Don't really know where to post this, maybe I should rather start editing the wiki ? I got my 20 posts after all.
Anyway. when I started playing, I found some message coloring somewhere in thoses forums. I must say it changed my DoomRL experience.
So, for anyone interrested, noobie or not, here are mine.
Quick weapons bindings are useful, since they allow to swap at the cost of 0.8s instead of 1s. in other word, they should always be used, since using from inventory doesn't quick swap, even when possible (sigh)
Put this in keybindings.lua, with other bindings
-- 0 : Melee (Cleaver is on 9, since there isn't enough keys)
["CTRL+SHIFT+P"]= function() command.quick_weapon('uscythe' ) end, -- Azrael's Scythe
["CTRL+SHIFT+SCOLON"]= function() command.quick_weapon('spear' ) end, -- Longinus Spear
["CTRL+SHIFT+L"]= function() command.quick_weapon('ubutcher' ) end, -- Butcher's Cleaver
-- 1&2 : Pistols
["CTRL+SHIFT+Q"]= function() command.quick_weapon('ucpistol' ) end, -- combat pistol
["CTRL+SHIFT+Z"]= function() command.quick_weapon('ublaster' ) end, -- blaster
["CTRL+SHIFT+W"]= function() command.quick_weapon('utrigun' ) end, -- Trigun
["CTRL+SHIFT+S"]= function() command.quick_weapon('uberetta' ) end, -- Grammaton Cleric Beretta
["CTRL+SHIFT+X"]= function() command.quick_weapon('ujackal' ) end, -- Anti-Freak Jackal
-- 3 : Quake3 weapons (not much place elsewhere)
["CTRL+SHIFT+E"]= function() command.quick_weapon('urailgun' ) end, -- Railgun
["CTRL+SHIFT+D"]= function() command.quick_weapon('ubfg10k' ) end, -- BFG 10K
-- 4 : Combat shotguns
["CTRL+SHIFT+R"]= function() command.quick_weapon('uashotgun') end, -- assault shotgun
["CTRL+SHIFT+F"]= function() command.quick_weapon('upshotgun') end, -- plasma shotgun
-- 5 : Double shotguns
["CTRL+SHIFT+T"]= function() command.quick_weapon('udshotgun') end, -- super shotgun
["CTRL+SHIFT+G"]= function() command.quick_weapon('usjack' ) end, -- Jackhammer
-- 6 : Chainguns
["CTRL+SHIFT+Y"]= function() command.quick_weapon('uminigun' ) end, -- minigun
-- 7 : Rocket launchers
["CTRL+SHIFT+U"]= function() command.quick_weapon('umbazooka') end, -- missile launcher
["CTRL+SHIFT+J"]= function() command.quick_weapon('unapalm' ) end, -- napalm launcher
-- 8 : Plasma rifles
["CTRL+SHIFT+I"]= function() command.quick_weapon('unplasma' ) end, -- nuclear plasma rifle
["CTRL+SHIFT+K"]= function() command.quick_weapon('ulaser' ) end, -- laser rifle
-- 9 : BFGs
["CTRL+SHIFT+O"]= function() command.quick_weapon('unbfg9000') end, -- nuclear BFG 9000
-- Bottom of keyboard : useless weapons
["CTRL+SHIFT+C"]= function() command.quick_weapon('uacid' ) end, -- Acid Spitter
["CTRL+SHIFT+V"]= function() command.quick_weapon('urbazooka') end, -- Revenant's Launcher
["CTRL+SHIFT+B"]= function() command.quick_weapon('utristar' ) end, -- tristar blaster
["CTRL+SHIFT+N"]= function() command.quick_weapon('utrans' ) end, -- combat translocator
Message coloring "just" helps you notice useful information in-game, and makes the message log much more readable. (don't forget to increase the log's size, to some thousands of lines, since defaut way too short)Put this in config.lua, preferably at the end.
--Messages initially found here,5541.0.html
-- Rough idea of colors meaning :
-- RED = very bad
-- BROWN = manageable danger
-- MAGENTA = special levels
-- CYAN = something cool, but involving some danger
-- BLUE = no danger
-- GREEN = very good
Messages = {
-- Danger!
["Warning!*"] = RED,
["*Nuclear missile deployed.*"] = RED,
["Your * damaged!"] = BROWN, -- armor/boots damaged under 50%
["Your * destroyed!"] = RED, -- armor/boots lost
["You die*"] = RED, -- YASD
["The arch-vile raises his arms!"] = BROWN, -- Last call before 'xploding
["The Arena Master raises his arms!"] = BROWN,-- Last call before 'xploding
["The Cyberdemon reloads his rocket launcher"] = BROWN,-- Last call before 'xploding
["Argh!!! Acid!"] = BROWN, -- Watch where you walk !!
["Argh!!! Lava!"] = BROWN, -- Watch where you walk !!
