A Beginner's Guide To DoomRL, Part 3: How To Train Your DoomguyIn today's update, I'll be discussing how to put together a coherent character build in DoomRL. Making a good DoomRL character and knowing what his strengths and weaknesses are goes a long way toward surviving the depths of Hell.
Note: This will probably be the densest update in the series! Don't expect to absorb it all in one sitting; it might be better to just pick one of the four build types and skim the parts that aren't relevant to it.

This list of traits is one of the first things you see on starting a game of DoomRL; you take one of these traits at the start, and get to take one more each time Doomguy levels up (the "only" benefit of gaining levels is getting an additional trait; nothing else changes). It's an intimidating list, but by the end of this lesson, it should be a lot more approachable. For now, just know that the game's traits come in three tiers. Ironman through Brute on that list are the "Basic Traits", which can be taken from the start; all of them can be thought of as basic stat boosts. Badass through Whizkid are the "Advanced Traits", which generally give Doomguy capabilities he didn't have before, and which have prerequisites before they can be taken. And Vampyre through Survivalist are the "Master Traits"; all of them have hefty prerequisites (and are incompatible with certain other traits!), you can only take one of them, and they're all very powerful.
First, let's note up front that there are four broad types of character builds, each emphasizing a particular kind of weapon. Most successful DoomRL characters stick to one or two of them and take their traits accordingly:
Pistol builds are focused on the use of, well, pistols. Pistols are weak by themselves, but can become very powerful if you take the appropriate traits. Pistol-based builds are very versatile; they tend to get a lot of damage done without spending a lot of ammo, which frees up inventory space you can use for luxuries like extra medpacks or rockets, for the times when pistols just don't cut it. Pistol-oriented builds rarely run into ammo issues.
Shotgun builds are based around the use of shotguns at the start, and later on combat shotguns and double shotguns. Shotguns have excellent crowd-control capabilities, and their knockback means shotgun users can often make better use of cover than other builds can, but they sometimes have issues against single, powerful targets - especially if said target is heavily armored. Shotgun builds occasionally run into ammo issues very late in the game; it's good practice, when running a shotgun build, to take every shell box you find so you can raid them as needed.
Burst builds are based around the use of the chaingun and plasma rifle as primary weapons. Well-made burst builds have the highest general-purpose DPS in the game, usually at the cost of needing a lot of ammo to fuel the huge quantities of lead and/or plasma with which the Doomguy's filling the air.
Melee builds are based around the use of melee attacks. Melee attacks can be
ridiculously powerful, and being in melee range means a lot of enemies aren't using their most dangerous attacks. However, it can also sometimes be hard to get close enough to use them. If you're majoring in melee, you'll probably need to minor in something else. N.B.: while melee fighters have no trouble landing their attacks even with the accuracy penalty from running, running also cuts melee damage in half.
With that, let's get into the traits. Rather than discuss all of the Basic Traits first, followed by the Advanced Traits, I'm instead going to group them together based on what the prerequisites are (so, for example, Juggler will get mentioned alongside Finesse, because Finesse is the prerequisite for Juggler). For each trait, I'll discuss how it's useful, and tell you what build types they work best with.
In all cases where I don't mention how many times a trait can be taken for extra effect, the trait can only be taken once.
Ironman (Basic): Gives 10 extra HP (recall that the default maximum is 50). Taking points in Ironman is the only way to increase Doomguy's maximum HP. It's pretty much equally useful to all builds, but unlike every other Basic Trait, it doesn't lead to any Advanced Traits. As such, this tends to be a trait to take later rather than sooner.
Initially, you can take up to three levels of Ironman. If you hit level 12 (which typically only happens when playing on higher difficulty levels), you are allowed to take two more.
Finesse (Basic): Reduces the time taken by your attacks by 15%. The effect is additive rather than multiplicative; two levels of Finesse reduce time taken by 30% (this is true of all speed-increasing traits). As with Ironman, this is useful for everyone.
Initially, you can take up to two levels of Finesse. At level 12, you're allowed to take one more.
Juggler (Advanced, requires Finesse 1): Allows you to switch between your primary weapon and your off-hand weapon (with the Z key) without taking any time. If your off-hand weapon is a melee weapon, the game even swaps to it automatically if you try to attack in melee. What's more (and I suspect this part might be a bug), using the 0-9 hotkeys to ready one of the game's main weapon types does so instantly too, even from your inventory! I usually don't bother with this trait, but for what it's worth, everyone benefits about equally from it; it can be useful if you stick a panic weapon in your off-hand slot for instant access.
