Just started playing this mod, and I must say... Great work here !
Here are the first suggestions which came to my mind (EDIT : I'm really incapable of keeping a feedback short... bah, doesn't seem like a drawback to me) :
Mod promotion :I just found that mod randomly a few days ago, when looking at the last discussed topics, which is quite sad.
I already heard about it (and it looked appetizing), in one of the GameHunter's videos, but I tought it wasn's graphic, and didn't exist for, so I forgot about it.
I'm sure I didn't look enough, but a "variants" section of DoomRL (like for Angband
http://angband.oook.cz/variants.php), e.g., in the wiki, would help a lot finding popular mods.
I know "product promotion" isn't what roguelike players value the most, and I usually hate it too, but seriousely... it's too sad that I ignored doomRL (and now, inferno) for so much time ! The more players we have, the faster and the better the game will improve ! Such awesome things shouldn't stay hidden in a lost forum on a lost website :(
Ennemies :Great enemies added here ! Well, spectres's implementation seems quite hacky, but it's still excellent. All new monsters are annoying, even if I think that hydras & alchys are quite weak, so it's really great. Also, it's good to have a new source of shells in deep levels :)
What about adding the rocket and BFG formers ? (and I'm not kidding ! But BFG guys would have to be very rare, of course. As rare as a BFG itself, I guess. I'm sure they would be a cool replacement for the standing-on-the-floor BFG, just avoid summoning them as level reward ^^)
Starting gear :Make something so that the shotgun start is of some use... maybe add a 50 ammo shell box instead of the shells... which would somehow balance for the lack of 2nd medkit, or remove boots & knife instead of the kit. Currently, finding a shotgun after the first room is really ridiculous :(
Also, I think the starting choice should have some influence on the game. I tought to specials levels, like blood temple (which could be replaced if you don't choose the melee layout, for example), but simple RNG tweaking depending on the starting choice could be cool. e.g. find a
few more medkits & armors in melee build, and have the chainsaw returned as a random drop, or ensure the presence of blood temple. The shotty build could lower the depth level of all shotguns, and make shotguns monsters or ammo a little more present (I really think those tweaks should be
as light as possible, just some quite imperceptible percents, so that we stay far for gamebreaking changes, but I think they would be cool)
Btw, feel free to add the gun & chaingun starting build... and why not one focused on plasma or nuclear weapons ? (no, I don't think of giving a plasma gun at start). I rather tought about tweaking the RNG to make plasma weapons
little more common, and add a few more commandos or arachnotrons among enemies (hey, I wouldn't give such a sweet guns for free !), is worth sacrificing some starting gear, be it one medkit, or the boots & knife... in fact, you might even start with an energy gun, but I guess this would be insanely overpowered, since people wouldn't be forced to trash it, and it's not the purpose of this build.
A "whizkid" start could be cool too, with several mods at start, and an increased drop rate of mods (I miss rare mods so much :( ) Once again, it has to be balanced, so that people don't always pick it, but I think that something like a 15% more mods drops could be interresting without beeing gamebreaking. Btw, some shamblers might appear in levels, to remind you that everything has its costs :p
Levers :-Add a rare-mod depot lever
-Make negative levers significantly more frequent, since it's now quite rare to find dangerous one :( Maybe, create some new levers, like one which starts filling the level with lava/acid, or one putting an armed nuke, filling the air with toxic gas, summon a cybie... (I somehow miss that guy :)
Well, seems some of thoses should be reserved for the highest depth, but my suggestion list isn't exhaustive, and reducing good lever's frequency could be an other interresting option to keep levers dangerous... now, I'm not even sure there's a dangerous lever remaining : monsters summon is often easy to dispose of, and even the once dreaded acid/lava fillers wont kill you anymore with an aegis :(
Secrets :I read about secrets in this topic... and must say that I found my first secret at the 3rd wall I tried to open... very doomish.
