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Author Topic: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!  (Read 40069 times)


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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #45 on: June 27, 2007, 03:57 »

<Thread>: Rez?
<Thomas>: Sure, gimme a sec.

Name: Daemonic wolf/Grand beast/whatever

Strength: Fair
Dexterity: Mediocre
Speed: Good

Attack type: Melee

Special Abilities: After focusing for 2 turns, it can launch a devistating flurry of attacks as well as increase its strength and dexterity to Great until its attack is over.

Behaviour: It chases you down and attacks, much like the simple mind of the beast. But if it notices that you have bigger problems then it'll focus its power (at which point you might want to deal with it).

Name: Shapeshifter

Strength: A bit worse than yours.
Dexterity: A bit worse than yours.
Speed: Poor

Attack type: Melee

Special Abilities: Can copy everything about you, down to the sword.

Behaviour: Once it sees you it spends a few turns copying you. Then it charges you, sword drawn. While it's copying you it's very vulnerable, with terrible strength and poor dexterity. Because of this it stays far away from walls, which might stop it from seeing you until its too late.

If you're only a few squares away, it wont bother trying to copy you. It'll run away until you stop chasing it.

Name: Spectral magi

Strength: Terrible
Dexterity: Great
Speed: Poor

Attack type: Ranged.

Special Abilities: Immunity to non-elemental projectiles (Knives and your crossbow)
                      Freeze spell, that makes you unable to move for a few turns.

Behaviour: The spectral magi is very smart. It will freeze you when you're surrounded, or near a shapeshifter and keep its distance, darting for cover if it notices you charging it. Defeating one takes a lot of itelligence and luck, so they're very rare. Even later in the game.

And, should bosses be added:

Name: The slaughterer

Strength: Superb (Don't get too close!)
Dexterity: Fair
Speed: Mediocre

Attack type: Melee. Although it's so big that melee means 2 squares away or less for it.

Special Abilities: Golf shot (Fore!) Huge knockback, but hardly any damage.
                      His 3 fairydusts heal him to the next HP level (Almost dead-Mortally wounded or something)

Behaviour: Stands still until you see it. (It's hard to miss, being 3x3 tiles and everything) Then it trash talks you, about how you're going to be pummeled in to the ground and stuff. Then it walks towards you, and attacks if you get close. It only uses fairydust if you're far away, so if you squeeze up in between the slaughterer and a tree, you might not be hit 6 squares back by his golf shot, and he wont heal..
Note that because he's so huge, the crossbow almost can't miss and is rather effective. Maybe you shouldn't engage him in melee at all.
Arch-Vile Chaos Major Thomas
Medals: 35/43 Specials: 69/67 Assemblies: 36/40


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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #46 on: November 05, 2009, 05:32 »

Okaaaay, not sure if these are already in it, but I've been reading Berserk! and just finished the troll attack on the town (forgot the name, just before Casca and Farneze are captured by the trolls)

Name: Troll

Strength: Good
Dexterity: Mediocre
Speed: Good

Attack Type: Melee

Special Abilities: Strength in numbers - when more than 3 (maybe more?) are visible, gains a small bonus to strength

Behaviour: Hunts in packs. Big packs.


Name: Ogre

Strength: Superb
Dexterity: Mediocre
Speed: Mediocre

Attack Type: Melee

Secial Abilities: Throw - If next to a tree, may choose to uproot it and throw it (may be hard to code), can use corpses as well.
Stomp - stomps the ground, stunning every living thing in view for a short time -- non stack-able

Behaviour: Will get frustrated when injured to a certain point, and ignore its special abilities
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