Whizkid (Advanced, requires Finesse 2): As stated in the previous lesson, weapons, armor, and boots can normally only take one mod-pack each. Each level of Whizkid lets you apply two extra mod-packs to weapons and one extra mod-pack to armor and boots. This happens to have some pretty significant implications, which I'll discuss later; for now, suffice to say that Whizkid is a very useful trait for everyone.
Hellrunner (Basic): Ah, a trait that
doesn't help all builds equally. Where Finesse reduces attack time by 15%, Hellrunner reduces
movement time by 15% and grants +15% to sidestepping chance. This is most useful for the build types that do a lot of running around: shotgun builds, which tend to run for cover, and melee builds, which need to close distance. Pistol and burst builds are more likely to stand their ground and shoot, and Hellrunner is correspondingly less useful for them.
Initially, you can take up to two levels of Hellrunner. At level 12, you're allowed to take one more.
Dodgemaster (Advanced, requires Hellrunner 2): If you make a sidestepping move, and an enemy shoots at you, its first shot is
guaranteed to be successfully sidestepped. Rapid-fire enemies can still hit you with their non-first shots (but your levels in Hellrunner still help avoid them), and sidestepping an explosive does you little good if you still get caught in the blast, but this is still extremely good; the trait is basically an "I Win" button against the Cyberdemon. As with Hellrunner, works best with shotgun and melee builds.
Tough as Nails (Basic): Grants you an intrinsic point of armor, stacking with any armor you choose to wear. Well suited for burst and melee builds, which often take a lot of hits.
Initially, you can take up to two levels of Tough as Nails. At level 12, you're allowed to take one more.
Badass (Advanced, requires Tough as Nails 2): One level reduces all knockback by 1 space and allows you to maintain an overheal of up to 150% without it decaying. A second level reduces knockback by 1 further space and prevents all overheal decay. Melee builds really appreciate the knockback reduction.
As you've probably guessed, you can take up to two levels of Badass.
Son of a Bitch (Basic): Each shot/attack you do has its damage increased by one. This trait was
made for burst builds; it applies to each individual chaingun/plasma rifle shot, so each level of this trait increases an attack from one of those weapons
considerably. Pistol builds can occasionally make decent use of it too, but it's not as essential for them. It's pretty much a waste of a trait for melee builds.
Initially, you can take up to three levels of Son of a Bitch. At level 12, you're allowed to take two more.
Triggerhappy (Advanced, requires Son of a Bitch 2): For each level of Triggerhappy, you get an additional shot when firing a rapid-fire weapon*. As with Son of a Bitch, all burst builds will want this.
You can take up to two levels of Triggerhappy.
*Fun fact for you DoomRL veterans: this trait works with the Jackhammer (one of the game's uniques, a shotgun). Two levels of Triggerhappy mean you fire it five times in a turn.***************
Son of a Gun (Basic): All pistol shots deal 1 extra damage and take 20% less time.
This trait is what makes pistol builds viable; don't even try running a pistol build without maxing this one out.Initially, you can take up to three levels of Son of a Gun. At level 12, you're allowed to take two more. While the speed boost, as mentioned before, is additive, five levels of Son of a Gun do
not make pistol shots take no time at all; there's a lower bound of 0.1 seconds for time taken.
Dualgunner (Advanced, requires Son of a Gun 2): Allows you to dual-wield pistols (stick one in your off-hand slot), firing them both simultaneously while taking only 20% more time. While dual-wielding, you get an alternate reload (shift-R) action allowing you to reload your off-hand weapon without swapping to it, for convenience. Obviously, this is another pistol build trait. Less obviously, you're usually slightly better off taking your third level of Son of a Gun before taking Dualgunner (that third speed boost helps a
Reloader (Basic): All reload actions take 20% less time. Where pistol builds universally want Son of a Gun, and burst builds universally want Son of a Bitch, shotgun builds universally want Reloader. Early on, it takes the edge off needing to reload after every shot; later, it makes using double shotguns in the heat of combat much more viable (their 2 second reload time is painful otherwise). It's also a useful trait for rocket launcher use, though you can't exactly build around rocket launchers as a primary weapon.
Initially, you can take up to two levels of Reloader. At level 12, you're allowed to take one more.
Shottyman (Advanced, requires Reloader 2): If you have an unloaded shotgun or rocket launcher (...yeah...) equipped, you automatically reload it if you take a step. As with Reloader, this is essential for shotgun builds. This trait has
excellent synergy with the Hellrunner/Dodgemaster line.
Eagle Eye (Basic): Each of your attacks get +2 to-hit. For those curious about what this means: attacks hit if 10 + (accuracy modifiers) is greater than or equal to a roll of 3d6. The most notable modifiers are intrinsic weapon accuracy (listed in the inventory menu), distance (-1 to-hit for every three spaces distance), and running (-2 to-hit for your attacks, -4 to-hit for enemies attacking you).