Tough, I think some clue should be left to players, so that they know about secrets (whose secrecy is really relative, anyway). If I didn't read this thread, I would never have looked for it by myself...
So, I suggest something like a "Secrets : 0/4" display in the mortem, to give players an idea of the number of secrets they missed, and the place where they could be. Eh, it's the way it worked in Doom after all...
Spoilers :-I didn't even read the changelog before trying the mod : wanted to discover it. But now, I did, and all I learnt is that BFG & chainsaw don't drop anymore.
-I don't want to download & open the sources for this, really... but could you, please, add spoilers with details about what you added in the game ?
-I think the new items descriptions are good, since none left me really wondering what they could do, but I'd like a little more information on some technical points (I guess I'm a curious guy), like new monster's resistances, damages & stats, know if hydras have a limited number of spawns, and so.
Also, the new assemblies are quire frustrating : The exoskeleton, which seemed to be a melee damage improvement ("You feel much stronger"), seems to be a really protective armor, but what does the scout armor do, + to accuracy ? Are the new boots of any use ? I'd think so, but I can't imagine useful boots if they don't provide something else than speed or resistance, and I didn't see my resistances improve.
Overall game improvements :-Choosing starting gear is an excellent idea, dig it please !
-Improved vaults, shambly vault, cool basements, improved caves... well, I already said that mod is awesome, right ?
-Does really invisibility globe count as a powerup ? Does it really have the +50% duration for marines ? It always feels too short (and often useless) for me :( I love the idea, tough. Also, I think it should restore fatigue.
-Why does the hellfire-pack not improve weapon magazines ? Seems it improved dices, sides, and shooting speed... why not add it some A and B capabilities ? it's design to finish the job anyway, I don't think it would make it much more imbalanced :) (When I see how insane a 3d5 hyperblaster is, I can't imagine what super shotgun could be created... 13d6*2 ? with P3H2 ? Oh my... I need to create that !
-Could you add the regular level clearing time in the mortem please ?
Difficulty improvement :-I died in ITYTD, nice work !
-I't good not to find a missile launcher, a backpack, nuclear weapons and BFGS on every game. Random rewards are so much more roguelike-ish !
-A lot of ammo... probably way too much.
-Maybe too much mods too. Err... wait, I love them... don't remove any, pleaaaaase xD Dunno if it's good that way, but I somehow think whizkid (which I always take, anyway), becomes too much valuable.
-Maybe not enough lava in the "3rd episode" levels ? (I didn't visit thoses much yet, might be wrong). Anyway, I hate acid&lava, the same way I hate lacking of ammo. That precisely why I should be drowning in boiling acid, looking desesperately for ammo !
-Interresting new ennemies
-Too much good new levers, definitely. They are insanely cool, but in doomRL, I used to hesitate before pulling them (Well, I often didn't dare). Here, I always pull them.
-I read in the changelog that you added F to the super shotgun -> if it's for a single shoot option, I think the DoomRL superSG was designed to be more powerful, but less flexible than the double shitty. The same way missile launcher doesn't allow rocket jumps :'( I'm not sure buffing such a powerful weapon is the best possible idea.
I was really disapointed by the double shotty & ammo box in the spawning pits. Now, I think I won't hesitate anymore before entering the level :(
-I think a BIG mistake in doomRL is to give more XP on UV than on ITYTD... once you got enough levels, you're nearly invincible, no matter the difficulty. So, why not add a big exp boost to newbie difficulties, so that you gain levels earlier, and nerf exp gain (instead of putting hell knight on floor 2) in harder difficulties ? This would probably change the game a lot, but I'm not sure hordes of monsters are the biggest challenge you can get.
Cornershooting owns most monsters anyway, and shotgun disposes of any masses in a few rounds (<- pun here). Also, once you get some SoB, reloader, or other cool skills, completing the game becomes quite easy.
I'm sure this idea alone would be worth creating a discussion topic about "vanilla" doomRL. Don't you ?