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Author Topic: 1899 - The Hidden Hands of the Aether  (Read 75043 times)


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Re: 1899 - The Hidden Hands of the Aether
« Reply #165 on: November 27, 2013, 10:27 »

Thaddeus, looking around and still not seeing Mr. Day present, feels a tad flustered with things already beginning to go off track. He takes a moment to reflect on the situation, which to many a casual observer would look fairly odd as that entails Thaddeus having a very focused stare at a nearby table as he stands near the door. Upon having a closer inspection of this young man many would see that he is wearing a fairly formal suit but has forgone any headgear evidently preferring to keep his hair cut short and simple, and in both hands he holds a pair of heavy looking travel cases which due to his thin frame appear to be fairly uncomfortable for him to carry.

All of this however, is secondary to the young man as Thaddeus is weighing his options of sitting at a table and ordering food, or if he should wait to be seated.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 11:00 by Cole10000 »


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Re: 1899 - The Hidden Hands of the Aether
« Reply #166 on: November 28, 2013, 03:49 »

After you've stood there making up your mind for what anyone else might deem an inappropriate amount of time, you spot a young girl coming towards you from across the common room. Based on her dress and the cloth she's carrying around, you'd guess she works here. She's wearing a smile you've hardly ever seen before, as if she's expecting your praise while at the same time showing she has no actual respect for you. Odd.

At that point, the door behind you opens again, and before the man coming through bumps into you, saying
" 'ere now, lad, step aside," in a sort of amused voice, you can smell him - and you wish you couldn't. Simultaneously, you see the girl's face contort into a parody of its previous expression, which curiously enough pleases you more than the fake smile did. She does a swift pivot and heads for the bar, double time.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 00:19 by LuckyDee »
[] Current: Hell Knight 1st Lieutenant [20/12/4/0/0/0]
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Re: 1899 - The Hidden Hands of the Aether
« Reply #167 on: November 28, 2013, 11:00 »

Thaddeus, thoroughly surprised, although quickly reflecting in hindsight the doorway was not the best location to think for such an amount of time, stumbles forward from being bumped into. His two heavy luggage cases throwing him off balance and before he manages to right himself he nearly bumps into a surprisingly blurry table. This small revelation lead Thaddeus to realize that when the man bumped him from behind it caused his glasses to fall off. Taking a moment to set down one of his luggage cases he takes hold of the glasses from where they currently hang around his neck, saved from being cast onto the floor by a surprisingly useful string. After doing so he was about to make his way over to the bar to inquire as to why the young woman was approaching him before remembering his manners, as it would be unbecoming of a young man to not apologize when he was clearly making a nuisance of himself by blocking the doorway. Taking a moment to clear his throat he walks over to the, admittedly ripe smelling, man and says, "I am very sorry sir, I shouldn't have been standing in the doorway like that, very foolish of me. Have a good day." He finishes with a somewhat curt nod as he goes to make his way over to the bar, intending to sit on one of the stools. His mind already off on a new tangent of wondering why one would have stools when chairs would be just as viable and more comfortable. It would certainly be helpful to have some back support when your motor skills have been impaired by alcohol although...

His train of thought continues on its path from there.


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Re: 1899 - The Hidden Hands of the Aether
« Reply #168 on: November 28, 2013, 22:23 »

Malachi paused outside of the Lock and feather, taking in the Inn and it's surrounding territory.  He made his habitual assessment of the lay of the land, where would a runnier go.  What obstetrical presented themselves.  Ivensten's little projects were usually a bit of tea and crumpets but occasionally the dove into trouble head first.  Truth be told this might prove a nice distraction, something to get his mind off Lord Danby's ties with the cities underworld.  A warehouse worth of ill gotten goods and and the prosecutor had declined to prosecute.  Bloody hell,  justice was truly blind.

Fuck the Bailey, give Malachi ten minutes and he could set the scales back to level.  Give him ten minutes and Malachi probably would have done so. 

Best he was here, head down and out of sight.  Best  for everyone they said.  Take some time and relax, enjoy his victory.

Bloody hell!

He had already memorized the photo of Thaddeus Grey that sat in the pocket of his great coat.  A keen intellect Ivensten had said.  That remained to be seen.

He opened the door to the Inn and stepped in.  Closing the door behind him he moved a step or two inside as he surveyed the room.  He let his blue grey eyes pause for a breif moment as he took in the patrons.  Finding the student was the least of his concerns.  It was more important to take in everyone else.

Near the door his eyes landed on the boy who looked as out of place as a pig at the palace.  he resisted the urge to smirk, no reason for it.  Not yet.

He scanned the rest of the common room before doffing his bowler which he moved into the same that held the black brier walking stick and made his approach. 