The simplified version is that Eagle Eye has a very significant effect on your hit rate, with one level being enough to completely offset the accuracy penalty from running. It's
especially helpful in cases where unaided accuracy would be roughly 50%; the effect of +2 to-hit is huge there.
Eagle Eye is of greatest benefit to burst builds, whose best weapons tend to be somewhat inaccurate. Pistol builds can make use of it too, but not quite as much, since pistols are less inaccurate to begin with. It's mostly useless to shotgun and melee builds, however, as they have no trouble hitting anyway.
Initially, you can take up to three levels of Eagle Eye. At level 12, you're allowed to take two more, but I'm buggered if I can see why you'd need
that much of it.
Intuition (Advanced, requires Eagle Eye 2): Gives extra information to the player. The first level of Intuition reveals the location of all powerups on the floor and tells you whether pulling a lever will have good or bad effects; the second level reveals the location of enemies outside your LOS (up to a radius of LOS + 3) and tells you exactly what will happen when you pull a lever. If you take one level of Intuition, definitely take the second. Strangely, while its prerequisite trait is useless for those running shotgun builds, they're probably the ones who benefit most from Intuition 2 (but it's a pretty good trait for anyone).
You can take up to two levels of Intuition.
Brute (Basic): All melee attacks deal +3 damage and get +2 to-hit. A must-have for any melee build, but obviously useless if you're not using melee.
Initially, you can take up to three levels of Brute. At level 12, you're allowed to take two more.
Berserker (Advanced, requires Brute 2): Striking enemies repeatedly with melee attacks, or taking a lot of damage from a single attack, will trigger a lesser version of the Berserk Pack effect (you get the boost to melee damage, speed, and resistances, but not the healing, and for a shorter duration). Extremely powerful trait for melee builds; most characters with designs on melee take this one as soon as possible.
And, with that, the Basic and Advanced Traits have all been covered. Before I get to the Master Traits, there's something else I want to discuss: Assemblies.
Assemblies: More than the sum of their partsWhile it's normally true that, without Whizkid, you can only apply one mod to a weapon or piece of armor, there's a very important exception to this rule: making an assembly.

Certain pieces of equipment have combinations of modpacks that have special effects on them. What's more, as long as only two mods are required for the combo, you're allowed to apply the second mod even without Whizkid! Some examples that are useful for almost all characters (if you've got the spare mod-packs):
Fireproof armor: Any armor, plus a bulk mod and a technical mod. The armor gains +30% fire resistance, but takes -30% melee resistance (this can become negative, making you more vulnerable to melee attacks!). Fireproof red armor, with 55% fire resistance and an armor rating of 4, will take a 20 damage blast of arch-vile flame and soften it to a much more reasonable 7 damage (20 * 0.45 - 4 = 7), and it's even more helpful against mancubi and revenants. You want this.
Tactical boots: Steel boots, plus two agility mods. Tactical boots provide no protection from acid or lava, but let you run 15% faster and gradually repair damage sustained to themselves. Since you can usually walk around acid and lava pools, these are a fine thing to have in your boot slot even if you're not running a build that usually cares about fast movement.
Ballistic armor: Any armor, plus an agility mod and a technical mod. The armor gains +30% each to bullet, melee, and shrapnel resistance, but loses 30% fire resistance. Very useful early on, when most attacks are of one of those types. Later on, the fire vulnerability hurts a lot, but there's one special level where the melee resistance can be a lifesaver...
...those examples may all be armor, but weapons have assemblies too! It's just that they tend to be more build-specific than the armor. There are also assemblies which are made using three modpacks, and some that even take four; they require, respectively, one and two levels of Whizkid before you can make them.
For the full list of assemblies, see
this page. Some of them require rare and exotic mod-packs* that you're hardly assured of seeing in a given game; I don't give them as recommendations, simply because you can't count on being able to make them.
*Firestorm, which gives burst weapons two extra shots and gives explosive weapons greater radius; Onyx, which makes armor indestructible; Sniper, which eliminates the accuracy penalty for shooting distant foes; and Nano, which makes weapons regenerate their own ammo and armor regenerate itself.One more thing before I get into the Master Traits: classes. Before you pick your first trait, you choose one of DoomRL's three classes. Marines get 10 extra HP, 50% longer powerup duration, and can take the Badass trait without its prerequisites. Scouts get an across-the-board 10% speed boost, know where the staircases are on every level, and can take Intuition for free. Technician, which uses items almost instantaneously, uses Computer Maps as Tracking Maps, starts with a technical mod-pack, and can take Whizkid without Finesse.
