TH : "With each weapon, you get an extra rapid shot"
MAc : "As long as you use your trusty rapid fire weapons..."
I agree, it's confuse, but imo, the idea is "rather" clear : TH makes you shoot faster with "any" weapon, while MAc only applies to "rapid fire" category.
I don't think having weapons of multiple categories is intended (not that I'm against it, but it seems "too complex", compared to usual doomRL design choices, so, a gun or shotgun shouldn't be considered rapid fire.)
What I wonder, though, is why TH gives extra shots to bolters or Jackhammer, while it doesn't increase the firing rate of a normal pistol or missile launcher.
THAT, seems inconsistent to me. (but I don't care much, since TH looks like a negative pick to me, outside of MAc build)
About rebalancing MAC, well... of course I'd like to, but there's so much things to rebalance/improve... what I'd need is not a thread, but rather a discussion with the devs about what they want to do with the next versions, so that I know if giving any feedback is worth it (I already made a few, but when I see that even critical LOS bugs don't seem to be on schedule, I don't think it's worth reporting all little ergonomy and design mistakes, since it might be perceived as free unconstructive critics, rather than attemps to make things improve in the right direction.)
Masteries need to be reworked, but lines of sight are a bigger priority to me, and gameplay needs to be improved too.
Cornershooting can be funny a moment, but I'd prefer a deeper gameplay, needing real choices and strategy (more use of giftdropping, real ammo management, no "permawait behind a corner and you're done" anymore...) well, all of this needs a lot of work, plus testing, so I guess it will take time to progress.
The best gameplay suggestion I can remember atm was a recent one : making monster's projectiles work like lost souls, so that we can dodge them (and, in counterpart, nerf that stupid cornershooting). I think this would be a great step to an improved -and more doomish- gameplay, but btw, this would have BIG impacts on the current game.
My first reaction when I read that suggestion was "hey, it won't be possible to finish some level damageless anymore, that's stupid !". But I quickly changed my mind, and wondered : isn't the possibility to complete the game damageless WAY more stupid ?
As you can see, it's a deep and complex topic. :)