Other Roguelikes > DiabloRL

Game Icon


When I was young I had a website devoted to Diablo 1 and 2 where I wanted to have lots of information, but as time passed by I abandoned that website.
One thing I used as a decorative .gif was a red rotating circled pentagram.

Well and yesterday I was cleaning my HDD a little and found a copy of that website, so I thought this might be a proper icon for DiabloRL. I prepared several versions of that icon.
Here is how they look in mspaint:

And here when you put them onto default windows XP background using performance setting:

Here are the icon files.

Inside the ICO files, there are pictures at 16x16, 32x32, 48x48 and 64x64 sizes, created as 32bit versions and 8bit versions.
I'm no artist, probably someone can create a better icon. Anyway, there it is :)

I think this icon is missing this font

I actually tried Exocet, it is too stretched out. The font I used was Bookman Old Style, both are size 12 and Bold.

As you can see, Bookman still has some room, you can increase the text size up to 15, but with Exocet, 12 is your maximal size for 64x64.


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