I brought all this up because each of the classes has its own set of five Master Traits: one for pistol builds, one for shotguns, one for melee, one for burst, and one that's just generally useful. Because Master Traits, more than anything else, define what your character does, I also wanted to be able to list the assemblies that work best with each Master (I'll more readily recommend assemblies that require Whizkid for the Technician Masters, and I often won't bother reiterating the above assemblies).
My advice for the rest of the lesson would be to pick one of the Master Traits before playing a game, read up on it below, and just skim the rest of these; if you're playing a Sharpshooter game, you don't really need to know how Army of the Dead works. Without further ado, the Master Traits:
MarineVampyre (Melee): Requires Berserker (Brute 2), Badass 1, and one other trait; incompatible with Eagle Eye, Son of a Bitch, and Hellrunner. Each time you kill an enemy in melee combat, you gain 3 HP.
It's a good thing this trait has such a powerful effect, because blocking Hellrunner is unpleasant for melee builds. Eagle Eye and Son of a Bitch being blocked also means you can't reasonably use burst weapons as backup when you can't close to melee range. As such, you'll want to consider taking extra traits around pistols or shotguns instead.
Some assemblies to aim for: A piercing chainsaw (chainsaw + agility + power) will help a lot against heavily armored targets. Grappling boots (any boots + technical + technical), which drastically reduce knockback, can be extremely useful for those times you just need to rush something, especially when Berserker triggers and you don't care as much about tanking hits.
Bullet Dance (Pistols): Requires Dualgunner (Son of a Gun 2) and Triggerhappy 1 (Son of a Bitch 2); incompatible with Hellrunner, Eagle Eye, or Brute. For each level of Triggerhappy you have, you get an additional shot from each wielded pistol at the cost of taking 50% longer to fire. Aimed shots are unaffected, allowing you to fire single bullets, albeit with the aimed shot speed penalty.
DPS, DPS, DPS; Bullet Dance makes for a pistol build that plays like a burst build, with the benefits and drawbacks this entails. There are some notable differences, though; getting to stack the Son of a Gun
and Son of a Bitch damage boosts on top of the pistols' base damage, plus the speed boost from Son of a Gun (which can be further augmented with some Finesse) mean you're hitting the high DPS tiers a lot more easily than Burst builds usually manage without advanced assemblies and power cell use. Of course, you're also consuming ammo like a Burst build, and unlike those builds, you need to reload very frequently - after every other shot, with Triggerhappy 2 and vanilla pistols. You might want some Reloader to help deal with that; that'll also help you use shotguns, which will be good to help deal with swarms of popcorn in an ammo-conscious efficiently.
Some assemblies to aim for: Since two levels of Triggerhappy will mean needing to reload after every other shot, investing in a pair of speedloader pistols (pistol + agility + technical), which reload in half the time, would not go amiss. If you still have a spare technical mod pack, a good use for it would be to make a tactical shotgun (combat shotgun + technical + power), a combat shotgun that doesn't need pumping between shots; tactical shtogun blasts are a good way to ease off on your bullet supply when confronted with swarms of weak foes.
Army of the Dead (Shotguns): Requires Shottyman (Reloader 2), Badass 1, and one other trait; incompatible with Finesse, Eagle Eye, and Hellrunner. Shotguns deal piercing damage instead of shrapnel damage; instead of being applied twice, armor doesn't apply at all.
Man, what is it with Marine Master Traits blocking Hellrunner? Oh well; Army of the Dead is a powerful enough effect that you can get by without it, even if it's something shotgun builds normally want. Armor-piercing shotgun blasts make a huge difference against moderately distant, heavily armored targets like Barons of Hell. You'll find yourself needing noticeably fewer shots to kill things like that, both easing the ammo pressure shotgun builds sometimes find themselves in and making things less painful in those situations when you can't get to cover (which... come up more frequently, since you can't take Hellrunner). Army of the Dead is a flexible mastery; if you want to develop a subspecialty in pistols, melee, or burst weapons, any one of them can easily work.
Some assemblies to aim for: The aforementioned tactical shotgun (combat shotgun + technical + power) is a must. Army of the Dead plays well with relatively distant shotgun blasts, and the combat shotgun is the one that handles distances most gracefully, so you'll naturally want the upgraded version. If you want to try offsetting the absence of Hellrunner, tactical armor (green armor + agility + agility), which increases speed by 15%, repairs itself over time, and grants a +10% sidestep chance, will be helpful. An elephant gun (shotgun + power + power), which deals 50% more damage than a normal shotgun at the cost of much longer reload time, is also there as a potent, ammo-conscious option. Since Army of the Dead blocks Finesse (and therefore Whizkid), all advanced assemblies are off-limits.
