It was there, but anyway:
"Chaingun+SoaB(3)=32.5 avgdmg per trigger, 6.5 per shot, piercing almost any monster armor value at mindmg=4 per shot, with ammo carefuly watched taking out beasties through the late-game."
That's almost double damage, and much more if you consider the armor-piercing effect.
To clear my point on a number basis:
Normal -
SoaB(3) -
6.5-1=5.5 (more than double damage!)
6.5-2=4.5 (triple damage!!!)
6.5-3=3.5 (what's it called? Septuple dmage? MUAHA!)
0 armor monsters don't do much anyway, by this point.
Also, since the Wiki says Cybie has 4 armor, it causes him avgdmg=2.5 mindmg=0, compared with the normal avgdmg=-0.5 mindmg=-3. That makes the avgdmg infinitely better with SoaB(3).
And: 3dmg=6% of Doomguy's 50 HP. *5 from a chaingun, that's 30%+weapon damage.
The way I see it, if it hurts me - it hurts them.
IMHO that works better than the 30 HPs from Ironman because 1) I use ToN(3) anyway, so I rarely have life issues as it is; 2) it enables me to kill Knights and Barons MUCH faster, meaning they shoot MUCH less, if they ever get close enough for the AI to allow them AND I conserve ammo, which for me runs out much faster than medkits do.