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Author Topic: Self-imposed challenges  (Read 2982 times)


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Self-imposed challenges
« on: July 06, 2012, 02:23 »

While playing, have you thought of playing not an angel of path (or an angel of path), but with a few extra restrictions for a challenge? Want to share those challenges, or have others try them out? I made this thread for that, though I don't think that it'll become too popular, but oh well :P

So basically, post either a challenge you want others to try out, or post your attempt at one of these challenges.

Yes, I know there are 2Dev's challenges, but this should be for those who are not gods.

So here are a few I came up with:

1) The Guy With a Knife challenge.

Description: You have a very personal relationship with your Combat Knife, Sonya. Those bastards from your group thought they would be clever by taking her away, but Karma came to them, and it's now left at the entrance. You cannot imagine being able to fight without her, and you are NOT going to tarnish her with making her a sword. However, the blood of the demons...

Challenge path: AoB so you can get the knife at level 1.
Class: Any.
Difficulty: Any, though the harder, the more awesome.
Restrictions: You may only use the one knife for the entire run. No weapons in the off-hand slot, and only THE knife in the main hand. You may put ONE mod on it, or make it a piercing blade, but you may NOT turn it into a chainsword. No other restrictions.
Challenge difficulty: Depends on how many enemies you try to kill.

2) Speedy tactician.

Those idiots back on Earth don't know what they are taking about. You don't need careful moves or superb preperation. All that matters for you is speed. Speed, speed and nothing but speed. For this reason you only care about being as quick as you can.

Challenge Path: Any, though AoRA makes most sense as the path emphasises speed and tactics.
Class: Any, though if you want an extra challenge, DON'T take Scout.
Difficulty: Any, though the harder, the more awesome.
Restrictions: You may take these level up choices: Finesse, Hellrunner, Son of a Gun (It increases pistol firing speed, so...), Reloader, Juggler, Shottyman, MAYBE Dodgemaster. (All others either don't give you any extra speed, or slow you down, which you can't take. You may only take other things if you can't take any of these).

You may only equip armor if it INCREASES move speed compared to the armor you have equipped. So if you have green armor equipped, you may NOT equip blue armor because it slows you down unless the green armor becomes destroyed, but you may equip duelist armor as it DOES speed you up. The same goes for boots. You MAY equip slower armor to mod it, but if it's still slower after the modding, you must equip the faster armor again.

As far as weapons go, the lower the firing and reload time, the better. Again, if the weapon you want to equip has a longer firing and reload time, you may not equip it. Be careful about weapon choices then. The only exception to this is the Tactical Shotgun which takes priority above all else, because it's a Tactical weapon.
Challenge difficulty: Low to medium, as ultimately speed is the core of everything, but the hard part will be managing items to equip, as it locks you out of other items.



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Re: Self-imposed challenges
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2012, 03:45 »

Man, can I just say that you'll love the next release (and maybe you might want to get your hands on the beta when it's being tested) if you like this sort of stuff. The challenge modes are getting...some more options thrown in.

I like the idea of the tactician challenge. The irony is that you'll need to take more real life time to figure out what's the fastest item in your inventory so that you can be the fastest you can be in game.
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Re: Self-imposed challenges
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2012, 07:15 »

Yes - what Tavana said.
The challenge roadmap is going to see a lot of love for people who feel they need more angles to play.

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Re: Self-imposed challenges
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2012, 10:17 »

Let's just say that even 2Dev may find the new challenges interesting ;).
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Re: Self-imposed challenges
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2012, 02:08 »

I don't have a need for self-imposed challeneges, since I'm always getting new badges. E.g. by the time I learned how to get silver badges, gold badges were within reach for me and so on. Higher badges is all the challenge I need ATM... that might change if I ever get to a point where I'm no longer improving that much and am unable to get any more of them.
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Re: Self-imposed challenges
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2012, 16:22 »

I've done one, back in - No mods, no specials, pistols only.

Not something I'd do often, obviously, but it can be amusing from time to time.
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