General > Graveyard
Hackmaster 4e OOC - Skulls for the GM Shield, Kills for the TPK Throne
Malek Deneith:
Active Characters:
Jasper Grindle the Gnome Titan Veteran Altar Boy (S.K. Ren)
Gard the Dark Elf Apprentice (LuckyDee)
Awaiting Re-Evaluation, Orphaned or otherwise Inactive Characters:
Orphaned Characters:
Sho Lee Wu the Human Grashopper (Original owner: shark20061)
Halls of the Dead:
Jace the Human Altar Boy (raekuul) - killed by pair of orcs after getting mauled by Dire Elk
Maoun the Pixie Sprite Alter Boy (S.K. Ren) - pincushioned by orcish arrows
Michael Songsteel the Human Veteran (Motorheadbanger) - ganged upon by a band of orcs
Samuel Greenwood the Human Apprentice (Matt_S) - mutilated by trio of orcs while running away like a sissy
Spoiler: "Character Creation" (click to show/hide)- You roll 'em, you play 'em - might give you a re-roll of stats if you get something very, very, VERY subpar overall stat spread but don't count on it.
- Simplified Sibling Table will be used instead of one in PHB. It'll be provided with other source materials, remind me if I forget.
- Honor is calculated using final ability scores (discounting fractionals), not starting ability scores.
- If a class or race gives you a free skill it means you're getting a free skill mastery+honor die roll for it (plus of course the basic stat bonus for first roll), along with any prequisite skills at 51% mastery.
- Every character gains Modern Language (Common) at 100% mastery for free. Races other than human get their racial language at 100% mastery also for free. Common is not counted against limit of known languages.
- Characters start with the following clothing (free of charge)
- Tunic (8 sp, 1 lb, 1 SP)
- Shoes, Leather, Simple (2 sp, 1/2 lb, 0 SP)
- Breeches (2 gp, 1/2 lb, 0 SP
- Belt (3 gp, * lb, 0 SP)
- Robes (9 sp, 3 lb, 2 SP)
- Shoes, Leather, Simple (2 sp, 1/2 lb, 0 SP)
Spoiler: "Tips and Reminders" (click to show/hide)- If after Step 11 you're in the honor window that gives you +1 to all die rolls that also applies to the rolls you make in later steps (i.e. skill mastery rolls and HP rolls!). The same applies if you're in the window that gives you -1 penalty to all rolls.
- Note that Knight Errants (if you somehow roll high enough to apply for one) got changed and they don't get Armorer and Weaponsmithing skill anymore.
- If you grabbed one of the class books you might find that each of them has a set of tables that allows you to roll to see how your education went - these are OPTIONAL and done after Step 9, but before Step 10. These are a wee bit complicated but sometimes the results can be worth it (When I tried to run HM before I had a Ranger/Cleric character that managed to get 300 xp for his ranger side from fighter tables, and "get bonus cleric spells as if you had 3 more Wisdom" from cleric tables"). Just remember to look over errata for these - for example the final table for magic user training was horribly busted and got re-made in the errata. Ideally, if you decide to brave these consult me over the PM - I know from experience it's easy to get lost in those tables or to overlook some modifier that's mentioned in description but not in tables so I'd prefer to look over rolls made on these.
- Remember that many tables allow you to re-roll the results at cost of 1 BP. Keep an eye out for indications of when you can do it. And of course in cease of doubt - ask.
- Some rolls "penetrate". Penetration happens when you roll a maximum on a die and allows you to roll that die (if you roll 2d4 and they come up 1 and 4 only the second one is rolled again) and add the result -1. And if that result is maximum again you can roll it again and add it -1. This mostly applies to damage and healing rolls, but in character creation skill mastery rolls can penetrate.