Ammochain (Burst): Requires Triggerhappy 2 (Son of a Bitch 2) and Reloader 2; incompatible with Tough as Nails, Son of a Gun, and Eagle Eye. When firing a burst weapon, only the first shot consumes any ammunition.
Ammochain: because you want to have the luxury of killing former humans with the plasma rifle. That's only a slight exaggeration; with this trait, all the normal concerns burst builds have about ammo go right out the window. Which is good, because blocking Eagle Eye and Tough as Nails means this build isn't otherwise as innately powerful offensively or defensively as other burst builds. While Reloader is almost useless for burst weapons in conjunction with Ammochain, it
does mean that you can easily use shotguns as a backup crowd control device, especially if you spend an additional level to get Shottyman.
Some assemblies to aim for: Since you have no ammo concerns, burst assemblies whose primary downside is heinous consumption of ammo are naturally quite good with Ammochain. The gatling gun (chaingun + bulk + bulk), in particular, is a good weapon you can get early on (you won't have Ammochain early on, but 10mm is easy to find in the early game). Less obviously, the absence of Eagle Eye makes accurate burst assemblies desirable too. If you're willing to invest the three levels needed for Whizkid, a hyperblaster (plasma rifle + agility + technical + technical) will serve you extremely well. Don't bother with the burst cannon assembly; it's too inaccurate without Eagle Eye. If you don't want to go for Whizkid, you probably simply want to agility-mod your plasma rifle. If you feel like taking a shotgun minor, the tactical shotgun (combat shotgun + technical + power) is, once again, a pretty good assembly to make.
Survivalist (General): Requires Badass 1, Ironman 3, Tough as Nails 2; incompatible with Hellrunner, Berserker, and Son of a Bitch. You are allowed to overheal using medpacks, and damage that would get reduced to 0 by resistances and armor (that would normally get increased back to 1) has a 50% chance of doing no damage to you.
This trait is all about soaking up huge numbers of attacks without giving a crap. In general, you want the biggest, baddest armor you can get; shrugging off damage is the name of the game here. In terms of offense, the fact that the trait blocks Berserker and Son of a Bitch points away from trying to take burst or melee traits, though plasma rifles can still be useful; once your defenses are in order, consider taking pistol or shotgun traits.
Some assemblies to aim for: As you'll be taking a lot of hits, you'll want armor that'll let you do so gracefully. Nanofiber red armor (any armor + bulk + power), which grants half protection but is indestructible, is a good choice to swap in to tank against swarms of weak foes. You might prefer to just bulk-mod a spare set of red armor for those situations, though. For uglier stuff, switching to fireproof (any armor + bulk + technical), ballistic (any armor + agility + technical), or just plain power-modded armor will be preferable. As for weapons, well... that'll depend on what additional traits you take.
ScoutBlademaster (Melee): Requires Berserker (Brute 2), Brute 3, and Hellrunner 2; incompatible with Tough as Nails, Son of a Bitch, and Son of a Gun. When you finish off an enemy with a melee attack, you instantly get another turn.
Blademaster is probably the weakest of the three melee Master Traits, but, on the other hand, it's also the only one that doesn't block something melee users really want. It
does, however, block the necessary traits to take alternate specialties in pistols or burst weapons, so you might want to consider using shotguns as your melee alternative.
Some assemblies to aim for: The same piercing chainsaw (chainsaw + agility + power) Vampyre wanted is still good here. Unlike Vampyre, though, Blademasters actually have high movement speed to help close the distance to their foes; consider augmenting that with tactical boots (steel boots + agility + agility) and tactical armor (green armor + agility + agility), especially since closing to melee often means having the ability to beat everything surrounding you to death without taking any hits.
Gun Kata (Pistols): Requires Dodgemaster (Hellrunner 2) and Dualgunner (Son of a Gun 2); incompatible with Tough as Nails, Son of a Bitch, and Brute. After a successful sidestep, your next pistol shot takes only 0.1 seconds, and finishing an opponent off with a pistol instantly reloads both wielded pistols.
As with Blademaster, Gun Kata is a relatively unimpressive pistol Master Trait, but nonetheless the only one that doesn't come with serious downsides. Fast firing after a sidestep is nice, but pistols are already fast weapons; that aspect is most useful if caught in the open against a large cluster of slow-firing enemies. Not needing to worry about reloading is better, though. The blocked traits preclude burst or melee focus, but shotguns are fair game. You'll probably also want to avail yourself of the Scout's free access to Intuition.
