Really NOT good idea, given that shotguns will push them from point blank range to 1-2 tiles range, at which they will just melt you with plasma.
On AoSh, I do the Lair every time. Trick is blue armor, preferably bulk modded, Tac Boots, and judicious use of running. Take the teleporters, hang out at the bottom of a wall and wait for one to go through the teleporter. You're in a perfect position to corner shoot them. If one comes from the center, ping it once with a combat shotty, then hide behind the wall close to the other end of it, then when you see it turn the corner you just left, hop onto the other edge and then corner shoot. This tactic will work until you have to deal with two of them at a time. Then you turn on running and try to get to another corner shooting position. Shottyhead helps to keep them towards the edge of FOV so they won't do as much damage.
If they stop coming, then you can venture out and radar shoot. If you pop one, don't wait for it and slug it out in the open, keep pinging it while retreating backwards towards the walls, then deal with it behind cover. Or just go in the tele and hop to the other end, if you're feeling froggy.