Spoiler: "Character Class Clarification" (click to show/hide)- Monk Intimidating Display - the character spends his first combat round showing off, opponents save vs petrification or get a +5 penalty on initiative roll
- Charlatan starting abililities - you pick them at the same time as STPs
Spoiler: "Items New and Changed" (click to show/hide)- Rations, Trail (1 day) 3 gp, 1 lb, 85/80/75
- Rope, Hemp (50 ft) 1 gp, 10 lb, 90/85/80
- Rope, Silk (50 ft) 10 gp, 5 lb, 70/60/50
- Blanket, Light 2 sp, 1 lb, 95/85/75
- Blanket, Winter 5 sp, 3 lb, 90/85/80
- Quiver, Basic 8 sp, 1 lb, 95/85/75 (Holds 20 regular size bolts or arrows, for personalized versions ask GM about info in Hackjournal 25)
- Leather 1 gp, 1 lb
- Metal 2 gp, 4 lb
- Wooden 4 sp, 2 lb
- Wrapped 8 sp, 2 lb
- Curved - cost x 1.5 (needed for scimitars, khukri, falchions etc.)
- Decorated, engraved - cost x2
- Decorated, gilt - cost x 3
- Decorated, gems - cost x 4
Also see Food and Water
Coins are 100 to a pound (old/oddbal coins may happen and may weight differently)
Pixie-Fairy item weights are 1/25 instead of 1/27
Backpacks are now 75 lb. capacity, Large Saddlebags are 60 lb capacity, Small Saddlebags are 40 lb capacity. Those changes are to lessen up bag clutter.
Spoiler: "Outfitting Packages" (click to show/hide)A. Basic Excursion (3 Days)
- Waterskin (8 pints) x 3
- Rations, Trail (3 pounds)
- Sewing Needle and Thread
- Rope, Hemp - 50 ft
- Oil, Lamp (1 flask)
- Flint and Steel
- Whetstone
- Blanket, Light
12 gp, 31 lb
B. Extended Excursion (7 Days)
- Waterskin (8 pints) x 7
- Rations, Trail (7 pounds)
- Sewing Needle and Thread
- Rope, Hemp - 50 ft
- Oil, Lamp (1 flask)
- Flint and Steel
- Whetstone
- Blanket, Light
27 gp, 55 lb
C. Prolonged Excursion (14 Days)
- Waterskin (8 pints) x 14
- Rations, Trail (14 pounds)
- Sewing Needle and Thread
- Rope, Hemp - 50 ft
- Oil, Lamp (2 flasks)
- Flint and Steel
- Whetstone
- Blanket, Light
55 gp, 98 lb
D. Basic Dungeon Crawl (1 Day)
- Waterskin (8 pints)
- Rations, Trail (1 pound)
- Sewing Needle and Thread
- Rope, Hemp - 50 ft
- Flint and Steel
- Whetstone
- Piton x 5
- Torch x 10
4 gp, 29.5 lb
E. Extended Dungeon Crawl (3 Days)
- Waterskin (8 pints) x 3
- Rations, Trail (3 pounds)
- Sewing Needle and Thread
- Rope, Hemp - 50 ft
- Flint and Steel
- Whetstone
- Piton x 10
- Torch x 20
- Oil, Lamp (2 flasks)
- Chalk
12 gp, 56 lb
F. Basic Overland Excursion (2 Days, including food and water for a horse)
- Waterskin (8 pints) x 10
- Rations, Trail (2 pounds)
- Blanket, Light
- Rope, Hemp - 50 ft
- Knife
- Flint and Steel
- Whetstone
- Feed, Standard Mount (16 pounds)
15 gp, 80.5 lb
G. Extended Overland Excursion (7 Days, including food and water for a horse)
- Waterskin (8 pints) x 35
- Rations, Trail (7 pounds)
- Blanket, Light
- Rope, Hemp - 50 ft
- Knife
- Flint and Steel
- Whetstone
- Feed, Standard Mount (56 pounds)
50 gp, 250.5 lb
Pixie-Fairies will have their own packages, but won't bother making those until someone tries to make a P-F (protip: don't :P)
Spoiler: "Skills" (click to show/hide)- All skills that list 51% requirement in another skill now require 50% instead.
- Skills relating to mapping don't exist.
- Complex Geometric Estimations is used for in-combat tricks and rushed estimations of dimensions. If situation is free of distractions calculating distances does not require this skill.
- Sew Wounds and Sew Own Wounds cause 1d6 hits (damage as per sewing needle, use table in Combatant's Guide) per application due to stitching
Spoiler: "Food and Water" (click to show/hide)FOOD RQUIREMENTS:
Human/Dwarf/Half-orc/Half-elf - 2 lb/day
Elf (any) - 1.5 lb/day
Gnome/Gnome Titan/Gnomeling/Halfling - 1 lb/day
Half-ogre - 4 lb/day
Pixie-fairy - special
Food eaten over daily requirement provides no benefits.