Some assemblies to aim for: The speedloader pistol isn't worth your time. Consider, instead, a pair of high power pistols (non-shotgun clip weapon + power + bulk); this would normally be a weird choice for a pistol build given its smaller clip and that reloads tend to be where pistols stumble somewhat, but Gun Kata isn't so concerned about this. If you take Whizkid, a storm bolter pistol (pistol + technical + bulk + bulk), which fires two shots at once, or an energy gun (pistol + technical + power + power) with high plasma damage are both decent, if
maybe not worth the required level investment.
Shottyhead (Shotguns): Requries Juggler (Finesse 1), Shottyman (Reloader 2), and Hellrunner 1; incompatible with Tough as Nails, Son of a Bitch, and Eagle Eye. Firing any shotgun takes 1/3 as much time.
Shottyhead is really good at doing three things. One is blasting something repeatedly with a tactical shotgun. Another is putting sidestepping to good use in conjunction with Shottyman; when you're firing your shotgun so quickly, chances are that your enemy's turn will come up right after you move rather than after you fire. In this way, Shottyhead can sometimes be played as a sort of shotgun-oriented version of Gun Kata. And the third is dual-wielding powerful shotguns: shoot something with the shotgun in your main hand, use Juggler to swap to your other shotgun, and shoot again. Make sure you take both levels of Intuition; Intuition 2 works really well with shotguns. As is proving to be a common thread among Scout Master Traits, burst weapons are a no-go with both Son of a Bitch and Eagle Eye blocked. Pistols and melee are fair game as sub-specialties, though.
Some assemblies to aim for: As just mentioned, the tactical shotgun (combat shotgun + power + technical) is very good for this build. With this being another sidestep-heavy build, tactical armor (green armor + agility + agility) is a good addition. If you're willing to spring for Whizkid (and taking the required second level of Finesse may be a good idea with Shottyhead anyway), a focused double shotgun (double shotgun + power + agility + technical), which deals more damage and has less damage falloff than a normal double shotgun, is exactly the sort of power weapon this build wants. Failing that, or perhaps in supplement of that, an elephant gun (shotgun + power + power) might also be a good idea.
Cateye (Burst): Requires Triggerhappy 1 (Son of a Bitch 2), Intuition 1, and one other trait; incompatible with Reloader, Brute, and Tough as Nails. Increases your line-of-sight radius by two, letting you see enemies before they see you - and shoot at them before they shoot at you.
Back in the old days, before classes existed, Cateye required two levels of Eagle Eye so that you could take the required level of Intuition. These days, it's no longer required, just a
really good idea. Cateye is best when you get to use your LOS boost and the high damage of burst weapons to kill enemies outright before they get close enough to start attacking you back, and a couple of levels of Eagle Eye are needed to hit reliably at long distance. Once you have those, there are two natural ways to keep building a Cateye character: take Son of a Gun and Dualgunner to ease off on your burst weapon ammo consumption, or take Finesse (and later Whizkid) to get more shots before things close distance.
Some assemblies to aim for: Cateye means wanting to do the most damage in the shortest time possible. If you're taking Eagle Eye like a good little Doomguy, hitting things shouldn't be a problem. High power weapon (non-shotgun clip weapon + power + bulk) applied to a chaingun or plasma rifle (or both) is a good choice for non-Whizkids, or even to keep on hand for Whizkids who want something relatively cheap to fire. If you've got Whizkid at the ready, though, don't be shy about making a burst cannon out of a chaingun (rapid-fire weapon + power + bulk + bulk), which is a lot more powerful (at the cost of accuracy; you'll probably want to take a third level of Eagle Eye if you make this one), and the hyperblaster (plasma rifle + agility + technical + technical) is just as good here as it was with Ammochain, if perhaps less spammable.
Gunrunner (General): Requires Dodgemaster (Hellrunner 2) and Juggler (Finesse 1); incompatible with Son of a Bitch, Tough as Nails, and Whizkid. Running lasts 50% longer, and while running and wielding a non-burst non-empty weapon, you automatically shoot at the nearest enemy each time you take a step.
Burst weapons are explicitly blocked from benefiting from this trait (not that you'd really want to use them anyway, with Son of a Bitch being blocked); I'm not sure if melee weapons work with it, but even if they do, willingly giving up half your damage wouldn't be the best of ideas. The natural way to play Gunrunner, therefore, is with pistols, shotguns, or some combination thereof. Once you get the trait, you should make a beeline straight for Shottyman or Dualgunner.
Some assemblies to aim for: Whizkid is outright blocked, so you can't take any of the advanced assemblies. The ever-popular tactical shotgun (combat shotgun + power + technical) is a great choice for Gunrunner, allowing you to get multiple shotgun blasts without stopping to reload even without Shottyman; if you
do take Shottyman, an elephant gun (shotgun + power + power) may be a better choice. Tactical boots (steel boots + agility + agility) and tactical armor (green armor + agility + agility) are no-brainers, with their increase in movement speed translating directly to more shots. If you decide to go with pistols instead, a speedloader (pistol + agility + technical) or two would be nice to have.
