguns. Note that this has been suggested before and not by me, I am just saying it again because I like the idea.
Kicker: (adv., req. Fin2, maxlvl 2) Knockback effect of weapons increased by 1/level(?).
Can be useful at keeping the demons at bay, or knocking powerful enemies out of LOS and then cutting the tail.
I find this trait pretty useless. It's not giving the player any
real advantage, and I think all traits should be meaningful.
Ammo stacker: (trait, maxlvl 3) Increases the amount of all ammunition in one inventory stack by 10%/level.
Borrowed this from this RFF. Allows to carry more ammo while keeping precious inventory slots free for other items.
This could be cool if done correctly and perfectly balanced.
Anatomist: (trait, maxlvl 2/3?) Decreases chance of bleeding and bleeding damage, increases chance/damage caused to monsters.
This can be a useful trait, though perhaps the bleeding should be made more deadly to balance it.
I like this idea, under the same conditions as the previous trait, and if killing monsters by bleeding would give you exp.
Well, those were my 0.02€ :P