DoomRL > Modding
Opening WAD Files
I've been trying to get started modding DoomRL, but I'm not sure how to begin. I feel like I need to be able to open the base game's WAD files to use as examples, but none of the tutorials I've found explain how to do this. Is there a way to unpack the game's WAD files, or are there example files available for that show how everything is supposed to be formatted?
Game Hunter:
--- Quote from: Morat48 on May 09, 2012, 11:19 ---I've been trying to get started modding DoomRL, but I'm not sure how to begin. I feel like I need to be able to open the base game's WAD files to use as examples, but none of the tutorials I've found explain how to do this. Is there a way to unpack the game's WAD files, or are there example files available for that show how everything is supposed to be formatted?
--- End quote ---
There's probably a way to unpack WADs, but most (if not all) of the mods updated for should come as source anyway. doomrl.wad is the exception because source for the base game itself is closed until at least 1.0. If you're looking for something that has the same kinds of designs that are in the base game, inferno.wad probably handles things similarly.
The "Constructing A Map" tutorial should be sufficient to get started. Is there something specifically you want to learn how to do? Because I'm all for writing new tutorials as necessary.
I was really hoping to edit the classes and traits.
Game Hunter:
Ah! In that case I wouldn't think too much about it: traits and classes can't be modified in the current version. (Technically, you can modify traits, but the pre-game trait selection will always be relative to the base game defaults, so it's not very useful. If you're still interested in that, I'll try to spit out a Trait object doc tonight.) That information, along with core implementations to the game, will be available for modification using total conversion modules once they're properly supported.
I wondered if that was the case, given the lack of information about it. I suppose I'll just have to wait until modding them is supported. I'm glad to hear that it's planned for a future update. For now, I think I'll just look at some other mods and see what can be done in the current version.
Thanks for all the help.
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