Ok, since I didn't really get that far yet, I took the rolls I initially made and simply transferred these to DH. I went through all the steps described, which got me the following profile (including all bonuses, xp and cash expenditures etc, x-ref'd with '*'):
Name: Lazerus, Hive World Scum
WS 31 Int 39* Wounds: 12*
BS 37* Per 32 Fate: 3
S 33 WP 37 Wealth: 11*
T 27 Fel 39
Ag 34*
Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic), Scrutiny, Dodge, Deceive, Awareness*, Common Lore (Imperium)
Talents: Ambidextrous, Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Training (SP), Basic Weapon Training (SP)
Gear: Autogun+autopistol (5 clips)*, brass knuckles, knife, gang wear (poor quality clothing)
Divination: rolled 88 (Int+3)*
Starting Advances: BS+5*, AG+5*, Awareness+10*, Sound Constitution*
Purchases: 3 extra clips* for 3 Thrones*
I more or less gave a short concept of my background; if you want me to elaborate (goes for you as well, Klear), please let me know. Otherwise, you'll get a nice impression during play anyhow; I have more than a hunch of what Lazerus - assumed name, of course - thinks and acts like.
If you need me to do anything else, lemme know, otherwise I'm ready.