In fact, should I be given the option of what I create for my first exam, my first project will be a Warhammer 40k/Space Hulk RL. Wish me luck all, and some of you (such as Adral) should expect some pvt messages asking about any fluff or backstory I may be missing. :)
Good luck!
-- [add] new monster... you'll hate this one ;]
(removed Nightmare and added a submonster)
Wraiths are worse anyway)) This spores kill other monsters when explode?
One more note: i think that Wraith should be a high-level monster, and he must have chance to appear only on level 6 and higher. I faced Wraith on level 2, and i think that it's not good.
My table of monster appearance:
Beast - level 1
Bulldemon - level 1
Imp - level 1
Mandagore - level 1(maybe 2)
Phasehound - level 3
Defiler - level 5
Wraith - level 6
With such monster appearance you will be able to reach level 8 or 9, i think. That's enough to try Jump skill in Endless mode(yes, player must have an ability to try all maxed skill in every mode).
-- [add] added a special ability to Mandagores to make them
more interesting ;]
Yes, yes, i like new ability very much! Now Mandagores helps you to kill other monsters! Ally in disguise of enemy?))
-- [add] visual clues for the skills at skill choice
They have visual output only in skill choose screen?
-- [add] new skill -- Jump attack! ("j")
Sorry, haven't tried it yet. I'm still thinking about skills making higher damage(equal to normal damage for Sweep and Whirlwind) on higher skill levels.
-- [mod] tweaked the existing level generators to provide more
interesting results
I like new terrain generator! Levels are really more interesting now!
-- [fix] attacking on-edge monsters now possible
-- [fix] fixed doppleganger bug!
Good. Good.
My attempt in new version.
-- Berserk! (0.8 RC 3) Post Mortem -----------------------------------
Character name : Blade
Game type : Endless
Nights survived : 7
Monsters killed : 628
STR: 14 DEX: 13 END: 11 WIL: 10
Speed: 108 HP: -1/125 EN: 12/105
Base damage: 2d6+5 Weight: 11
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------
Cannon (0/1) Crossbow (12/57) Knives (10) Bombs (2)
-- Kills (628) -------------------------------------------------------
52 bulldemons
355 beasts
47 mandagores
3 defilers
62 imps
25 phasehounds
73 skeletons
5 wraiths
6 spores
-- Skills (7) --------------------------------------------------------
Ironman (level 4)
Sweep attack (level 3)
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
The mandagore hits you!
You miss the spore.
The bulldemon hits you!
The phasehound hits you!
You hit the phasehound!
You evade.
The spore dies!
You die!...
Press <Enter>
-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------
Max kills in one turn : 11
Longest killing sequence : 12 kills in 3 turns.
Survived for : 2231 turns
Died on : Forest
Reason of death : killed by a defiler
Some suggestions, what needs to be cleaned up before release:
Why one more @ always appears near player in mortem "last sight" screen?
Is it supposed that in the end, when you play someone's record, you see YOUR scoreboard?
Add shortcut with "-play" parameter to package with Berserk. And folders with mortems and records.
And my thoughts:
I'm still for giving 1 point per first 5 levels, then 2 points for ther rest of levels. Also, if you can, add few more monsters, they are always required.))