Thank you Grolm for the script, I ran it but it didn't work. I tried to figure out why and I found that the link for the StormLib was broken. After some researches and tests I finally managed to find a version of StormLib which works with diabloRL. So I made some modifications to your original script in order to fix the problem. Now it uses the last revision (1194) of the game too. Here is the changelog :
[fix] bottom line has enough length with any display resolution
[fix] QuickSkill window size and position
[add] filled in the rest of monster data.
TODO: AI, difficulty levels.
[fix] Guardian quest and spell fixed
[fix] minor PWS quest bug
[fix] double casting time for scrolls
[fix] neither scroll not time is consumed when the spell casted from scroll failed/cancelled
[fix] Horned Demon permacharge fixed
[fix] unpacked sound/music support restored
[fix] murky pool should work now
[fix] text formatting in plot texts
[add] Cow waypoint added. Cow level is imminent.
[fix] 'You cast %spellname%' is shown instead of '%username% casts %spellname%' when you cast the spell.
[fix] Identified item is now shown to player
[mod] UI Stretch implemented
[fix] gold overflow no longer disappears when selling items
[fix] initial Plot Text vertical offset
All these changes were made by a user named harukasan on Sourceforge.
For the script it works the same way. Paste the below code into diablorl-setup.sh. Then open a terminal and run this command: bash diablorl-setup.sh your_install_path your_path_to_DIABDAT.MPQ/DIABDAT.MPQ
Of course you have to replace your_install_path and your_path_to_DIABDAT.MPQ.
# diablorl (http://diablo.chaosforge.org/) linux setup from sources with
# DIABDAT.MPQ sound support
# http://forum.chaosforge.org/index.php/topic,6528
# tested with ubuntu 14.04 32bits
# Please install the following packages before
# build-essential fpc libsdl1.2-dev libsdl1.2-dbg lua 5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev
# subversion p7zip-full wget sed
# ubuntu:
# sudo apt-get install -y build-essential fpc libsdl1.2-dev libsdl1.2-dbg lua5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev subversion p7zip-full wget sed
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
exit 1
if [ ! -f "${MPQ_PATH}" ]; then
echo "MPQ not found : $2"
exit 2
cd $(dirname "${MPQ_PATH}")
MPQ_PATH="$PWD/$(basename "${MPQ_PATH}")"
cd - &>/dev/null
mkdir -p "${DRL_DIR}" || exit 3
cd "${DRL_DIR}" || exit 4
# downloads (tested with rev 770 of fpcvalkyrie and 1194 of diablorl)
svn checkout -r 770 http://svn.code.sf.net/p/fpcvalkyrie/code/trunk fpcvalkyrie
svn checkout -r 1194 http://svn.code.sf.net/p/diablorl/code/trunk diablorl
wget https://github.com/ladislav-zezula/StormLib/archive/v8.20.zip
7z x v8.20.zip
# Build StormLib
cd "${DRL_DIR}"/StormLib-8.20
make -f Makefile.linux
cp libStorm.so "${DRL_DIR}"/diablorl/bin/lib
cd "${DRL_DIR}"/diablorl/bin/lib
ln -s libStorm.so StormLib.so
# patch fpcvalkyrie
cd "${DRL_DIR}"/fpcvalkyrie/src
sed -i~ -e 's/\(^[[:space:]]*\)\(FPrev.FNext := FNext;\)/\1if FPrev <> nil then \2/' \
-e 's/\(^[[:space:]]*\)\(FNext.FPrev := FPrev;\)/\1if FNext <> nil then \2/' vnode.pas
# patch diablorl
cd "${DRL_DIR}"/diablorl/src
sed -i~ -e 's/\(raise EStreamError.CreateFmt.*;\)/{\1}/' rlui.pas
# compile
cd "${DRL_DIR}"/diablorl/src
FPCDIR=/usr/lib/fpc/2.6.2/ fpcmake
make COMPILER_UNITDIR=../../fpcvalkyrie/libs/ FPCOPT="-k-lm" DEBUG=1
# config and run
cd "${DRL_DIR}"/diablorl/bin
sed -i~ -e 's/sound = "NONE"/sound = "SDL"/' \
-e 's/mpq = ""/mpq = "DIABDAT.MPQ"/' config.lua
# create a runner script
cat <<EOF > /tmp/diablorl
cd "${DRL_DIR}/diablorl/bin"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${DRL_DIR}/diablorl/bin/lib"
sudo mv /tmp/diablorl /usr/local/bin/diablorl
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/diablorl
sudo mv run_diablo_with_provided_libs.sh diabloRl.sh
echo Run and Have Fun with: /usr/local/bin/diablorl
To be sure that this will work you need some packages, they are precised by Grolm at the beginning of the script. But I don't know maybe some people are not very familiar with Linux. If you are on Ubuntu, open a terminal and paste the code below.
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential fpc libsdl1.2-dev libsdl1.2-dbg lua5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev subversion p7zip-full wget sed
I just removed a space between lua and 5.1 because there is no space for this package.
Once you have done all this in order to run the game, open a terminal and type diablorl. I tested it on Ubuntu 14.04 32bits.
I have to mention that I just made some minor corrections on the script and give more details on how to the script works. All the credits goes to Grolm the original author.
P.S.: Excuse me if I made some mistakes, english is not my native language.