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Author Topic: [M|AoHu|YAAM|YAFW] Conqueror survivalist  (Read 6821 times)


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[M|AoHu|YAAM|YAFW] Conqueror survivalist
« on: March 06, 2013, 08:55 »

Finally, AoHu !

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I don't think this challenge is that hard, but after trying several MCe and MSh runs, I realized I was most of the time dying because I lack patience, or don't act carefully enough, so the solution to avoid YASD became obvious : survivalist !

Tough, since survivalist doesn't really gives anything useful, I switched my build, and kept it for late levels, rushing WK2 instead. That way, I could have Fin2 early, and tac boots as soon as I find steel boots, which makes the reach of the armory rather easy.
The armory was, somehow, my goal : I supposed it would give me some cerberus armor, and let me finish the game easily, once Onyx-modded
And shambler's head was, indeed, worth it, with ON in the cache. I decided to try a cybernano armor instead of my regular mortuary blaster (nanomachic missile launcher), and onyx cerberus suit.
With TaN, it would give me -12 damages, which eventually drops to 0 thanks to MSv, so I assumed it shouldn't be that bad.

Nothing much to say in Deimos. I learnt a lesson, tough : never finish the agony elemental with rockets if you need a skull.
Spider's lair wasn't too hard, but made me realize how dangerous plasma damages could be, even trough my stupid armor.
I don't remember much how I disposed of the Cybie, but I think I got a globe and a zerk for him.

Then, I found another globe for the cathedral, so I sacrificed my beloved nuclear plasma rifle, and got a spear instead.

The vaults were nice, but pointless : Necroarmor at 3% and a full energy shield, but no scroll of remove curse :/

The real difficulty has been the mortuary.
Of course, I entered invincible, again, but didn't know what to do : reach the BFG and nuke the place ? Reach the BFG and clear the place ? or just find a shotgun (mistakenly dropped mine at entry) and shoot my 3 shell boxes on monsters stacks ?
I chose option 2, reached for the BFG, killing 3 viles in the process, and then "fortified" the right area, clearing what I could. I never hated arachnotrons so much. My only option to kill them without taking damages was missile launcher, but I was short of rockets.
Barons, on the other hand, often did me 0 damages, which was really funny. Also, a caco nearly killed me, surprising me with his ******* plasma damages.
After some time spent, and a lot of gibs, only one vile came, which left me with one alive, many monsters harassing me, and shortening ammo (well, I had a lot of shells, and my spear, but they aren't your best assets in such an open arena)
So, I realized I could run out of medpacks, and since all my covers had been destroyed, I decided to reach the middle of the map, both for the supercharge, and to find the last remaining vile.
This was one of the weirdest runs I've done... I was running, as AoHu, among a horde of monsters, dodging most attacks, ignoring many other. Once I reached the supercharge in the middle, there was too much monsters to clear the area, so I continued to the upper left... with tactical-rocket-jumps. Got a new supercharge and the power mod... and immediately headed (quite desesparate) for the last supercharge, in the bottom left.
Once here, I didn't have much solutions remaining, but at least, I had pulled most monsters, so I took my BFG (B3) and shoot 3 times, clearing most of them, and the last vile.
I quickly felt to 28% hp, which was probably 5hp, but decided it would be "too bad" to leave the place, like a coward, so I fought ! One or 2 arachnotrons later, I had 11% hp, but was still determinated to finish the job.

Finally, I entered with 6 medpacks, 21 rockets, 140 cells, 3 shell box & 2 cell packs, plus 269 ammo in bfg, and filled plasma rifle, minigun & missile launcher.
On exit, I had 11% hp (2hp), no medpack, 280 cells in weapons, no rockets, shells, and a 80 shells box as only remaining ammo pack. I also had refilled my minigun... but I doubt it would have helped me much.
Fortunately, I didn't get a bad spawn... thanks again, RNG :praise:

Then came the lava pits... with 2 enviro suits just before I enter in. I cleared the entrance and a lot of enemies with the nuclear BFG, and the lava elemental spawned in melee with me... easy job.

Hell 7 was an arachnotron cave. I hid behind a corner, wielding spear, and waited for them to come (it's why I took a level of brute, but Fin3 would have been a better choice) The RNG tricked me this time, and put some spiders behind 2 different rivers of lava, forcing me to get out. Two of thoses rocket-jumped to me, and got finished with spear, but the last ones asked for some nuclear BFG, and got it.
Btw, the RNG was just kidding me, so I got my invulnerability globe for the mastermind, which allowed me to keep the lava element for JC.

I don't think I needed it, but I didn't want to take any risk, so I used it, and gave JC some cells, while invincible.

Considering the number of invulnerability globes, or rather, the fact that they alway came at the right place & time, I think the RNG really deserves my gratitude.
It even made me forgot this ****** pair of boots from Hell's arena.. you know, this pair of boots I dumped in deimos 6, just before the acid-filled cave of deimos 7 and the sudden need to run (from acid, of course) in hell1.
Bah, I guess I successfully passed the test by not pressing shift-Q, and just got the rewards I deserved :)
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Re: [M|AoHu|YAAM|YAFW] Conqueror survivalist
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2013, 09:21 »

YAAM, conqueror, AoHu - great run. But how you pass Phobos Anomaly? Looks as one of most dangerous level for 16-hp marine. Rocketjumping too dangerous...
Once advanced DoomRL player
Find mysterious sword Dragonslayer
Say "Best thing ever found!" and start jumping around...
But he can't get the sword from the ground


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Re: [M|AoHu|YAAM|YAFW] Conqueror survivalist
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2013, 09:38 »

In HNTR, if you don't rocket jump, you get surrounded by lost souls and die...
Damages are rather low. If I count correctly, 6d6 gives an average of 21 damages, divided by 2, so 10.5, remove 25% resist, result is < 8. Substract 4 (or 6) from the red armor... this sound endurable.
I think it's the only guaranteed surviving option for AoHu here. Last time I tried to run, I realized there isn't enough cacos to clear the way out of lost souls...
I usually pre-open the right door with a chaingun when I do that.

This time, I probably found a phase device, which put me on the right side, but trying this is probably more dangerous than a jump, since it can teleport you to a really bad place.

Oh, another thing I forgot about my run : it was the first time I stayed in front of a mancubus, waiting for him to fire... would never tought that would happen on AoHu xD
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 09:47 by Evilpotatoe »
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