TechnicianMalicious Blades (Melee): Requires Dodgemaster (Hellrunner 2), Brute 2, Finesse 1; incompatible with Berserker, Tough as Nails, and Eagle Eye. While having a combat knife or knife-derived weapon (chainsaw does
not count) in each hand, you get to attack with both in the same action; additionally, while carrying a knife as your prepared weapon, you get 75% melee resistance, 50% fire resistance, 50% bullet resistance, and 50% shrapnel resistance.
Yes, you saw that right: this is a melee Master Trait that
blocks Berserker. As compensation, though, it gives a sort of low-grade permanent Berserk effect from its boost to melee damage (when dual-wielding) and resistances. This is a
weird (but good) trait; its biggest selling point is actually the permanent boost to resistances when carrying a knife in the off-hand, which you get even if your primary weapon isn't a melee weapon at all. While it certainly works
well with melee, you can feel free to build a secondary specialization around any one of the other three weapon types (with the caveat that you obviously can't use Dualgunner) while still enjoying the benefits of MB.
Some assemblies to aim for: You'd probably think, looking at the list of assemblies, that a pair of chainswords (combat knife + power + bulk) for extra melee damage would be the way to go. You'd be wrong. More powerful still is to take a level of Whizkid, ignore the dual-wielding aspect of Malicious Blades altogether, and make a double chainsaw (chainsaw + power + power + bulk), sticking a plain combat knife in your prepared slot solely for the resistances. Alternately, you can take
two levels of Whizkid and make a ripper (chainsaw + power + power + bulk + technical), which is noticeably less accurate but twice as fast. Perhaps surprisingly, though, assembled highly-protective armor isn't as important for this build. While fireproof red armor (any armor + bulk + technical) on a Malicious Blades character brings fire resistance all the way up to the maximum of 95%, the 75% resistance from wearing regular red armor coupled with red's 4 points of is good enough for almost anything. Likewise, ballistic armor just isn't very necessary. Consider instead making a set of tactical armor (green armor + agility + agility) and tactical boots (steel boots + agility + agility) and keeping a bulk-modded set of red in reserve when you need protection.
Sharpshooter (Pistols): Requires Son of a Gun 3 and Eagle Eye 3; incompatible with Dualgunner, Tough as Nails, and Son of a Bitch. All damage rolls when firing a pistol are maximized; a basic 2d4 roll for pistol damage, for instance, will always come up 8.
Yes, you saw that right: this is a pistol Mastery Trait that blocks Dualgu-hey this sounds familiar. But, as with Malicious Blades, this trait carries that crippling penalty by design; if you could take Dualgunner with Sharpshooter, it'd be flat-out overpowered. Aside from merely increasing your DPS, Sharpshooter gives two significant benefits. First, Sharpshooter has one of the highest damage-to-ammo-cost ratios in the game; only melee builds and Ammochain do better. This means you have a lot of spare inventory space for luxuries, even moreso than most pistol builds. And second, you have
reliability. Eagle Eye 3 means you almost never miss at any range; when you take aim at an enemy, you can confidently predict exactly how many shots it'll take to bring it down. You'll definitely want a level of Whizkid, but beyond that, Sharpshooter is very flexible (with the caveat that you can't really work with burst weapons well).
Some assemblies to aim for: A high power pistol (non-shotgun clip weapon + power + bulk) is a surprisingly excellent upgrade for Sharpshooters; an extra 4 damage is nice enough on its own, but what really makes it shine is that it's potent enough to reliably inflict knockback. Knocking an enemy out of LOS before it can shoot at you is both common and
awesome. Sometimes, that won't cut it, though; you'll want a level of Whizkid in order to make a storm bolter pistol (pistol + technical + bulk + bulk), a faster, double-shot pistol.
Fireangel (Shotguns): Requires Dodgemaster (Hellrunner 2) and Shottyman (Reloader 2); incompatible with Son of a Gun, Son of a Bitch, and Eagle Eye. You don't take damage from any explosion unless you were directly hit by whatever caused it. You do still take knockback, however.
Behold, the most potent evasive trait in the game. Make a move to sidestep, and nothing but rapid-fire enemies can possibly hurt you; arachnotrons will be your worst enemies, and even their shots can be sidestepped with 80%+ success while running and wearing appropriate gear. Perfect for retreating to cover for shotgun action or just plain retreating to the stairs. And it gets better: you can even rocket jump without damaging yourself! The biggest downside is that the blocked traits preclude any emphasis on pistols or burst weapons; if you decide to supplement your shotgunnery, it
must be with melee.
