Things I'd like to see in the standard Chaosforge artist's specifications:
A standard 256 colour palette for basic work, with other custom palettes to be added for new colour schemes that fit across the range of sprites created. Two inital palettes, one basic, one for hidden texturing. Palettes added as necessary that have been tested on the whole range of sprites to check for compatibility issues. We've got 16mil colours to play with, we're only using a subset.
At least 8 reserved colours in the palette for programmer effects. Duplexed to 16 reserved entries. They'll probably never use that many, but it's handy for them to have.
Suggested standard control entries. Entry 0: really, truly, reserved black. Entry 1: Transparency. 2,3: sprite outline. Entry 4,5: eye colour. Entry 6,7: glowy bits. Feel free to suggest more. These let the programmers simply do a "if pixel=this colour then make pixel now be new colour". Colour cycling, outline effects etc add a lot of variation for game-play style FX.
Palette duplexed. 20 seperate colour styles with 6 shades each. All entries copied to bottom half of palette, making a total of 240 entries+16 reserved colours for programmer jazz. Plenty of colour and shading possibilities still, with an option of hidden texturing. Change the palette so what appears to be two identical greens beside eachother to gray and dark blue? Your army camo outfit is now an arctic camo outfit, and you didn't have to redraw a thing. Hidden texturing rocks, but it is quite a task to get used to drawing sprites in this fashion. We can start off with two standard palettes, one to draw in, the second with the bottom half of the palette off-set so you can colour in the hidden texturing. Then we just make well thought out palettes rather than re-colouring or redrawing every possible combination of things.
Paper dolling. Think Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup's player characters. We will need to set up a standard x,y scheme for paper dolling our sprites. Where is a good point for hands to be? We need to know so our gloves will end up where they're meant to be, and not on the players chest. Same with weapons. We'll need to make up an appropriate scheme, perhaps several for different creature sizes. This is especially true for animated sprites.
What sort of animation will we do? I'm a fan of a 4 frame walk, 4 frame attack (two styles, cycled 1,2,3,4,3,2,1 and normal 1,2,3,4. Specified on sprite submission) and a 4 frame death sequence. It adds a lot of options and characterisation to sprites, and doesn't add too much workload. Although, even I admit that moving paper-dolled gloves a couple of pixels at a time can get monotonous.
Scaling and size. Not really a huge problem, but how much area do we have to work with? 32x32 would probably be ideal, simply due to the ranges of display resolutions the sprites will have to work with. As long as they're not linear scaled. Nothing ruins an artists work and sprite detail more than linear scaling. Bicubic resampling, indeed any other style of scaling, just not linear. Even if the scaling is done in memory at program start-up (no one likes a realtime cpu hog). 32x32 gives enough area to work with, and fits nicely in even mobile platforms for future consideration. I'd also suggest a 48x48 or 64x64 for larger enemies. I don't really care if it overlaps into the next tile, big stuff needs to be big. It'll be in it's own tile, it'll just look like it's bigger than one tile. Basically, z-blit the big stuff last, it's meant to be hogging space in more than one tile graphically.
So what do people think of this style of spriting and what would you like to see in your design brief if Kornel asks you to do some sprites or tiles? I'll u/l some examples to illustrate what I'm talking about in the next few hours.