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Author Topic: Hackmaster 4e OOC  (Read 94893 times)


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Re: Checking for interest - Hackmaster 4e
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2012, 17:19 »

Absentminded Claustrophobic Bad-Smelling Kleptomaniac Nose-Bleeder Hard-Of-Hearing Cleric of Baa
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Re: Checking for interest - Hackmaster 4e
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2012, 14:18 »


Will start rolling immediately.
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Malek Deneith

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Re: Checking for interest - Hackmaster 4e
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2012, 15:03 »

So S.K. Ren woke up and applied officially, raekuul and shark20061 have their characters nearly done. Oh right, Motorheadbanger is making his character as well. I wonder how are the rest of you faring so far?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 15:13 by Malek Deneith »
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Re: Checking for interest - Hackmaster 4e
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2012, 17:01 »

I got a bit overwhelmed reading the rules last night, but I'm about ready to start creating my character.

Malek Deneith

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Re: Checking for interest - Hackmaster 4e
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2012, 17:03 »

Godspeed cannon fodder soldier, and good luck. As always - if in doubt drop a PM and I'll respond as soon as I... well wake up since I'll be hitting the sack soon.
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Re: Checking for interest - Hackmaster 4e
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2012, 04:42 »

Gah, another houserule - on basis that it'd make no sense otherwise when calculating Honor during Step 11, use the final ability scores (but without fractional scores), rather than the ones fro Step 3.

Also - Matt_S I've got your PM, but I'll reply a wee bit later (right now got my hands full between shark20061, SKRen and house related works)
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Re: Checking for interest - Hackmaster 4e
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2012, 22:18 »

Argh, the pressure of selecting a class... I rolled good Dex, and pretty good Int and Wis.  I believe my plausible choices are Thief, Magic-user, Cleric, and Illusionist.  Theoretically I could dump enough BP into charisma to qualify for Druid, and if I'm counting right I would also have just enough BP to qualify for Bard by raising my comeliness and charisma.  My strength and constitution are below average, so any type of fighter is off the table for all practical purposes.  Illusionist sounds pretty sweet, but the ban on invocations/evocations seems pretty harsh. I'd say that's where I'm still leaning, though.  Bard also sounds fun, but dumping all of my BP just for that seems like a bad idea.  What would you guys suggest?

Edit: actually, if I'm reading the steps right, I can pump up my charisma before the comeliness modifier gets applied, so I think that'll save me 4 BP.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 22:26 by Matt_S »

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Re: Checking for interest - Hackmaster 4e
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2012, 01:24 »

I would advise a Thief on the basis nobody picked one yet to my knowledge. But whatever you do I'd advise against Illusionist - while it might look fun on paper and someone experienced could probably use the class to effect, as someone new to RPGs you're likely to regret the choice when it turns out you ended up with all situational and no offensive magic.
Inquisition - saving your soul, one bolter shell at a time.
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Malek Deneith

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Re: Checking for interest - Hackmaster 4e
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2012, 03:51 »

One more houserule - Since there are no cost lists for the "common" spell components I am ruling that spell components that don't have a cost given can be procured - in places where this could concivably happen - at cost of 1 gp for 1d4+1 castings (plus great honor/dishonor bonus/penalty if it applies) or 1 casting if the component does not expire on spellcasting. In addition a starting spellcaster starts with 2 helpings (i.e. 2d4+2) for each spell that he has memorized that needs a component PLUS for up to two non-memorized spells he knows (but no doubling up on one spell, mages also get component for read magic in addition to those). And of course you can spend gold for more 1d4+1 rolls if you need more of some component. Note: This applies to cost-less components ONLY. No freebies on ones that have gp cost listed.

Also - Spell Component weight: neglible. The above rules can be tweaked to make sense for some spell components (for example if something would seem heavy enough to merit a weight) and some components can potentially be gathered in nature but that won't be a guaranteed thing unless you, for example, run into a cave full of bats and gather the guano for fireball spells. And it's probably going to be lenghty too.

Some clarifications for special situations that came up so far:
- if a spell has more than one component you get equal amount of each as part of freebie, but when buying you buy them separately.
- if you have more than one copy of a spell memorized then you get +2 for each copy after first for purpose of starting freebie rolls.
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Re: Checking for interest - Hackmaster 4e
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2012, 06:33 »

Yay, a thief ^^

It would be a shame to not have a Paladin, though. Having a LG Paladin and NE Non-Killing Cleric on the same team would be interesting to play out...
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Malek Deneith

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Re: Checking for interest - Hackmaster 4e
« Reply #25 on: February 15, 2012, 10:52 »

Well the party is rounding out it seems - since by now I'm not expecting Silhar to show up, so as soon Matt_S is done with his character we'll be ready to roll (our d20s).

