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Author Topic: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.  (Read 140968 times)


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Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #375 on: August 12, 2012, 12:13 »

Remaining as he is, on one knee and head down, in what appears to be true deference, Lazerus responds: "I truly don't care, one way or the other. If you know what you claim to know, we already owe you more than any of the other inhabitants of this village will ever suspect. If you don't, we will thank you for your meal, wish you all the best with your curse and be on our way again."

At which point he raises his head and looks the Seer in... well, what would have been her eyes, carefully reading her expression as he says: "So why not stop messing about and either drop your bluff or tell us what you know you must?"
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Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #376 on: August 13, 2012, 05:20 »

All this time, it seemed that HexaDoken calmed down and got used to being near a psyker... but, judging by his reaction to Seers words, you guess he didn't really. Seems that he spaced out when Seer started answering lizardman's question.

One who would carefully look at them would notice that he is whispering something, but so silently, that you're not sure if mercerenary can himself hear what he is saying.
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Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #377 on: August 14, 2012, 01:28 »

Xilla finishes her food and empties her cup, while the Seer speaks. As she wipes her hands on her legs she looks at Lazarus when he speaks again and then sighs and rolls her eyes in frustration.


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Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #378 on: August 22, 2012, 09:13 »

The forehead of the woman frowns, giving the impression, that she must have raised her brows in some kind of astonishment. And again a little smirk appears on her lips.
"I must?" she repeats after Laz, truly amused. "What makes you think I must do something, Lizard? I am offering you help, but it is up to you if you take it. If you need to know something, ask as I might have the answer. I may try to tell you all I know, but I doubt you would live so long to hear all of it..."


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Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #379 on: August 22, 2012, 09:27 »

Lazerus rises to his feet again, closely inspecting the Seer's face with no expression whatsoever passing over his own features. For a moment, he seems undecided...

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Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #380 on: August 22, 2012, 11:42 »

...and without changing his blank expression he still visibly seems to make up his mind, straightening his back fully. He answers:

"If you don't know why you must, then you don't know all that you claim to know. I still thank you for your hospitality - I will impose on it no further."

And with a respectful bow of the head, Lazerus turns his back and walks out, not meeting the others' eyes on the way.
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Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #381 on: August 23, 2012, 09:41 »

The Seer snorts shortly, like in laughter.
"Did herbs hanging around affect your senses, Lizard? I just said there is no thing I must do, only those I might..." She smiles with compassion and turns her head. The smile fades away into sadness, while she whispers, like to herself:
"And there is no imposition in asking for help, but looks like some are too proud to do so..."
Suddenly, she claps her hands and smiles friendly to Xilla an Hexa.
"Now, when we are not starving anymore... Is there anything I might help you with? Find someone, advice on something?"


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Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #382 on: August 23, 2012, 12:11 »

Lazerus stops halfway to the door, hearing the Seer's first words. He turns around and looks at the scene before him: MkLear lying out cold, the assassin and the mercenary eating out of the Seer's palm. Thinking to himself it's up to me, I guess he is momentarily visibly struggling for words, then says:
"If there is nothing you must do, then clearly the bald man is treating you better than he does us. Was your kinsmen who bore the curse up until recently the only one who told us to talk to you, or do we see you on the bald man's behalf as well?"
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Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #383 on: August 23, 2012, 14:18 »

She just smiled.
"As flattering it is, you must have overestimated me. I cannot tell for sure, who van Bohr told you to meet, as I cannot see the past nor future... or read your mind in such way. All I can is to tell you is that I am here to give you any help you will ask for, as long, as it lies in my power."
She stopped for a moment, looked at Lijah...
"And if you do not mind me imposting with my help, I would first advise you to find a place to sleep, or at least visit the canteen to get in touch with people. If I will be too... helpful to you - some strangers out of nowhere - it might get their attention, and this is not the thing any of us want."


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Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #384 on: August 27, 2012, 00:22 »

The familiar blank look is back on Lazerus' face again as he gazes upon the Seer for a long moment, as if seeing her in a different light. He then simply nods at her and says "Understood."

Upon which he turns around again and walks out of the cave.
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Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #385 on: August 27, 2012, 00:28 »

HexaDoken shakes his head rapidly, as if trying to get rid of something. Then he slowly stands up, and sighs.

"Well, I guess, on this incredibly happy note, we will depart, shall we? Thank you for your hospitality."

Mercerenary then walks out of the cave. However, he suddenly stops on his way, one of his legs still midair. He then turns around and asks: "Can you take care of this guy" - he points at MkLear, - "or will we have to take him as well?"
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Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #386 on: August 27, 2012, 04:57 »

She nods her head, smiling slightly.
"Yes, I will take care of him. Feel free to come back whenever you would like."


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Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #387 on: August 27, 2012, 23:54 »

"Thank you for your help."

Said that, mercerenary walked out of the cave. Then he took a deep breath, sighed, and looked around him.

"Okay. Let's at least make a half-hearted attempt to get things sorted out."
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Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #388 on: August 28, 2012, 01:22 »

Xilla bows before the Seer and makes a quick greeting gesture as she backs out of the cave. Outside she turns to Hexa and says: Let's go find the Lizard, right? We have some important things to talk about"


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Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #389 on: August 29, 2012, 13:46 »

After a while of strolling between the tents of various sizes and shapes, you manage to see the bar in the distance. There's something in the way, though.

Looks like a well-armored human, ready for battle.

It's two and a half metres high... yet not moving. Doesn't seem lucid, too.
What regular underhive folk take as an ancient statue, you recognize as a malfunctioning light power armor, just sitting there without a pilot, in the centre of this village.

With a shrug, you pass on by. You're too tired to examine the disclosure.

Passing through the wooden walkway gate, you almost choke as some vivid gas hits your nostrils.
The place is pretty clouded with lho-smoke. Looks pretty hospitable, though, resembling in every small detail a typical agri-world bar, with round tables scattered around and the sound of piano resounding in the air.
You hear as the glasses ring when hitting against each other.
The room is crowded with folk of various appearances. There are guardsmen who you've already got to know along with some others, some regulars, some who look like junk scavengers... The bartender, busy with putting bottles in their places at the shelves...
Also, some shady type at the bar. Probably the one the Priest mentioned when you last talked to him - around an hour ago.

dirtnail? you still with us?

It's pretty loud, the atmosphere is nice and relaxing.

Meanwhile, at the Seer's cave, Lijah wakes up, his head still heavy, feeling kinda nauseous and sick.
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