Human/Half-orc/Half-elf - 8 pints/day
Elf (any) - 6 pints/day
Dwarf/Gnome/Gnome Titan/Gnomeling/Halfling - 5.5 pints/day
Half-ogre - 12 pints/day
Pixie-fairy - n/a
Heavy activity (traveling through very rough terrain, travelling with heavy laden or worse encumbrance etc.) - +1 pint/day
High temperature (50-70 F) - +1 pint/day
High temperature (70-90 F) - +2 pints/day
High temperature (90+ F) - +3 pints/day
1 gallon = 8 pints
1 gallon = 4 lb
1 pint = 0.5 lb
Ape - 20 lb FOOD (feed, exotic), 64 pints WATER
Camel - 20 lb FOOD (feed, exotic), 160 pints WATER = supply for two weeks (half encumbrance for second week)
Dawg - 2 lb FOOD, 8 pints WATER
Horse - 8 lb FOOD (feed), 32 pints WATER
Mule - 8 lb FOOD (feed), 32 pints WATER
Pony - 6 lb FOOD (feed), 24 pints WATER
Yak - 12 lb FOOD (feed, exotic), 32 pints WATER
- Rations, Standard - 1 gp per 2 lb, each lb counts as one pint of water for purpose of water requirements, lasts up to a month
- Rations, Trail - 3 gp per 1 lb, counts double for purpose of food requirements (so 1 lb feeds a Human for a day), lasts up to two months
- Rations, Dragonfly Wing - 3 gp per 0.04 lb, daily dose of food for Pixie-fairy, lasts up to a month
- Waterskin (empty) 8 sp, 1 lb, 95/90/85, holds up to 8 pints, weights 5 lb when full
- Feed, Exotic Animal 2 gp per 8 lb, 75/55/30, lasts up to a month
- Feed, Standard Mount 2 sp per 8 lb, 90/70/50, lasts up to two months
Spoiler: "Spellbooks" (click to show/hide)- Standard and Travelling Spell Books have to be of one of four types: Cantrips, Low Magic, Middle Magic and High Magic.
- Cantrip books can hold up to 36 cantrips (9 cantrips if a travelling book) as long as amount of pages allows it.
- Low Magic books can hold up to 24 spells (6 spells if a travelling book) of 1st, 2nd or 3rd level as long as amount of pages allows it.
- Middle Magic books can hold up to 16 spells (4 spells if a travelling book) of 4th, 5th or 6th level as long as amount of pages allows it.
- High Magic books can hold up to 8 spells (2 spells if a travelling book) of 7th, 8th or 9th level as long as amount of pages allows it.
Spoiler: "Spell Components" (click to show/hide)- List of spell component costs (Note - this isn't formatted that well, and it doesn't have all components yet, but it should cover most of PHB stuff for now. If something is missing, or if you're having trouble finding something call for help)
- Spellcasting characters start with 5 doses of components for each spell they have memorized at character creation, +2 for every additional instance of the spell memorized above first. This does not apply to components costing over 10 gp.
- Spellcasting characters can select up to three other (different) spells they know - they get 5 doses of components for each of these. This does not apply to components costing over 10 gp.
- Spells above level 1, if somehow acquired at character creation don't benefit from above cost-free component doses.
- Mages get 1 component for Read Magic in addition of these.
- Clerics get wooden holy/unholy symbol in addition of these.
- If a cleric starts with Bless or Curse memorized he gets one vial of holy or unholy water (one of each if he has memorized both), regardless of number of instances of spell memorized. See PHB gear section for cost on holy/unholy water, see below for more info on holy/unholy water.
- Druids get mistletoe in addition of these.
