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Author Topic: Doom Hellholle equipment and stats  (Read 3964 times)


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Doom Hellholle equipment and stats
« on: May 26, 2012, 04:16 »

Weapon and Equipment Stats for Doom RPG

Apologies to the Kornel for using some of the mechanics from the RL. I give him full credit for it.

Combat Knife
Damage: 1d4+1
Number of attacks: 2 per round
Description: It’s a standard marine issue combat knife
Damage Type: Melee

Damage: 2d6*3
Number of attacks-1 per round
Description: Someone got the idea of strapping a couple of blades to a drill motor to grind stuff…go find some meat!
Damage type: Melee

Damage: Special
Number of attacks: 1 per round
Special: The stunner inflicts no damage but instead on a successful hit stuns the target for three rounds. Stacks up to 4 times

Plasma Blade
Damage: 3d8
Number of attacks: 3 per round
Special: Ignores Armor
Damage: Plasma


Damage: 2d8+3
Number of attacks: 1 per round
Reload time: 1 per round
Ammo: 6 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Damage Type: Bullet
Special: Can be reloaded fully, but user unable to act next round.

Gauss Pistol
Damage: 10
Number of attacks: 1 per round
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 8 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Damage Type: Bullet
Special: This gun can hit multiple targets, but each penetrate brings the damage down by 1, up to a maximum of five targets.

Mob Gun
Damage: 2d3*5
Number of attacks: 3 per round
Reload time: 2 turns
Ammo: 15 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Special: The mob gun inflicts melee type damage. Upon a successful hit, the mob gun can inflict an open wound, which causes bleeding at the rate of 1 hp per turn. Stacks up to 6 times. It fires five “blade shots” per attack

Burst pistol
Damage: 3d4*3
Number of attacks: two three round burst per round
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 21 shots
Ammo Type: bullets
Damage: bullet/fire(Fires High Explosive Rounds)

Damage: 4d5
Number of attacks Per round: 1
Reload time: none/ reloads while standing on lava or getting hit by a fireball
Ammo: 10 shots to begin with
Ammo type: fireballs/lava
Damage Type: Fire
Special: The incinerator requires you to get hit by a fireball or stand on lava to reload-halves fire damage

Laser Pistol
Damage: 3d6
Number of attacks: 2 per round/special
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 18 shots
Ammo Type: power cells
Damage Type: Plasma
Special: The users instead of firing a standard shot can fire a laser ‘pulse’ to cut multiple targets. Uses four shots.

(Note: Shotguns have a spread, and they can hit up to a maximum of 7 targets)

Auto Assault 12
Damage: 6d4
Number of attacks: 5(can all be shot off at once)
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 30 Shots
Ammo Type: Shotgun shells
Damage type: Shrapnel, Standard Spread

Damage: 5d12
Number of attacks: 1 every other round
Reload time: 3 turns
Ammo: 4 shots
Ammo Type: Uranium shards, power cell(used to power magnet)
Damage Type: Shrapnel-wide spread, Piercing
Special: The Impaler is a heavy duty, experimental weapon. Its shots require a full round to recharge and then it takes time to replace both the spent cell and shots. The weapon ignores armor and can hit multiple targets. The shards vary wildly in size. 10% chance of causing open wounds or cripple

PK-38 Enforcer
Damage: 4d6
Number of attacks: 1 per round
Relaod time: 1 turn
Ammo: 8 Shots
Ammo Type: Shotgun Shells(slugs)
Damage Type: Bullet
Special: The PK-38 Enforcer is a slug shotgun.  It hit fairly hard and can stop a charging demon short. Has 40% chance of causing cripple(slows movement, can stack up to 2 times)

C-35 Gutbuster
Damage; 11d3*2
Number of attacks per round: 2 attacks(4 shells)
Reload Time: 2 turns
Ammo: 12 Shots(6 in each barrel)
Ammo Type: Shotgun Shells
Damage Type: Shrapnel-Focused

5A09S2 Combat Shotgun
Damage: 7d3
Number of attacks per round: 1
Reload time 1 round
Ammo:10 shots
Ammo Type: Shotgun shells
Damage Type: Shrapnel, wide spread
Special: 30% chance of stun on each target hit.

