Well, what about dropping ammo/medikits/grenades? And may be add terminals to Storage, at least one on every floor? We can restore power - but that is impossible when no terminals at all.
Colt and shotguns are too rare. If it is a balance requirement then corresponding ammo must be rare to. From other side, Pulse rifles too common and can be found even at Civilian-3.
The Radiation have no any hazardous effects. May be add some withdrawal-like effects when overdosed?
After-Pain restoration is too fast. In 1 or 2 turns brave marine totally forget about pain.
No sound options - can I turn off shooting sounds but hear aliens hissing?
did you by any chance accidentally shoot your own sentry?
In fact I didn't quite understand what happened. - The turret shots 3-4 times, I was shooting in the other direction, got hit, and was pushed to turret. I do not damage that, by shooting. Looks like I sat down on it when knock backed :D
More info about sentry :) Restore situation by mind, have no screenshots
1. Turret ready and firing, I faced elite alien, and praetorian coming
2. Turret targets praetorian, I shoot elite.
3. Get hit and knockback. No turret, 2 mortally wounded aliens
The praetorian destroy turret in one hit ? Or I sat down on it? Unfortunately, at this moment do not read messages - just shoot praetorian, switch to sidearm, kill the elite, reload pistol, switch primary, reload primary - and messages about sentry was gone (if was any)