- Each time wizard learns a new spell with component costing 10 gp or less, during level up he gets number of free doses of the component as shown in table below
--- Code: ---Spell Doses
1 5
2-3 4
4-5 3
6-7 2
8 1
9 0
--- End code ---
Means of acquirement:
- Searching for a minute or two finds a merchant with 1d20 doses (if cost is listed) or simply finds 1d20 doses
Field search (FS)
- Common spell component search takes 1d6 turns and has a 75% chance of success, each turn beyond that allows for another check with cumulative +10% modifier
- Uncommon spell component search takes 3d6 turns and has a 50% chance of success, each turn beyond that allows for another check with cumulative +5% modifier
- Rare spell component search takes 1d4+1 hous and has a 25% chance of success, each turn beyond that allows for another check with cumulative +2% modifier
- Successful search produces 1d20 doses
Purchase in most towns and markets (TM)
- Common spell components have a 80% chance of being found in a village, 90% chance in town, 100% chance in city or major city
- Uncommon spell components have a 50% chance of being found in a village, 60% chance in town, 70% chance in city and 80% chance in major city
- Rare spell components have a 20% chance of being found in a village, 30% chance in town, 40% chance in city, 50% chance in major city
- Successful search produces 1d20 doses
Special order from some sort of craftsman (SO)
- Base as above but acquirement might depend on location and/or might take some time
- Each 20 doeses of spell components weights 1 lb
- Some components are perishable (marked with *) and as such have shelf life of about a week
- Components presented with cost listed are generally SO/Rare unless GM decides otherwise
- Water, holy and water, unholy from PHB gear section are good for 20 doses of the spell component.
Changes to spells:
- Fog Vision (MU 1, DR 1) has no M component
- Cloud of Pummeling Flies (MU 2) has no M component
- All Fireball, Sidewinder Factor X have Gum arabic as one of the spell components
- Grow (MU 3) has no M component
- Nondetection (MU 3) M component is "three pinches of Dust, diamond"
- Zargosa's Flaming Spheres of Torment (MU 3) M component is sulphur and the 1000 gp reusable tube
- Wall of Force (MU 5) M component is "50 pinches of Dust, diamond"
- Transmute Water to Dust/Transmute Dust to Water (MU 6) M component is "5 pinches of Dust, diamond"
Spoiler: "Fatigue" (click to show/hide)Fatigue Factor = base HD value + 1 per 2 levels (1 per level for Fighter class and it's sub-classes), multiclass characters calculate by halving FF each class would get - fractions left after adding get truncated
Level 3 Fighter = 10 (HD) + 3 (level) = 13 FF
Level 3 Cleric = 8 (HD) + 1 (level) = 9 FF
Level 3 Fighter/Level 3 Cleric = [10 (HD) + 3 (level)]/2 (Fighter) + [8 (HD) +1 (level)]/2 (Cleric) = 6.5 + 4.5 = 11 FF
FF drops by 1 per round in combat unless character does nothing. At half or less FF character is fatigued and acts as if encumbered one level more than he actually is, at 0 character is exhausted and acts as if encumbered two levels more than he is.
A round of rest (no actions or movement) gives the character a chance to catch his breath - a successful save vs paralyzation (modified by his HP bonus for high Constitution and by further +1 for each round spent resting previously) restores half of FF, rounded down.
Endurance talent and skill modify only FF coming from HD (so Fighter would get +10 FF for the talent, +5 for the skill or +15 for both)
Spoiler: "Hexmap Travel" (click to show/hide)Overland Movement Speed = 1 hex per 2' move value of slowest party member, if slowest speed is 1' movement is 1 hex/2 days
Normal Terrain (plains, paths through hills and forests etc.) is rated as above
Rugged Terrain (hills, forests, paths through mountains or heavy forests, normal terrain with 5 inches of snow cover, etc.) is 2 hexes of movement per one moved (double the amount of days for extreme low speeds)
Very Rugged Terrain (mountains, heavy forests, swamp, rugged terrain with 5 inches of snow cover, normal with 10 inches, etc.) is 3 hexes of movement per one moved (triple the amount of days for extreme low speeds)
Forced march doubles this. After one day of forced march characters start every encounter fatigued (see Fatigue section, starting FF is half, rounded down), second day brings this up to exhausted (starting FF is 0), every day beyond that adds -1 penalty to FF recovery roll. To recover fully characters need one day of rest per each day of forced march.