Submachine guns

G3 Commando
Damage: 2d5*3
Number of attacks per round: 2 three round bursts
Reload time:1 turn
Ammo: 30 shots
Ammo Type: Bullets
Damage Type: Bullet

Damage: 3d3*7
Number of attacks per round: one 7 round burst
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 35 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Damage Type: Bullet

M3 Shredder
Damage: 6d3*4
Number of attacks per round: 2 four round bursts
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 24 shots
Ammo Type: Bullet
Damage Type: Bullet
Special: Can cause open wounds 25% chance

P90 Submachine Gun
Damage: 2d6*3
Number of attacks per round: 3 3 round bursts
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 50 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Damage type: bullet

Assault Rifle

damage: 4d10+6
Number of attacks per round: 2
Reload time: 2 turns
Ammo: 20 shots
Ammo Type: Bullet
Damage Type: Bullet
Special: Cripple enemy target on successful hit, 30% chance of inflicting same status on user

GK36 Commando
Damage: 4d5(*3,*7)
Number of attacks per round: 3 shots per round, can opt to shoot 2 three round bursts or 7 full auto
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 30 shots
Ammo Type: Bullet
Damage Type: Bullet

Pulse Rifle
Damage: 5d4*5
Number of attacks per round: fires one five round burst per round
Reload Time: 1 turn
Ammo: 50 shots
Ammo type: Power Cell
Damage Type: Plasma

K3 Carbine
Damage: 3d6*3
Number of attacks per round: 4 three round bursts
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo: 36 shots
Ammo Type: bullets
Damage Type: bullet

E3 General Purpose Rifle
Damage: 2d7
Number of attacks per round: 4 shots, can switch to a 8 round burst
Reload Time: 1 turn
Ammo: 35 Shots
Ammo type: Bullets
Damage Type: Bullet

Sniper rifles(All sniper rifles, except the laser rifle inflict piercing damage, laser inflicts plasma damage)

Barret M2
Damage: 8d10
Number of attacks per round: 1 every 2
Reload time: 2 rounds
Ammo: 8 shots
Ammo type: bullets
Special: Slows marine by 40% when fired: stacks up to two times. Is also incredibly loud and has a 20% cumulative chance of attracting an enemy’s attention to the sniper’s position. Attraction can be negated by moving from position.

M8 sniper
Damage: 4d4
Number of attacks per round: 2
Reload time: 1 round
Ammo: 15 shots
Ammo Type: Bullets
Special: This gun is silence and thus does not attract enemy attention.

Laser Rifle
Damage: 5d7
Number of attacks per round: 1
Reload time: 1 round
Ammo: 10
Ammo type: Power Cell
Special: The beam gives away the sniper’s position, thus attracting attention. Best to move your ass after firing, and if you cannot hit anything with it you are a world class moron.

M45 Marksman
Damage: 3d6
Number of attacks per round: 3
Reload time: 1 round
Ammo: 15
Ammo type: Bullet

SSR-39 Recoilless
Damage: 6d8
Number of attacks per round: 2
Reload time: 1 round
Ammo: 16
Ammo Type: bullet

Heavy Weapons(Heavy weapons can take some time to reload

Damage: 3d7+5*8
Number of attacks per round: two 8 round bursts
Reload time 4 turns
Ammo: 90
Ammo Type: Bullet
Damage Type: Piercing

Rolling Thunder
Damage: (AP rounds) 2d6, (HE Rounds) 3d7
Number of attacks per round: 4 ‘round’ burst
Reload Time: 3 turns
Ammo: 45 rounds
Ammo Type: Bullets
Damage Type: (AP)Piercing, (HE)Fire.

Swarm Launcher
Damage: 2d4*12
Number of attacks per round: can fire 1 swarm
Reload time: 2 turns
Ammo: 1 swarm of rockets
Ammo Type: rockets
Damage Type: Fire

Damage: 6d6
Number of attacks per round: 1
Reload time: 3 turns
Ammo capacity: 15
Ammo Type: Disks
Damge Type: Fire

Grenade Launcher
Number of attacks per round:2
Reload time: 1 per turn, can be reloaded fully by sacrificing ability to act next round
Ammo capacity: 6(revolver type mechanism)
Ammo Type: grenades
Damage Type: Shrapnel, Fire

Damage: 7d12+8
Number of attacks per round: 1 every 4
Reload time: 3 turns
Ammo Capacity: 3
Ammo Type: Rockets
Damage Type: Fire

Plasma Gun
Damage: 8d6
Number of attacks per round: 1 every 2
Reload time: 2 turns
Ammo Capacity: 7
Ammo Type: Power Cell
Damage Type: Fire
Has a 20% of igniting the target.

Hellfire Flamethrower
Damage: Special
Number of attacks: Special
Reload time: 1 turn
Ammo Capacity: enough fuel for 30 rounds, doubled with ammo pack
Ammo Type: Power Cell
Damage Type: Fire
Special notes: The flamethrower, on successful hit, causes 1d12 points of damage initially, and then causes the same amount of damage for 5 rounds. The flamethrower burns targets in cone, approximately 7 feet wide and 5 feet in diameter-it can hit multiple targets. A second fire mode is available where the user can channel the flame onto a single target, causing double damage.

