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Author Topic: Game Report - Pso  (Read 6383 times)


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Game Report - Pso
« on: October 20, 2012, 18:02 »

first of all thanks for making such a great RL game.
I only recently came back to check hows doomRL going forward and I found out that there are new games, DiabloRL being one of them. As both Diablo 1 and Diablo 2 were my favorite games for a long time, I had to download it and run through :) I did a quick, 100% clear run with Rogue, but I won't present you with a YAVP since I tried saving at the end and the game responded as "save file corrupt" when I tried loading (see below, bugreport).

I'll go through the important stuff myself:

Sound version of DiabloRL, I encountered the bug with stationary mobs, so I used the fixed version linked here on the forum. In this fixed version, everything around sound and music was ok. AI was also ok. I played using default keybindings, music at 60 and sound at 30 volumes.

Pso, level 12 Rogue
I'm unsure about the stats, since I met some shrines on the way and used them all. I think it was 30 Str, 20 Mag, 72 Dex, base Vita, all before bonuses. At first I put 5 points into Dex, then 5 Str to be able to use Hunter's bow, then 5 magic for healing book. Then pumping Dex all the way up, and only adding to Str as more powerful bows come.

I think I needed around 6000 xp for level 13, but everything was dead.

Butcher (completed)
Skeleton King (completed)
Tavern Sign (completed at Ogden)

Head - Harlequin Crest (unique -3 AC, +7 mana, +7 hp, -1 damage taken)
Neck - Amulet of Zest (10 Vita)
Chest - (mail?) Armor of Stability (20 AC)
Wpn - Heavy Bow of the Bear (3-7, +59% damage, knockback)
Rings: none

Books learned in the end:
Holy Bolt 2
Firebolt 2
Healing 1

I found 3 uniques in total:
Butcher's Cleaver (quest, axe)
Baranar's Star (random drop, 1h mace)
Harlequin Crest (quest, helm)

I guess thats it.


All interactions with NPCs in town, including Gossips, their talk options were correct. The only option I didnt test out was Adria the Witch's Recharge Staves ability.
I didn't encounter any errors within the map layout or the town.
The game felt VERY easy. I didn't use a single healing potion throughout the whole game! I found the book of healing as my 3rd book and using occasional healing spell (or a random healing scroll that dropped) between town visits was all I needed. I sold all healing pots in the end and kept 2 full healings just in case, but I ended the game with them.

Butcher hit me only once, then I walked him down behind some iron bars and killed him thru the bars (the wall you can shoot through). Surprisingly, at some points he stopped pursuing me and did a sidestep, which created a 3-wide gap between us in the end. I remember when playing real D1, he was a pain, because he would go straight after me and never make room in between him and his target. His blind following through every wall was the reason for being easy kill behind the bars in D1, so that behaviour might be adjusted.

Skeleton King didn't even touch me. He kept spawning too many skeletons. Let's just say, I made fresh levelup to 10 on the first skeletons inside Leoric's Chamber, then I found the Skeleton King, and after I finished clearing Leoric's chamber, I was level 11. That's a TON of XP, and I guess could stand there and farm skellys forever. Skeleton King never ever engaged me, he didn't really try to come closer, and since I had knockback at this time, I kept pushing him to a wall out of sight, so it was basically one and a half free level plus ton of items, also a thing to be changed.

I met 3 special mobs (excluding quest-specific like Snotspill), all of them were high hp based an took many hits, but they also barely touched me. Only one was a scavenger-type special mob with a swarm of scavengers that ambushed me in the open, but due to some bad AI maneuvering, it was easy: I kept shooting until they landed 1 hit, then I moved 1 tile back, and they were stationary for some time. Repeating this tactic the special mob hit me only once thanks to my knockback bow. I also encountered one bug, where one special didn't drop any items at all. It happened with a blink-type special (the bat that teleports around when hit). I did a screenshot of the said location:
You can see me standing inside a doorway, the screenshot is taken right after the kill of the bat special mob, he was standing right next to me, to the left. There were only corpses on the ground, there was a free tile where loot could be dropped, but nothing dropped.

Soo, let's summarize it with some minor things into a short BugReport:
1) Pepin the Healer's Receive Healing did not produce the healing sound. In Diablo 1 it produced the sound of casting a healing spell.
2) The Butcher AI behaved incorrectly and instead of chasing the player he made several sidesteps, making a gap between himself and the player, giving me a lot of time to maneuver.
3) Skeleton King AI behaved incorrectly.
  • Instead of running around the player in half-circle and closing in for attack, he kept moving at base line of sight distance to the side and back. I was attacking with knockback, which may be the cause he didnt move towards me, but that is also a bug, since in D1 he closed in even when attacked with knockback.
  • He kept summoning more and more skeletons, resulting in insane amounts of enemies. As I was able to kill them in 2 shots, it gave me more than enough time to stay stationary and keep killing what he summoned, which made me gain a whole level (10 -> 11). I believe I could gain more levels If I kept attacking only his summons. This behavior was not present in D1, the summons were only sometimes.
4) I found an Enchanted shrine (-1 to random spell, +1 to other spells), which reduced my healing spell to 0 and removed it from my spells list. But I had it already selected on my spell slot, and I was still able to use healing spell even after it was reduced to 0. I didnt see the spell in my spell list, but my quick spell slot still had "Healing" written and it was usable. I guess this just needs a check after the shrine activates, and if the spell in my spell slot was reduced to zero, it should switch to no spell selected.
5) At the end, at the stairs leading to level 5, instead of ending the game I used SAVE option. It saved the game and quit, but when I ran the game again and tried to Load, it generated a log file and crashed. After running the game once again, there was no save to be loaded, thus I have no post mortem to report.
The mentioned log file:

