I'm wondering if it's possible to have more than two stairs in a level. So there'll be one stair that leads to a cave level while another leads to a city level, plus the red stairs to whatever special level that's supposed to be there. If that's possible we could have crossroad like levels where f.e. you can choose to go down the stairs named Infested Ruins for 3 levels of cities, or stairs named Hellish Cistern for 3 levels of water caves, or the unnamed stairs which will be random. Ofc, all the cities will be full of lava barrels and sergeants, all the caves will have far more enemies than is usual for caves of that level and the nameless stairs will be the standard random level with no additional ill intent.
What I'm trying to propose is like a special level where it's not just one fixed level but a series of random levels with odds stacked more than usual against the doomguys. Bastardry such as exceedingly short nuke timers, barrel levels in a row, alarm levels in a row, bad air levels in a row, walls coming down, armors spawned specifically on top of barons/knights, stairs hidden inside destructible pillars/behind walls, stairs in middle of lava, lava/acid flood from both sides of the level, empty levels full of skulls/demons, and semi random combinations of these would be expected.
I realize it'd be a lot of work just making a list of randomly mixable effects that won't make a level completely impossible, not to mention the technical feasibility of implementing something like branching levels in DoomRL code. But I'm pretty certain this kind of thing would be cool. And if it's not possible for DoomRL, and if I'm not delusional, there was a mention of DoomRL2 somewhere around here.