@2dev :
What about the CatEye build, or more generally, the replacement of MAc with a nanomachic plasma rifle ?
I don't know it it's worth changing class if you don't go for MCe : Scout's speed bonus is quite interesting, but marine's HP and powerup duration bonus are great too. Well, for you, HP aren't necessary since you prefer playing damageless :o))
Anyway, from my point of view :
Pros :
-No need to put 2 points in Rel -> mastery and WK2 got faster (in fact, you can even skip the mastery... I did it once on a MAc build, to get EE instead, and with a nanomachic plasma rifle, it's insane :)
-Never need to reload. Can continuously chainfire in front of mancubi or barons until the vile beyond appears
-No need to save ammo anymore, you can radarshoot whenever you need it. Wasn't a problem in with nuclear plasma rifle, but now, it makes some difference.
Cons :
-Need to reach HA and get Shambler's head to get unlimited ammo, and you're not 100% sure to have 3 B-mods by that time. Without nano, you're quite screwed
-Nano could have been used for antigrav boots, or some other shiny assembly.
-Nanomachic things can be modded only once, instead of 5.
Btw, as of version, this is probably harder, since monster's position in HA is randomed, and Shambler's head in lab looks quite impossible (I went trough only once, but jeez... ). At least, mods are more commons.
Also, I wonder... don't you have a guaranteed nano in the lab ? Bah, I'll know that soon.
So, writing it, I understand this is probably just not reliable, compared to MAc, but I wonder if delaying the MAc pick of a few levels (just to wait for HA's result) isn't a good choice. If you get a nano, you can just skip MAc and replace it with EE... no ? Did you try this already ?