In my opinion, AoOC isn't actually easier until you're on N!, and even then it's less "easier" and more "faster". You will die way, way more often doing AoOC, so from the point of view of average run success, it's far harder. But it's a lot less raw time to get a low odds/high reward of circumstances, and N!'s start is so hard no matter what that it's not as much of a jump as it would be otherwise.
Also, you get to skip N! Anomaly.
Otherwise, though, I don't generally find it a whole lot easier.
Then again, I haven't actually used it to cheese things much, outside of a novelty fast win. (Well...I also got Shottyman Plat when I got Angelic, but...I don't think getting Shottyman Platinum by getting Shottyman Angelic counts much as cheese, I'm pretty sure anyone that can get the latter can get the former...)
Edit: Oh, right, not commenting on the main run, bad of me. :|
AoLT+AoB is an interesting combo. I don't know if it's necessarily easier, but I can see why you'd say that-trade off some later medkit space you probably don't need for more speed. Still, it's not really notably easier than any other HMP/YAAM AoB run, at worst, I'd say. Good job. :)