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Author Topic: Da Rulez! (READ BEFORE POSTING)  (Read 19985 times)

Malek Deneith

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« on: December 18, 2006, 13:02 »

Three simple rules of Post Mortem forum:

1. Use tags in the topic's name. Example:

[H|AoMr|86%|17|YASD] Viles suck!

Check the spoiler tag for details regarding the format.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

1a. Tags for mortems involving modules have a slightly different format. You'll want to post everything as shown above, but precede it with another tag of the form "[MOD|mod_name]". Thus, you could have tag that looks like the following:

[MOD|Skulltag] [M|96%|21|YASD]

2. Put your mortem text in the proper tags. If you're using the full reply, highlight the mortem text and use the Insert Mortem button (looks like a red-eyed skull). This is how it should be typed:

Code: [Select]
-- A yellow title wrapped in red dashes ---
DoomRL is yellow
Numbers (1 26 0.992) are displayed in yellow
Normal text is just grey, same with tile layout:

And this is what it looks like:
-- A yellow title wrapped in red dashes ---
DoomRL is yellow
Numbers (1 26 0.992) are displayed in yellow
Normal text is just grey, same with tile layout:

3. Unless the mortem itself is a significant achievement with respect to the mortems on these forums as a whole (Ao100 on Nightmare! anyone?) be sure to post a comment about the run itself or make it otherwise interesting.

Failure to comply to those rules will result in severe burns and getting slapped with a large trout a bit.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: February 03, 2022, 15:58 by Game Hunter »
Inquisition - saving your soul, one bolter shell at a time.
Spoiler: "Hackmaster Kills" (click to show/hide)
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