I just feel like I'm not welcome here.
Or maybe I just simply don't get it, but when someone offers me help and invites me to his house, I react somehow. Not just stand and pretend I didn't hear him/I'm invisible.
Ok, I used to hide behind mommy's skirt when I was ~7, but... is MkLear your mommy and are you seven y.o., guys?
I can even understand this hiding-behind-skirt thing, but maybe you'll write about it?
I'm sorry if interaction with other people is painful to you, but we're not moving to "slashing-goblins" part without it. And if you just want to read some other people, go read a book, because I don't feel like talking to myself.
Seriously, last Silharr's post is mainly written by me. I asked him to send it because I wanted to see if your commitment in play will grow when you realize that you're not dealing with another NPC. And I'm strongly disappointed that it didn't.
I came up with Tamara and all the talk with her to give you some impression of my girl - of how she talks, how she deals with other people in the village. I emphasized the fact that she has some band on her eyes but in some strange way she seems able to see you.
None of this gives you anything to begin with? No thoughts, no strange feeling, nothing?
Or you simply don't give a damn about it and all my effort is for nothing? If so, please say it now, so I could focus on other PBFs where people at least try.