With this in mind some more things that are worth mentioning:

- Hackmaster has a few things that are measured or dealt out once per session - mulligans for great honor, e.p. and honor rewards etc. Since there is no such thing as a session in online play I'm goign to have to resort to manually assigning boundries of sessions. In general I'm going to try to end "sessions" when your characters are in a fairly safe spot i.e. when healing up or after hauling loot back for selling. Though at times it might happen mid-game (if a lot happens in meantime) or not happen during a rest period (if not enough happens). In either case if you see something along the lines of Session Finished and start getting showered with e.p and (negative?) honor awards that'll be that.

- Coupons. Some of you might've snooped around and noticed those coupons most books have at end. Yes they are a part of the game. Yes they are there to be used. No you should not go apeshit with them. For one coupons are limited to one per player per session, with session being defined as above. For another since we don't have the coupons physically I'm going to put on some more limitation to prevent abuse - namely each player can play an uniquely named coupon only one per adventure (this being defined as a module I run) - i.e. if for example raekull plays "Heal As If You Have Troll Blood" he can't play it again (though another player could) until you finish an adventure, even if in meantime you stumble into another one. You'll be notified when I consider an adventure finished. Lastly, to remain true to Hackmaster spirit - each time one of you will play a Coupon I reserve the right to play a retaliatory coupon, before end of current session, if I so desire. Yes, GM has his own coupons. Of course this goes both ways - if I play a coupon unprovoked you get to play one (as a group, not on each) coupon without threat of retaliation. So play your coupons wisely.

I think this was all I wanted to post for now. Once we start I'll rename this thread into OOC and merge the house rules into the original post.

PS. raekuul - I'm not sure if you noticed but aside from PM about HP there was one about material components for spells ;)
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Re: Checking for interest - Hackmaster 4e
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2012, 11:30 »

I can do thief.  Is it too late to trade 2 points in one attribute for a point in another attribute in step 8?  I don't want this nice int/wis to go to waste.

Also, checking my notes, it turns out I forgot to give myself a 5BP bonus for my loving parent, so I can actually go for a bard with 9 BP left (before the additional class BP get added). It'll require dumping 9BP to get my charisma up to 15, then the 1 bonus comeliness point from my high charisma.  That's BP that could otherwise be spent buffing my weak strength and consitution (8/33 and 7/91) or my already sweet dexterity (14/82), though.  I also

So, thief or bard?  I'll get home in about 5.5 hours so I can hopefully finish my character then.  Oh, also, what sort of skills should I take :/
« Last Edit: February 15, 2012, 11:43 by Matt_S »

Malek Deneith

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Re: Checking for interest - Hackmaster 4e
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2012, 11:51 »

Is it too late to trade 2 points in one attribute for a point in another attribute in step 8?  I don't want this nice int/wis to go to waste.
Afraid it is.

So, thief or bard?
My reccomendation is still thief - bards can't do such vital jobs like expertly breaking lockpicks (open locks) or expertly getting hit with needles laced with save or die poisons (trap finding/disarming)

That's BP that could otherwise be spent buffing my weak strength and consitution (8/33 and 7/91) or my already sweet dexterity (14/82), though.
My recommendation (for thief at least) would be 5 BP into dexterity (16 in prime stat gives +10% xp for most classes), 1 into constitution (to lower that negative hp mod from -2 to -1) and 3 into strength (not much of help, but always 3 pounds more for carrying stuff.

Also remember you'll get BPs for class (12 for thief, 8 for bard) to spend for skills, talents and proficiencies. Picking up proficiency in some ranged weapon (remember that thief proficiencies are limited - there is a note in PHB about it, and the classbook expands the options. Myself I'd go for one of the fancy crossbows from classbook if I had the money. Crossbow, 12-gauge <3) is reccomended.
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Re: Checking for interest - Hackmaster 4e
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2012, 17:52 »

expertly getting hit with needles laced with save or die poisons (trap finding/disarming)
Okay then. >_>


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Re: Checking for interest - Hackmaster 4e
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2012, 22:25 »

I got stuck watching an annoying puppy almost all day, so I didn't get much further :/  I'm on skill selection, and other than some sort of weapon proficiency (probably light or heavy crossbow, maybe one of the cool ones depending on how much gp I can get from my remaining BP)  I'm drawing a blank on what would be a good idea.  And are we equipping in character creation, or just buying stuff at the beginning of the adventure?  If it's during character creation, which category, if any, do I roll against for the availability?

In about 12 hours there will be a gap in my schedule where I should be able to finally finish all of this up as long as I have a good idea of what skills I should get (if I don't I'll probably just grab a crossbow proficiency and complex geometric estimation and endurance because they sound cool, and I guess grooming so I can look dashing), and then we can get started.
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