"What on earth is this guy talking about?" you might be wondering. Well, I'm taking a class on Slavic folklore, and I have an assignment to do some "field work" by collecting legends/memorates. I figure this is a sort of diverse community, and it might be a good place to ask. First, a disclaimer:
Hi, my name is Matthew Sullivan. I am soliciting this material for use in my folklore class. It is part of an assigned project on folklore field work. Your name, relationship to me, and basic contact information will appear on the materials I submit to the instructor, Prof. Maria Carlson (mcarlson (at) ku.edu) or Prof. Jonathan Perkins (jperkins (at) ku.edu), but no other use will be made of this material. These materials will be returned to me after the assignment has been graded. You may contact the instructor if you have concerns or questions.
Second, I need to tell you the official, folklore definition of what I'm looking for, because they distinguish things like legends/memorates and folktales. A memorate/legend is a short experiential narrative that tells the story of a human being’s encounter with the dark forces or the supernatural, but always with the insistence that the story is true. "Dark forces" is a little vague, but memorates don't have to involve anything supernatural; for example, various urban legends are, not surprisingly, legends. There's not much distinction between a memorate and a legend, as far as I know. But the key thing is that it's "supposedly true", even if you don't believe it yourself.
Third, if you choose to assist me, and I'd really appreciate it if you did :), I'll need the following information:
E-mail (or other preferred contact info)
Level of Education
Cultural origin of the legend/memorate (location of where you heard it, or maybe it's a legend associated with a certain profession, etc.)
And of course, the legend itself, and its title if it has one.
Finally, while it would be cool to post multiple legends, I need three legends from three separate people (and my teacher says one of those needs to be from meatspace, but she generally approved of collecting from online acquaintances), so one per person is definitely sufficient. And it would be cool if you posted your legends before reading anyone else's, because it's best if you don't have preconceived ideas about what to post. It's why I don't have any actual sample legends to show you. Biases and stuff.
So let the legending commence.