Maybe too powerful, but making MAc build just for one shotgun sounds like a know.
I didn't speak of taking MAc only for it, but improving from an (already extremely powerful) plasma gun with mediocre accuracy and 1d7 * 6 damages, consuming plasma, to a 3d8 * 5 area weapon which never misses and just needs some shells sounds like a quite big leap.
So in fact, yes, it probably would deserve picking the skill just for it.
I agree, modded plasma rifles and hyperblaster are insane, especially with unlimited ammo, but I quit them for a scout build currently.
Intuition seems better than MAc to me when you don't have 2devination skills to locate monsters.
Heh... those are nothing. You should have seen the F2N1S1T1 laser rifle I was rolling with the other day
You're comparing an Ao666 weapon with a regular drop...
Sure, I prefer my usual S2B3 nuclear plasma rifles to most unique weapons, but one of the major difference caracterizing uniques is that they are powerful right out-of-the-box !
No need to wait for a ton of stupid mods to use them... just take a shell box, and your Jackhammer will pwn asses
I don't think Jackhammer is a
bad weapon. For me, it just consumes too much shells, but it's still great for AoSh, and certainly also as a big area damage dealer, for some uses.
I personally prefer regular shotguns, but I wouldn't say it suck, really. It deals insane damages. I just see it as a situationnal weapon.