1) About the difficulty, DoomRL is already really easy compared to many other roguelikes. DoomRL won't kill you if you fail to remember that you can engrave "Elbereth" in the floor to repel monsters. DoomRL doesn't require you to memorize the entire table of item weights to identify items. In DoomRL, you won't ever get stuck wielding a cursed butter knife, and the only items that are cursed are either obscenely powerful or the Cybernetic Armor. In DoomRL, death is very rarely random. You got what you deserved for being stupid. If you didn't listen for what's on the other side of the door and you get melted by plasma, it's your fault.
2) About the interface: DoomRL has the best-designed interface of any roguelike I've played. It's simple and elegant, and you can see the entire level on the screen. This is why I don't use the graphical version. If you're complaining about having to learn a new set of commands to play a game, and you can't be bothered to script your own custom commands, then you probably should go back to Call of Duty. Games have different sets of commands. You don't have to be an absolute master to play DoomRL, and nearly everyone can win on ITYTD.
3) On random deaths: They don't happen, except in AoOC, on the start of the game. You need to know what's likely to happen, and to freaking listen. If I hear an enemy on the other side of the door, or near me, I'll back off from the door, and blow it away with a shot or two. Then, I don't have to worry. It's not like ADOM, ffs. You don't have to always open doors diagonally for fear of stone blocks falling on your head. You don't have to carry tons of junk items around to avoid having your weapons blown up by a freaking door. And, you won't ever have to deal with an enemy summoning 12 banshees at the same time, and instakilling you. DoomRL is incredibly forgiving, and it's the least random Roguelike I've played.
To summarize:
I feel that a lot of the complaints about randomness/interface are actually barely disguised complaints about difficulty. In mainstream games, everything is handed to you on a plate. Most of them are of the "Press X not to die" variety, with some going far enough to not actually let you die at all. They are designed so that you can beat the game on your first playthrough. They are more like a movie than a game. With DoomRL, you actually have a hard game. Diamond badges are actually a real accomplishment, and are hailed as such. This is why DoomRL has such staying power and replay value. If you're anything like me, and given that you're reading this you probably are, playing mainstream games will leave an empty, ashen taste in your mouth. It's not like you really did anything worthwhile, because it wasn't a challenge. That adrenaline high that you get when you do something awesome has to be earned. Otherwise, it doesn't mean anything.
I know that I'll catch a lot of flak from the new/casual community for this, but learn to play. This is a game designed to be uncompromisingly brutal, and if you can't handle it, turn down the difficulty. You'll get better eventually, until you can slowly work your way up the challenges, on a bridge built from dead Doomguys. Look at me for an example. I started with dying on HNTR, and I steadily got better. I might be an edge-case, but the potential is there for another DoomRL master.
Personally, I feel that Kornel made an incredible concession in not starting the game's difficulty at UV, and if you're playing on the low difficulties, feel glad that they're there at all. They're there for you to learn.
Kornel: Keep up the good work. And, I want something beyond N! for difficulty. I'm looking forwards to whatever you add to the game.