PS: One more thing. There were way too many negative item bonuses :O I'd say increase the difficulty settings (mobs hp, to hit%) and decrease the number of negative blue items.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2012, 18:11 by Psojed »


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Re: Game Report - Pso
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2012, 05:20 »

Is the fixed version (this link) in any way further in development than the bugged 0.4.5 sound version available for downloading on the website???
Edit: I just noticed the game states version 0.4.6. So yes, the fixed sound version is further. But still, 4 more levels?

I started playing as a Sorcerer and I was able to enter Catacombs!
I checked the readme file, but that still says the game is limited to 4 church levels and ends when Entering Catacombs at level 5. But I completed Chamber of Bone (specific Cata quest), learned the Guardian spell and I went all the way down to level 8 where I met Zhar the Mad (another Cata specific quest), and killing him with a Fireball crashed the game. Luckily I made some random screenshots when missclicking on quickbelt potions:

"I have no room!" A spiked club (3-6) is lying here.                           
 A helm [4] is lying here.                                                     
                                      #..#####..##.......#     #..#####..#     
                                      #...%.....##.......#     #..#...#..#     
                                      #.........##.......#     #..#%..#..#     
                         #.                    #......,...%....'..#...#..#     
                         #..                   #.........%%....#..#####..#     
                      ..........\%.%..{............_%....#     #....%....+     
                      ...........ţ[..%.@...ţ....%%.%.....#     ###########     
                                  #....... #...%.%%#                           
    ....                                       .......                  ....   
---======- [!!!!!!!!] ---------------------------- Catacombs, level 7 -......---
   ######  Firebolt                                                    ......   
    ####                                                                ####   

A pile of 37 gold coins is lying here.                                         
 You got 37 gold coins.                                                         
                      #...ţ.....%.........ţ...%.....ţ....%%.%.....#     ########
                                      #........#         ...                   
                                  ######'#######         ....                   
                                  #...%@%%..#            .....                 
                          #########.\.......#           .......                 
                          #..........#####..#           0.......               
                          #..........#...#..#           .......                 
                          #..........#%..#..#           ......                 
                          #########..'...#..#           ...##                   
    ####                          #...%.....#                           ....   
---######- [!!!!!!!!] ---------------------------- Catacombs, level 7 -......---
   ######  Firebolt                                                    ......   
    ####                                                                ####   

And one screenshot of an unique that dropped in Cata levels:

The Mangler (6-16) is lying here.                                             
 The Mangler (6-16) is lying here.                                             
......:..%....^^.......#       #T.:.###########..==..==...T..                   
......:..%%%%....T.....#       #..:.#  ###    #...==.==......                   
......:................#       #..:.####.+    #....====.......                 
......::::::::::::::...#    ##+#..:.#....######.....===.......                 
.................T.:...#    #.@...:.#...............==........                 
.....T...#      +..:....00........:....:........T.%.==........                 
^.......................:.....................#  +:..==.......                 
^^.................^^...:::::::...%%%.........#  #0...==......                 
^.........T.......^^..........^...%=%@........#  #....==......                 
^^^...................#      #...........:.........:...==...                   
^.^^..................#      #...........:::::::::::...==...                   
.^^.^.................#      #.............######......T==..                   
^^^.^^................#      +.............#    +......==...                   
^.^^####^.^^..........#      #.............######......==...            ....   
---######- [!!!!!!!!] --------[the Mangler (6-16)]---------- Tristram -......---
   ######  Town PMagic -5, Dexterity -5, Mana -10, Damage +200%        ------   
    ####                Durability: 25/40 Requires STR:30               ####

Did I bug the game somehow, or did the fixed sound version had more inside, or is it possible to go to Catacombs only with the Sorcerer?
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 05:48 by Psojed »


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Re: Game Report - Pso
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2012, 08:08 »

Hey, by the way man, did you know you're member #2000? :)
CLICK HERE FOR A FREE IPA- just kidding.
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Re: Game Report - Pso
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2012, 08:17 »

Hah. Maybe I'll get some special 2000th registered guy bonus, like a DiabloRL screenshot killing Diablo with electronic autograph from authors of DiabloRL ^^

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Game Report - Pso
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2012, 09:14 »

Congratulations on being the 2000th. I'll celebrate that with giving you DiabloRL beta access :). Come help us test the newest release! (and there are Caves to visit too! ^^)
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: Game Report - Pso
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2012, 12:31 »

Thank you! Looking forward to meet some Lightning Demons :P
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