"Thaddeus Grey," he announced.  "I'm Malachi day.  What say we grab yon table and have a talk?"

Assuming the boy's compliance he made his way over to the table and grabbed the chair that gave him the best view of the room.



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Re: 1899 - The Hidden Hands of the Aether
« Reply #169 on: November 29, 2013, 08:28 »

Moderately surprised by someone calling out his name, he quickly turns himself to face the speaker and finds himself looking at a man that looks quite a bit like MR. Day that his Mentor had mentioned. Taking just a moment to quickly take the photo out of one of his surprisingly plentiful pockets he double checks that this is indeed the man, once satisfied with that he nods and says, "Yes, that would be quite fine I suppose. I have to admit I'm somewhat glad you've arrived early as well, I am... unfamiliar with many of the colorful kinds of characters I've met on my way and within this fine establishment. Although that has in fact been the point of my trip."

An oddity that many come to recognize about Thaddeus is that, in most cases, he is supremely quiet and contemplative. However, once he's talking about one of his projects he fully shares the thoughts swirling around in his head, which at times can seem fairly unusual. Taking a seat he continues,
"First of all, I would like to ask, my Mentor shared very few details on your role in this small venture. Are you here to provide a second, more experienced, opinion? Are you here to aid me along with some of the things that I am sure are quite normal but to me seem fairly odd, or is it simply so that I do not end up in a gutter somewhere? I apologize if I'm being very blunt about this, but I tend to be more than a bit encourage-able  when a task I am a bit uncomfortable with is in front of me."


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Re: 1899 - The Hidden Hands of the Aether
« Reply #170 on: November 29, 2013, 11:54 »

Malachi considered the you man.  Completely out of his element and so self assured of his purpose.  Typical scholar.  Not a bad thing but traits that could get him into serious trouble some place less forgiving than the university.  Even so, he freely admitted his ignorance and that was the first step to wisdom.

The Professor had been typically vague about the boys purpose but it seemed he had more in line a a couple of nights of cards and cut.  Malachi wished he knew more bout this project in advance.  It annoyed him but on the other hand, something interesting would be a good distraction.

He stared wordlessly at the boy as he rambled on.  Silently he caught the waitress's eye and motioned for two ales.

At "...I apologize if I'm being very blunt about this, but I tend to be more than a bit encourage-able  when a task I am a bit uncomfortable with is in front of me." Malachi raised an eyebrow and softly growled,  "Then I suggest you learn to breath."  He paused a moment letting that sink in.  "Babbling will not only diminish you in others eyes but will lead to your saying more than you intend.".

Moderating his voice a little he continued.  "How bout we have a casual conversation til after we have drinks in front of us and the waitress is on her way.  She don't need to know our business nor does anyone else.  You're curiosity enough as is."

He gave the boy a chance to show his agreement and then smiled.  "Did you see Alan Torbin's review in the Time's of Osmond Tearle in Richard 3 over in Ireland?  He say's it's worth the trip to Dublin just to see it.   No surprise of course, Tearle's Brilliant.  I saw him at the St. James doing Lear back in the late seventies.  He is without a doubt one of the best actors on the stage, even if he sings like a drunken goat." His voice was suddenly pleasant, soft, casual and the slightest bit louder.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2013, 12:22 by Nightfalcon »


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Re: 1899 - The Hidden Hands of the Aether
« Reply #171 on: November 29, 2013, 12:58 »

Thaddeus simply nods when the idea to perform in casual conservation and adjusts his glasses as he says, "Unfortunately, I haven't read the review, but I have however been so lucky to see Tearle perform once before, it was a bit of a trip but it was certainly worth it. He is certainly experienced at his art if anything,  he's been at it for so long now, and I would certainly like to see him perform again if he ever makes his way to London."

Thaddeus' voice is what one might call amicable, if perhaps a bit stiff for the setting they're currently in. He does however try to keep his speaking direct and to the point, which admittedly is not extremely difficult considering plays and actors have never been his favorite endeavor, truthfully he would much prefer reading the play's script than going to actually see the play.



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Re: 1899 - The Hidden Hands of the Aether
« Reply #172 on: November 29, 2013, 13:12 »

While the two of you get acquainted, the man that bumped into Thaddeus at the door is drawing more and more attention; Thaddeus himself might not realize it, but Malachi definitely will. The man, dressed in worker's clothes that have obviously seen better days, with a long leather cap on his head, covering his dirty and unkempt black and grey hair at least partly. He carries a large leather bag over his right shoulder and walks with stick which is taller than he is.
He's clearly on his way to the bar, which is already being evacuated by the more sensitive customers. The waitress, meanwhile, sped ahead to fetch the bartender, who really doesn't look very pleased with the man's arrival, but then he doesn't rush in to chase him out, either. There's definitely some tension to the situation, though, a kind of tension Malachi has seen before...
[] Current: Hell Knight 1st Lieutenant [20/12/4/0/0/0]
High: Arch-Vile Lt. Colonel [25/21/12/2/1/0]


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Re: 1899 - The Hidden Hands of the Aether
« Reply #173 on: November 30, 2013, 14:47 »

Malachi watches the drama at the bar unfold and then looks around the room.  He doesn't see a bouncer.  That's weird for a place like that.  It's well enough cared for that it seems unlikely they'd scrimp on something like that.  Actually the why matters less than the fact of the absence.