Armor Properties

Armor protection: 1
Move Speed: + 4
Damage Resistance:
Bullet: 10%
Shrapnel: 5%
Melee: 0%
Acid: 0%
Fire: -25%
Plasma: 0%
Special: the Scout armor has the option can use a set of built in jump jets for additional mobility

Reactive Armor
Protection: 2
Move Speed: -2
Damage resistance: See below
Special Property: Reactive armor doesn’t provide resistances, but rather it softens the blow, up to ten damage dice. It limits the damage to a maximum of 25 total points of damage

Assault Armor
Protection: 5
Movespeed: -3
Damage Resistance:
Bullet: 30%
Shrapnel: 25%
Melee: 25%
Acid: 10%
Fire: 35%
Plasma: 20%

Riot Shield:
Protection: 1
Movspeed: -1
Adds 10 to all resistances, in addition to the current armor’s resistance: can be used to supplement current armor.

Protection: 12
Movspeed: -6
Damage Resistance:
Bullet: 75%
Shrapnel: 60%
Melee: 50%
Acid: 40%
Fire: 60%
Plasma: 30%

Shield belt
Protection: Special
Shield belts can totally protect the user form enemy attacks, up to 10 times. The user can move while it’s active, but not attack. The user must also state that they are using the belt. It cannot be recharged and must be found.

Pack stats:
Ammo Pack: Doubles the ammo capacity for all weapons
MARS Pack: Missile damage: 7d10, Number of attacks: ¼, can be reloaded.
Repair Pack: Heals 5 health per round. Can do it for 10 rounds before it must spend an hour recharging-can remove ailments at the cost of 2 charges.
Turret pack: Each turret has 120 health, 30 resistance to all damage types, and has the same rate of fire and damage of its parent unit.
Stimpack: At the cost of ten hp, the marine moves faster and can get an additional attack per round.
Detpack: when activated, 5 turn timer and then detonates, casuing 10d10 points of damage in a 30 ft radius, fire damage
Probe: Deploys a remote probe with 25 hp and no attack. May be used to scout and will not survive any direct combat with the enemy
Snake Cam: Can deploy up to 30mm, allowing you to look around corners and under doors
Sensor Pack: Can detect anything within 120 yards. Quite useful but must be stated and requires a successful roll

Special Items:
Anti-Venom: Removes Poison
Bandage: Removes open wounds and restores 20 HP
Eye Drops: Removes Blindness
Bone Splint: Removes Cripple

Concussive: Inflicts 1d3 points of damage and can stun for unless the victim saves successfully.
Flashbang: Targets are blinded for 1d4 rounds
Frag Grenade: 15ft splash, 3d6 points of damage, Shrapnel type
Gas Grenade: Causes Poison
Incendiary: Bursts into flames for an initial 1d8 points of damage, then continues inflicting 5 points of damage for 5 turns. Blankets a 20 radius in a temporary sheet of fire that inflicts same as lingering flames.


Poison Damage: Poison is a nasty thing: upon the success of the attack roll, the victim must roll die against a third roll-the poison resistance roll. The roll of the victim must be lower than the roll of the attacker’s poisoning attempt-if higher, the poisoning is successful and the victim takes 2 points of damage every round for 3 rounds. This can kill the character. An anti-venom must be administered to remove.

Open Wounds: Open Wounds is when a character is bleeding everywhere. The soldier will lose 1 point of health every round until it is either bandaged or treated by a Repair. The roll is similar to the roll of the poison damage.

Cripple: The Character is suffering from fractured bones. The character suffers a -2 penalty to move speed and -1 to melee accuracy. It can be removed by characters possessing the Repair pack to restore status or the Bone Splint item. A character must make a 7 or higher on a1d20 die roll to avoid being crippled.

Blindness: This reduces the player sight by 3. It also causes players to suffer a -2 penalty to ranged accuracy. This can be especially crippling against players that rely on ranged attacks. Certain enemies can cause this effect-it can be cured with the Repair Pack, eye drops, or it wears off after 1d4 rounds. There is no saving throw-the only way to avoid this is to kill or avoid the creatures that cause this.

This is a nasty one-this causes the target to burn. The target receives whatever damage is prescribed and takes maximum damage from all fire based weaponry. It can only be removed by dousing yourself with water.

Target is unable to act for 4 turns. Successful save of 5 or higher is required to avoid being stunned.

Note: All chars have 100 hp, boostable to 200. Each enemy and plaer has a base numbe or five to hit on a 1d20, this can be adjusted or worsened depending the circumstance
We all walk a dark path...for there are only shadows. Some lighter, and some darker...but shadows all the same.

For all life is a shade of grey.
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