Some assemblies to aim for: You'll want a full set of tactical gear. The tactical shotgun (combat shotgun + power + technical), tactical boots (steel boots + agility + agility), tactical armor (green armor + agility + agility), and tactical rocket launcher (rocket launcher + bulk + bulk + bulk) are all great Fireangel gear. That last one requires Whizkid, but gives you a rocket launcher with a clip size of 5, perfect for those times when you want multiple rocket jumps in a row to get out of danger. If you've still got the mods to spare, also consider adding a focused double shotgun (double shotgun + power + agility + technical) to the mix.
Entrenchment (Burst): Requires Triggerhappy 1 (Son of a Bitch 2) and Badass 1 (Tough as Nails 2); incompatible with Finesse, Reloader, or Son of a Gun. While using the alternate chainfiring mode of burst weapons, you gain +30% resistance to all attacks.
30% resistance may not sound like much, but keep in mind once again that this stacks with any other resistance you get from armor. With the right armor, Entrenchment characters are practically indestructible while chainfiring - just be leery of starting a fight you can't finish without a time-consuming reload. Inability to take Reloader or Son of a Gun seriously curtails the possibility of supplementing your burst build with pistols or shotguns. Melee can be viable if you're worried about running out of ammo; if you're not, the Eagle Eye/Intuition series is a good choice, as is Tough as Nails.
Some assemblies to aim for: Be prepared to take two levels of Whizkid. The ultimate armor for an Entrenchment build, what you
really want when running one, is cerberus armor (any armor + power + power + technical + agility). The cerberus assembly sets an armor's protection to 0 and reduces movement speed by 30%, but sets its fire and acid resistance to 70% each and plasma resistance to 50%. Adding the Entrenchment boost to those means you shrug off all three of those attack types very effectively. As far as weapons go, you probably want an assault rifle assembly on a chaingun (rapid-fire weapon + agility + agility + agility), which gives you a high-power, high-accuracy way to spend your 10mm ammo, as well as the good ol' hyperblaster (plasma rifle + agility + technical + technical).
Scavenger (General): Requires Whizkid 2, Intuition 1 (Eagle Eye 2), and one other trait; incompatible with Triggerhappy, Berserker, or Dualgunner. You can destroy modded, assembled, exotic, or unique weapons to receive mod-packs. Destroying a modded weapon gives you one of the mods used on it. Destroying an assembled weapon has an equal chance of yielding a power, bulk, agility, or technical mod. Destroying an exotic weapon has an equal chance of yielding a sniper, firestorm, agility, bulk, power, or technical mod. Destroying a unique weapon has a 1/6 chance of producing a nano mod-pack, a 1/6 chance of producing an onyx mod-pack, a 1/3 chance of producing a sniper mod-pack, and a 1/3 chance of producing a firestorm mod-pack.
Scavenger is... not a Master Trait for beginners. The prerequisites and anti-requisites push you hard in the direction of generalization; having Triggerhappy, Berserker, and Dualgunner blocked would seem to suggest shotguns as a good specialization, but shotguns are the one weapon type that doesn't benefit from the required two levels of Eagle Eye. What the trait really demands of you is the ability to look at the mod-packs available to you, pick good assemblies, and roll with them. You'll have an easier time getting those assemblies than the other builds, though, thanks to the ability to scrap unwanted exotics and uniques. You'll also be more free to use mod-packs with abandon; where most characters need to save mod-packs until they find the weapon they plan to use them on, prospective Scavengers can just use them on whatever weapon they want and retrieve them later.
Some assemblies to aim for: The majority of the assemblies listed
here can be put to good use by a Scavenger. While the advanced traits conducive to using most weapon types are off-limits, you can still take the basic traits, and your mastery and required two levels of Whizkid mean you can pretty much take whatever you want from that list. If you go for Son of a Bitch, make yourself a burst chaingun (rapid-fire weapon + power + bulk + bulk) and a hyperblaster (plasma rifle + agility + technical + technical); if you decide to take some Brute, make a Ripper (chainsaw + technical + power + power + bulk); if you get Shottyman, the focused double shotgun (double shotgun + power + agility + technical) is there for you. In any case, you probably want a tactical shotgun (combat shotgun + bulk + technical) too. The virtue of Scavenger is that it's quite possible to get
all of those and some swanky armor to boot.
*WHEW*Again, don't feel bad if you didn't absorb all of that. This was more of a "refer to as needed" lesson; the test will be open-book and open-notes.
Next time: Advanced tactics.