Turning to Thaddius he softly growls.  "I'll be back in a second.  Stay here and keep your head down."  With that he picks up his walking stick and wanders up to the bar, finding himself a step behind the man.  As he does, he examines the man and his possessions.

OOC) Malachi is ready to intercede as needed.  Can I identify the sticks the man's carrying and does that information or the smell give me a clue to  the man's profession?


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Re: 1899 - The Hidden Hands of the Aether
« Reply #174 on: December 01, 2013, 00:41 »

Since this means we'll start rolling dice for you - both of you actually - it's time to post your character info. Just make a separate post for this, put the stats in plain view but please add spoiler tags to the bio to reduce the length of the post. @Cole, come to think of it, can you please un-spoiler your stats?

As for the finishing touches to Malachi: I hereby grant you the Tough Guy merit. You are someone who is not to be fooled around with, and this is readily apparent to others even before you've said a single word. This gives others a -1 penalty to their dice pool on any actions involving lies, tricks, deceit and such.

Once the character is up, please roll Intelligence+Academics. Cole, please make the same roll for Thaddeus. See this post if you happen to be unfamiliar with online dice rolls.
[] Current: Hell Knight 1st Lieutenant [20/12/4/0/0/0]
High: Arch-Vile Lt. Colonel [25/21/12/2/1/0]


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Re: 1899 - The Hidden Hands of the Aether
« Reply #175 on: December 01, 2013, 16:52 »

Intelligence + Academics:



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DCI Malachi Day
« Reply #176 on: December 01, 2013, 22:03 »

DCI Malachi Day


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Personality:  Malachi is a product of the street as influenced by DCI Towers.  He is a hard man who views it as his mission to bring  justice to the slums of London.   Due to the corruption in the court and jail systems he often applies street justice, punishing the wicked and protecting the week.  While he isn’t naive in any way about the nature of the urchins who inhabit the slums, he has neither patience or mercy for those who prey on children.

He was married and while he wasn’t a great husband, he loved her deeply and when his wife died in childbirth he grieved deeply for her.  Since then it isn’t a surprise that he drinks or that he has problem maintaining any sort of stable relationship, he’s seen too much, done too much. 

Even so he’s very very good at his job, pursuing criminals with a bulldog like fixation.  His fellow cops respect his abilities although his superiors see him more as a blunt instrument who lacks the sophistication to play the politics that go hand in with further promotion.  Their assessment is wrong , he understands the politics, he just doesn’t care.

He knows his career is topped out so his goal is to bring justice and law to his portion of the hell that is in the shadows of London.

                                Physical      Social                 Mental
Power                Strength 3     Charisma   3   Intelligence 2
Finesse              Dexterity  2    Manipulation 1   Wits 3
Resistance         Stamina   2    Composure  2   Resolve 3

Academics 2 (Law)
Investigation 4 (Crime Scenes)
Politics 1

Brawl  3
Firearms 1

Empathy 1
Intimidation 3
Persuasion 2
Socialize 1
Streetwise 2 (Under Cover)
Subterfuge 2

Virtue and Vice
Virtues: Justice
Vices: Wrath.

Other Traits
Age:       42
Size:          5
Speed:     5
Health:    8
Willpower:    5
Initiative:    4
Defense:    2

The Aether's Blessing:  Tough Guy. You are someone who is not to be fooled around with, and this is readily apparent to others even before you've said a single word. This gives others a -1 penalty to their dice pool on any actions involving lies, tricks, deceit and such.

Contacts - Metropolitan Police 2
Allies - Metropolitan Police 2

Superintendent Franklin Tower, Metropolitan Police Force.  The greatest positive influence in Malachi’s life.  He’s Malachi’s mentor, advisor, sponsor.   Their relationship is more than that of a mentor but not quite family.  Malachi cares for the old man as much as he cares for anyone but there’s a limit to how close he’ll allow anyone.

Eugene Marston: Senior Prosecutor.  Malachi and Eugene have know each other for years and have a deep degree of respect for each other.  Over the years their relationship has grown from professional colleagues to friends and comrades in arms.

