Question: is there a way to gib a corpse on the ground without any monsters nearby, other than using skulls?
Rocket Jumps. You take little damage and go a-flying like that DARING young man on the FLYING trapeze~ but everybody around you is not so fortunate.
On that note, Rocket Jumping is
absolutely amazing in the Mortuary. For starters, you can gib corpses left and right with rocket jumps - it's the only way to make a rocket explode "on the floor." Second, that frequent situation where you've got a pack of nasties close together, that really beg for a rocket... but they're too close? Rocket Jump. You hit them with a rocket AND remove yourself from harms way quite quickly.
And then there's the mobility bonus. In one turn (or less) you can relocate a distance equal to your sight radius or more (if you've got the phase-boots, it's a great way to exploit their knockback increase.) This lets you flee
or attack; since you can use Rocket Jumps to get close to those thrice-cursed Arch-Viles and feed them a double shotty blast, or use it to get out of dodge after killing one, if his back of friends are too large to handle up-close. By rocket-jumping around, you can gib corpses, hurt enemies, flee or attack as needed, all while taking less damage then you would by standing still and getting shot by two Arachnotrons, a Former Commando and a Baron of Hell or two.
It's the best argument to be made for the standard rocket launcher and its associated assemblies; now that the bugged jumping of Ver. 9.9.3. is behind us. Revenant's Launcher is fine, Missile Launcher is fun, but neither can rocket-jump. I ended up in the Lava Pits with a single EnviroSuit once, and after cursing myself for overconfidence, realized I could rocket-jump over the lava in a jiffy. I cleared the level with no problems. Setting off a 4-radius explosion in your enemies faces while simultaneously surfing the fireball out of the room in a split-second is the best NOPE option ever conceived.
Also, it's plain fun. I suspect rocket jumping has been sorely overlooked.