Anyway, I think we'd need more opinions, to get really constructive results (i.e. not just improve firestorm, but also rework bad balanced assemblies, items, traits, enemies...).
I don't have much skills in organization, but what about creating a place for balance discussion ? A single forum thread won't be enough, so what should it be ? Simple separates posts here ? A dedicated forum section ? Online shared spreadsheets ? "Tickets" on some tool like Mantis or Redmine ?
All we'd need, finally, is to have a place with separate discussions for every under/overpowered thing, and have it easily readable / commentable, so that everyone can give his opinion, and learn about the other's, so this forum might be enough... though, a dedicated place would be better, since forums are quite messy.
Having played some very different games, like Hengband, blizzard's RTS, or DotA, I must say I HATE imbalance by now.
e.g., in Hengband, 95%, or 99% of found stuff is plain useless... it took me time to realize it, but it's a huge problem, which completely cripple's gameplay, and makes it too repetitive, while in DotA, every hero or item can impact a game's issue (even if there's some I never use).
Of course, DoomRL's is way more interesting and balanced than Hengband, but I think many thing could be improved with a little step back, to look at the big picture, and a few good ideas to correct it's weaknesses...
For me, the hardest part is not to correct, but to spot those weaknesses.