MGK requires DM and the only thing DM requires is patience and ammo(3 stacks should be more than enough), nothing else.Dodge, shoot, repeat.Reloading one pistol takes about 1.2s which is less then 1.5s reload of rocket launcher (including 110% speed of Cybie).
Hey, that's a good point - you COULD chip away at Cybie with just one pistol, counting on the faster reload. I honestly never thought of that. Things always got dicey for me when I ran for a pillar for enough cover to dualreload - it gets you close to a wall, which is bad juju what with the rockets.[/quote]
Safe way to reload two pistols is reload and after that dualreload, which removes 2.4 seconds of being vulnerable problem
Dualreload just saves you from pressing "z" then "r" again - it takes the full reload time of both pistols. So I assume you mean, reload one, then sidestep, and reload the other? Heck you could also whack a convenient wounded Imp or something to reload the other gun and get a free attack in, too. 'Course you're still standing around getting shot at for that time, but it's much better then the alternative.
Well, shows what I know about pistol builds, I guess.