-- Misc
["You see :*"] = DARKGRAY, -- Useless logs (imho)
["You reload*"] = DARKGRAY, -- Useless logs (imho)
["You need to taste blood"] = DARKGRAY, -- Useless logs (imho)
["You enter *"] = YELLOW, -- Just to make level feeling easier to find when looking in the log
["Your vision fades."] = WHITE, -- Light visions end
-- Level danger events feelings
["You feel you need to run!"] = RED, -- flood (is the message correct ?) maybe halls of carnage
["You feel the sudden need to run!!!"] = RED, -- flood (my update, for regular levels. is it correct ? xD)
["As you enter, some weird alarm starts howling!"] = RED, -- ALL monsters hunt the player
["The air seems deadly here, you better leave quick!"] = RED, -- TEST THIS -- Toxic air
["Khe, he, he, this will be a mess..."] = BROWN, -- Barrels filled level
["Twisted passages carry the smell of death..."] = BROWN, -- Cave
["Suddenly monsters come from everywhere!"] = BROWN, -- Arena
-- Special level stairs
["You feel a breeze of morbid air..." ] = MAGENTA, -- Special level
["You sense a passage to a place beyond..."] = MAGENTA, -- Special level
["You shiver from cold..."] = MAGENTA, -- Special level
-- Levels with only one monster type (gotta check if it works)
["You hear many marching feet."] = YELLOW, -- (equal distribution of all former-type enemies)
["The walls are scratched and flame-scorched!"] = YELLOW, -- (all imps)
["A battle cry chants in the distance!"] = YELLOW, -- (equal distribution of hell knights and barons of hell)
["You hear deep, guttural noises!"] = YELLOW, -- (all mancubi)
["Bones clatter all around you!"] = YELLOW, -- (all revenants)
["You hear crackling flames!"] = YELLOW, -- (all arch-viles)
["Hellish magic haunts air!"] = YELLOW, -- (half archviles, half non-commando formers)
["You hear loud wails that cannot mean anything good!"] = YELLOW, -- (all bruiser brothers)
["The air is crackling with electricity!"] = YELLOW, -- (all shamblers)
["Suddenly you have a great urge to turn back! You scream in TERROR!"] = YELLOW, -- (all Cyberdemons)
-- Levers of no fun and some profit
["In the State of Denmark there was the odor of decay..."] = RED, -- Acid flood lever
["You feel that smell? That gasoline smell? Oh hell..."] = RED, -- Lava flood lever
["You hear the trumpets of Jericho echoing in the distance..."] = CYAN, -- Wall remover lever
["The smell of a massacre..."] = CYAN, -- Lever hurting monsters all over the level
["The air is really humid here..."] = BLUE, -- Water flood lever
-- Level Clear feelings
["You feel relatively safe now."] = BLUE, -- Level cleared (of monsters, but some dangers may remain. (fluid flood, toxic air, nuke..))
["*A pity you came to destroy us*"] = BLUE, -- Hell's arena complete
["So much for hellish fair-play."] = BLUE, -- The chain courts complete
["Peace comes back to this evil place."] = BLUE, -- The wall complete
["Why do they have to come in pairs? And what's that shimmering thing?"] = BLUE, -- Phobos anomaly complete
["As you kill the Angel of Death suddenly the cathedral starts to fall apart!"] = BLUE, -- Unholy cathedral complete
["Suddenly everything is peaceful.*"] = BLUE, -- The mortuary complete
["That seems to be all of them, hopefully..."] = BLUE, -- City of skulls (wimp mode)
["You hear a howl of agony!..."] = BROWN , -- City of skulls 2nd wave
["That had damn well better be all of them!"] = BLUE, -- City of skulls complete
["Well, they sure opened up. Now to see if there's anything left worth taking..."] = BLUE, -- The vaults complete
["Suddenly the webs fade. From under the webs, items emerge..."] = BLUE, -- Spider's lair complete
["Tough son of a bitch...*"] = BLUE, -- Lava pits complete
-- L00t feelings!
["You feel there is something really valuable here!"] = GREEN, -- Unique item in level
["You feel excited!"] = CYAN, -- Vault
["There's something special here..."] = CYAN, -- Vault
["There's the smell of blood in the air!"] = CYAN, -- Vault
["The lab cache opens."] = GREEN, -- Hell armory complete
["A presence! Of something holy! Here in this hell?*"] = GREEN, -- Mortuary complete
Btw, I also encourage you to remap keys such as SHIFT+U for weapon's unload, and custom other aspects of your config files.
Some notes :
-I got an AZERTY (french) keyboard, but I think bindings will be fine for any keyboard, since I had to put 'Q' for 'A', and semicolon for my 'M'.
-Before modifying files,
always create a backup ! If your game crashes on launch after modifications, either revert to your backup, or look for the error. I think the most common error is missing a ',' in the middle of a list, or having one after the last element. (If you already screwed up your files, just extract again the config files from the game's zip, or a take them on a fresh install)