If you think the battlelord and overlord are a problem I can tweak them; I did not have too many problems with them on a MAd build, but that was non-N!.
I think I would have fared a lot better if I had had HR/Dodgemaster. As it was, I was just ill-equipped to deal with them, especially the part when I was fighting both of them at the same time! :o That doesn't mean you have to change them; I think I just need to be ready for them next time.
Things learned:
* Berserker build isn't suicide like I thought it would be
Not sure yet, but I'll give it a good try when I can. :) (I have exams this coming week, so I really shouldn't be playing this game right now) :P
* Nobody remembers level 2; nobody's commented on it in any way and apparently apparu forgot about it completely :)
Oh, I remember it! I was just in a bit of a rush and, as mentioned above, I can't spend too much time on stuff like this lately. :) Believe me; there's tons of stuff I'd like to say, but I figured I should pick and choose the most important comments to make. Anyway, I thought the many variations of Barons/Knights were pretty cool. I mostly tried to avoid giving them a chance to fire, so I can't speak of their abilities except for that one guy who got off a shot and filled the room with explosions! Yikes! :o And as Appuru said, that Prosperity Rune is way overpowered, partly due to the duration, I think. It lasted me for a couple of levels with plenty of time to spare!
* Level 3 is too tedious. Do you think elite beings (like the elite formers you run into on Ao100) would help?
I recognize that it's supposed to be a breather and that's fine; it's just a bit too long of a breather with too little variety of enemies, (plus the fact that they give you almost no experience) but then there isn't a whole lot of variety within the original Wolfenstein enemies anyway. (Mostly different-clothinged guys with similar guns) I think Elite Formers would be a bit out of place in a Wolfenstein-themed level, but maybe you could put in Grosse? (The boss of the first episode; you could call them "Grosse clones" so you can have more of them) :D Maybe you could put in the Hitler clones that shoot fireballs from episode 3! (As shown in
this video) Heck, maybe you could even put in Hitler himself as a final boss! :P (Also shown in that video; you would, of course, have to make him a two-stage boss) ;) Come to think of it, you could probably throw the Angel of Death in there, considering it was lifted from the
Spear of Destiny expansion to Wolfenstein in the first place. :) (Huh! Until watching that video, I didn't realize what the AoD was saying... "Do your worst, human!" and "You may wield the Spear;" for some reason, back when I played the game, ages ago, I assumed he was speaking another language)
* Nobody plays Skulltag Invasion, so nobody gets the 'gibberish' names on Level 4
Holy crap! "sdw!" is "imps" upside-down! I just got that! Mind blown! :o
s+ueua^aj = revenants
sqjo hoj+sap 9 y>jeas = search & destroy orbs
sjas!njqh> = cybruisers
Very clever! :D
* I may be too generous with the mod packs (perhaps that's something I can scale by difficulty)
I find that hard to say... there were plenty of mod packs that I discarded as I went along, but I find that's true of most games I play. I guess I'm just not really big on mod packs. :)
* Perhaps the boss should actually REMAIN invincible for a while after his fire attacks so that he can use his specials... actually that might be too tedious and annoying.
Without knowing what his special attacks are, I'm not sure how to comment on this.
* Nightmare is too easy.
Yes, especially considering the kind of game this is, where death is a minor, temporary inconvenience, rather than the end of the game. Nightmare! can afford to be a lot less forgiving. (I sure hope I don't regret saying that!) :P Incidentally, I'd just like to say that as a game mechanic, it works very well and makes quite a fun game. :)