I just love the idea ! Destructive, fun, and useless... so firestormish !
No, seriously, I think it could be really great. (btw, the "probability" to proc berserk is fixed (IIRC, take 30% of your max HP before reduction in a single attack). The random aspect is on incoming attacks, not on zerk proc itself.)
Shotguns, guns, and knives are NOT rapids fire weapons... why do you keep thinking this ?
You could as well ask SoG to work with Jackhammer, since storm bolters and Jackhammer are both rapid fire weapons, but SoG only works with the former... it would be the same logic.
MAc is one of the few great masteries (melee, MSS and MAD seem to be the only other ones worth picking to me), so why buff it ? (note that even a bugfix would be a buff, as long as it makes the mastery better.)
If you manage to run out of ammo despite using this pick, you probably just didn't manage your inventory correctly. Personally, I think MAc should be nerfed and use at least 2 ammos per volley. I'd probably rather ask for half of the volley's shots.
Also, don't forget that MAc is not only an ammo saver. Unless you use a laser rifle, it wastes most bullets on walls. This might be the source of your ammo problems.
Evil, are you familiar with how the Jackhammer works? It fires in bursts. That is the one and only definition of a rapid-fire weapon. Just because it's also a shotgun doesn't make it any less of a rapid-fire weapon, just like the fact that the BFG 10k is a BFG doesn't make it any less of a rapid-fire weapon.
It fires rapidly. It doesn't get any more simple than that.
I didn't say anything about pistols(other then commenting on someone's mention of the storm bolter pistol), and I surely didn't mention knives. I'm not trying to generalize MAc to lots of weapon types - that would be just as foolish as you seem to think. I'm asking about a single very specific case involving a rapid-fire weapon that is affected by one rapid-fire trait already, but not another.
You also ask why buff it, and list the fact that the change is a bug-fix as irrelevant because it's still a buff. Look, if you think MAc is overpowered, great, start a new thread about rebalancing it - hell, maybe it needs it. We all know I'm a terrible player, and the only way I accomplish anything is cheese strats like AoOC, Scout Melee stairdives, and MAc 100/666 runs, so maybe it is abusable, and maybe it could use a change. But that's no reason not to fix a bug =P fix the bug and then rebalance it.
As far as wasting ammo, I do switch to a laser rifle as soon as I find one =P but since, until that point, plasma weaponry is still my primary damage output, I don't really have a choice about the misses, other then using a Hyperblaster(which, by the way, does increase the drain on ammo resources by basically doubling the amount of cells I use for a given time spent firing, so even this is a tradeoff of sorts) or A/S modding a nuke plasma rifle - I can't take Eagle Eye with MAc, which actually seems like a reasonable balance to a trait you consider powerful - sure, I get to use a lot less ammo, but I also can't mitigate the accuracy issues as well as someone without that master trait.
The problem with Jackhammer is ...it is an ok weapon, but TH makes unusable.
If devs do not want to nerf Jack working with MAc, then maybe make TH not working with it? Or single shot like people proposed?
While this isn't my ideal solution, I would agree that Jackhammer should at least be consistent with respect to rapid-fire traits - either it should work with all of them, or it should work with none of them. Obviously I'm partial to the former, but I would say the latter is still better then the current inconsistency. If the devs do indeed agree with Evil that it's not a rapid-fire weapon, somehow, then TH shouldn't work with it.
I also wouldn't mind a single-shot alternate fire being added in this case.