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Author Topic: [S|Ao100|56%|YAVP] DragonSlayer Special  (Read 14100 times)

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: [S|Ao100|56%|YAVP] DragonSlayer Special
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2012, 16:23 »

Wonderful, because what this game needs is more hidden secrets that the players aren't allowed to know. Tactics is about knowing all the moves you can make and choosing the best one, not blindly fumbling around until something good happens. I can't even count the amount of times I hauled the Arena Master's Staff around without using it, because the game won't tell you what it is for. Eventually I just got sick of it and waited for someone to update the wiki. The first time I (and many others) used the Lava Element the end result was a nuked marine, because the game refused to explain the item. This makes it really hard to try to convince my roguelike playing friends to try DoomRL. The argument I usually hear is "I only have X hours for video games, I want to play a game where all the information is known. so I'll just stick with Crawl".

Sorry about the tangent/rant, I've just kept this bottled up too long. I just wish the game/community didn't actively hide information from the players. For the record I have used the Berserker's Armor before and I've fought Apostles, so this rant isn't because I don't know the secrets, it's the fact that the secrets really take away from the tactical nature of the game. Hidden secrets may be fun for some, but are a massive turn off for others.

Anything related to DS is an easter egg. Considering it a part of *any* strategy is not getting the point at all. DS is such a game-breaker, that considered as anything else than a joke easter egg would be ridiculous. Everything else is on the Wiki. Hence, all strategic information is known.
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Re: [S|Ao100|56%|YAVP] DragonSlayer Special
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2012, 18:01 »

Anything related to DS is an easter egg. Considering it a part of *any* strategy is not getting the point at all. DS is such a game-breaker, that considered as anything else than a joke easter egg would be ridiculous. Everything else is on the Wiki. Hence, all strategic information is known.
I apologize if my earlier post came off as an attack or abrasive, I wasn't trying to offend, I just have no tact. I wasn't trying to imply that hoping for DS to spawn was a strategy, just that in roguelikes a general strategy is to try to get the most use/advantage from every item you find. To a certain subset of players (myself included) there are only so many times you can see DS on the floor or wander around with the BA taking inventory space before it's just frustrating not knowing what to do with either of them (I know now, but I didn't always). They may be easter eggs, but when you are sitting there staring at them they just feel like part of the game. I'm not trying to undermine all the hard work you have put into DoomRL, but on the other side of the coin not all feedback will be positive. I'll agree that with the wiki 99% of the strategic information is known, but once you see DS or BA, a strategic grey area magically appears. Carrying around BA without knowing how to use it isn't a tactical decision, it's sacrificing an inventory slot for optimism. Honestly I felt the same way about the Arena Master's Staff until the wiki got updated.

Again I really do appreciate all the time and effort you (and others) have put into creating DoomRL, I just think the over-powered joke easter egg takes away so much more than it gives. Not to mention DS can trivialize certain challenges that other players have taken a lot of pride getting "legtimately".
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Re: [S|Ao100|56%|YAVP] DragonSlayer Special
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2012, 18:51 »

Not to mention DS can trivialize certain challenges that other players have taken a lot of pride getting "legtimately".
Insert any overpowered exotic/unique/assembly for DS if you want. (Spoiler alert: a LOT of exotics/uniques/assemblies are overpowered.) As far as I can tell, more people than not seem to like the OP gear precisely because of its OPness and its ability to trivialize any strategy necessary for a hard-earned victory. It's rarely as pronounced an effect as with the Dragonslayer, but the end result is the same. I'd be more than happy to balance things out, but it seems to be the case that players simply prefer the status quo. (If anyone wants to refute this, I really hope they will. Make it a discussion, even!)

You're really not missing out on anything of real importance when you can't figure out how to wield Dragonslayer or achieve the "super ultimate ending". That said, I'd still rather remove it outright than publicly release the secret, because a gimmick without a hook isn't much fun at all.
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Re: [S|Ao100|56%|YAVP] DragonSlayer Special
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2012, 19:47 »

I can sort of see both sides of the issue...  On the one hand, it's frustrating to waste something valuable because you didn't know what it did, (Hatred Skulls and similar items come to mind, since I wasted a few of them before giving up trying to figure out how they work and looking at the Wiki) but on the other hand, there is some excitement to be had from discovering something new and figuring out how it works.  Whether or not you get enjoyment out of the latter depends what kind of player you are, I guess.  If you're the type of player who, as you say, wants to get the most use/advantage from every item, then you can go straight to the Wiki whenever you find something new; there's nothing wrong with that.

As for DS and BA, they're so rare that a lot of players haven't even encountered them, let alone become frustrated by them, so I disagree that they "take away much more than they give."
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Re: [S|Ao100|56%|YAVP] DragonSlayer Special
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2012, 20:46 »

Insert any overpowered exotic/unique/assembly for DS if you want...
I see what you are saying, but there is a difference to me. The OP exotics/uniques/assemblies are part of the game where as DS is a joke easter egg. I actually like that certain OP gear can spawn since it forces you to reconsider things. Most games I play I have a target build in mind, but finding a random item can cause me to drastically change my plans, therefore creating new tactical decisions. It's just that I don't feel that way about joke items.

As for DS and BA, they're so rare that a lot of players haven't even encountered them, let alone become frustrated by them, so I disagree that they "take away much more than they give."
Unfortunately I don't think there is a way of quantifying how much it gives or takes, which makes this a matter of opinions. If it turns out I hold the minority opinion, I'll quit complaining and just accept it. Even if no one agrees with me I'll just be glad people thought about it.
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Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: [S|Ao100|56%|YAVP] DragonSlayer Special
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2012, 07:55 »

I was once tempted to remove it altogether, but surprisingly there's a big group that went "Noooooooo!" over it, so we're kinda stuck here :). I won't make that mistake with DRL2 though.
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz
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