Doctor Micheal Hastings: East End Coroners.   He and Malachi have worked together for years.  Malachi has a strong appreciation of Malachi’s approach to justice.  At the same time, he often serves as a doctor for who can’t afford one.

Police Sgt Burbin.  Malachi’s oldest friend in police department.  They joined the force at the same time as Malachi and in each other.

London's Social Scene 1

William Drake:  Actor.  Malachi and Bill attended Kings College together.  He taught Malachi to act and they share a love of musical theater.  In many ways Bill is Malachi’s closest friend and it is through him that Malachi that a little bit of magic enters into his life

Black Devlin Morrissey: Bar Keep  Proprietor of the White Hart, Malachi’s pub.  While he belongs to the Tin Piper, he prefers the White Hart to his club.  Early in his career, Malachi would freelance as a bouncer at the Hart.  Devlin is a man of letter and often tutored Malachi when he was at Kings College.

Suzanne Malory and Molly Pence: Madames  Proprietress’ of the Black Rose.  The sisters run a high end brothel and have deep connections with the into the East end underground.   Malachi considers them substitutes for the sister’s he’s lost and are some of his oldest friends

Gangs of London 1

Jimmy “Brigand” Briggs: Thug. Former leader of the for the Bethnal Green Knockers and one of the bloodiest muscles in the east end.  He’s Malachi’s oldest friend and while they both have lines they won’t cross, even for each other, they will stretch that line as far as they can for each other .  (OOC: Think of him as Hawk to Malachi’s Spenser.)

Graham Jent: Fence.   Graham used to be one of the Bethnal Green Knockers.  He broke a leg in a bash with the Durgin Boys.  It was one of those fights that went from bad to worse and ended with Malachi carrying Graham across rooftops on his back.  Graham never walked the same but he found a way to turn a keen sense of business to his advantage.

Suzanne Malory and Molly Pence: Madames  Proprietress’ of the Black Rose.  The sisters run a high end brothel and have deep connections with the into the East end underground.   Malachi considers them substitutes for the sister’s he’s lost and are some of his oldest friends

William Drake:  Actor.  Malachi and Bill attended Kings College together.  He taught Malachi to act and they share a love of musical theater.  In many ways Bill is Malachi’s closest friend and it is through him that Malachi that a little bit of magic enters into his life

Black Devlin Morrissey: Bar Keep  Proprietor of the White Hart, Malachi’s pub.  While he belongs to the Tin Piper, he prefers the White Hart to his club.  Early in his career, Malachi would freelance as a bouncer at the Hart.  Devlin is a man of letter and often tutored Malachi when he was at Kings College.



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Re: 1899 - The Hidden Hands of the Aether
« Reply #177 on: December 01, 2013, 22:27 »

The domain has expired for  I used the roller, A World of Darkness Dice Roller at

2013-12-01 22:14:59   DCI Day rolls 4 dice to Intelligence + Academics   1,1,10,7,6 (1 success)


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Re: 1899 - The Hidden Hands of the Aether
« Reply #178 on: December 05, 2013, 23:57 »

Both of you realize that, although you can't recall what it is you recognize in this man, he is highly out of place here; not just because of the smell, but he looks like someone who stepped in from an age gone by. Had you seen in a knight in full armor walk in, you'd have felt more or less the same.

The assumption about the lack of a bouncer appeared to be wrong: as Malachi approaches the bar, a humongous man steps in through the door on the right side of the bar, who - upon seeing the barkeep conversing with the stranger - approaches the bar as if he's getting ready to take part in the discussion. And he doesn't look like much of a talker.
You hear the barkeep muttering to the stranger:
"Look, I'll have Hugo hear take you outside and point you towards the yard entrance. We'll have a talk where it's nice and quiet." He exchanges a quick word with the muscled man, then says in a tone of voice that's just very slightly too loud to sound entirely natural: "Hugo, please escort this man outside."

At the same time, upstairs, Mellie has given up making a ruckus. Not that Josie notices any of this, though. After a couple of minutes that seem like seconds and hours at the same time, the rat gives up on his previous plan, and inches its way back into the room, fully exposed...
[] Current: Hell Knight 1st Lieutenant [20/12/4/0/0/0]
High: Arch-Vile Lt. Colonel [25/21/12/2/1/0]


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Re: 1899 - The Hidden Hands of the Aether
« Reply #179 on: December 07, 2013, 01:00 »

Silently Josie has waited for this. Pondering on what she has seen of this creature in her mind so far. Becoming more and more convinced there is something strange and wrong about it. She is on edge and ready to strike the moment it exposes itself. Swift as a cat Josie is on him. With talon like claws, she tries to get a firm grip but not kill it. For now....
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