Spoiler: "On Sessions" (click to show/hide)- Hackmaster has a few things that are measured or dealt out once per session - mulligans for great honor, e.p. and honor rewards etc. Since there is no such thing as a session in online play I'm goign to have to resort to manually assigning boundries of sessions. In general I'm going to try to end "sessions" when your characters are in a fairly safe spot i.e. when healing up or after hauling loot back for selling. Though at times it might happen mid-game (if a lot happens in meantime) or not happen during a rest period (if not enough happens). In either case if you see something along the lines of Session Finished and start getting showered with e.p and (negative?) honor awards that'll be that.
Spoiler: "Coupons" (click to show/hide)- Compiled Player Coupons
- Players, AS A GROUP get to use each of coupons listed in above file ONCE (if a single coupon appears more than once then you can use it once per copy). Normal 1 coupon per player per session limit applies (see above spoiler for definition of session)
- The GM in turn threatens promises to use a coupon of his own for each player coupon used. This coupon retaliation might happen immedietly or later the same session. The GM has a coupon book of his own.
- The GM might at times use a coupon unprovoked. For each such occurance the players will be extempt from retaliation for next coupon they play during the session
- Any player might call for coupon restock at any time. This effectively gives the players a new copy of "coupon book" to use in addition to whatever is left of the old one... but it also gives the GM another copy of "his" book to work with.
- In other words - use yer coupons... wisely.
Spoiler: "Hacklopedia Articles In Use" (click to show/hide)- Druidical Training Tables (HJ 15, relevant only if using optional character generation training tables from Zealot's Guide)
- MonkTraining Tables (HJ 8, relevant only if using optional character generation training tables from Combatant's Guide)
- Called Shots, Critical Hits, and You (HJ 26, expanded tables for called shot modifiers and effects) [GM Only info, wil l get used as needed]
- Strength Bows (HJ 26, bows with Str bonus to damage, pricey) [GM Only info, you'll have to ask for a strenght bow to learn how much it'll cost you]
- Firing into Melee and Mayhem (HJ 24, some rules to help avoid friendly fire accidents)
- Skills, Talents and Proficiencies (HJ 23, modifiers to rules about learning skills post-character generation)
- Simpifying Friendly Fire (HJ 21, more friendly fire avoidance stuff) [GM Only info]
- Fighter Fractionals (HJ 17, fractional increase tables for Fighter classes, relevant for level ups)
- Quivering With Delight (HJ 25, quivers and custom quivers - cost and weight of base quiver is in OP for quick lookup)
- Simplified Sibling Tables (HJ 15, makes rolling siblings less of a headache)
Spoiler: "Date and Time" (click to show/hide)The days are:
Sa'mar - monday
Tu'mar - tuesday
Quay'mar - wendsday
Run'mar - thursday
Ara'mar - friday
Gart'mar - saturday
Pin'mar - sunday
The months, in order, are:
As it can be deducted 'kiev seems to stand for spring, 'sa for summer, 'tera for autumn and 'kerz for winter. Each month is composed of four weeks (so 28 days) that lack a name (I'm going to be calling them first week, second week, third week and fourth week to differentiate). As mentioned in IC there are also two Flur'mar - these are considered "useless" days, days of bad omen etc. Usually only bare minimum is done on those days and kids born in them are often mercy-killed. One is attached to the end of Yurn'sa, other to the Freta'kerz.
As for the year, what little info I've so far found points at there being four ways of counting the years:
- Tre'Catrobium (T.R.) - this one is marked as "Imperial" on my time tracker and seems to be the most common calendar. The current year is 108 T.R.
- Croas (C.R.) - it's marked by Ragean and I've no idea what that is. I think I'm going to need to read my Garweeze Wurld gazeeteer in hope of finding any info. Current year is 2480 C.R.
- Fariadoran (F.R.) - original calendar, used by Elves and Scholars. Current year is 12082 F.R.
- Kroaghus (K.R.) - orkish calendar, set on year 867 K.R.
Oh and ther are three moons:
- Arlora
- Bardra'kar
- Shadara
Tu'mar, 9th of Haar'kiev 174 Tre'Catrobium (9/1/174)
Arlora is Waning Crescent
Bardra'kar is 3rd Quarter
Shadara is Waning Gibbous
Spoiler: "WIP" (click to show/hide)If you can read this the drow assassin already ambushed you. Buh-bye!
Spoiler: "Original post" (click to show/hide)* Malek Deneith struggles against inertia and laziness* Malek Deneith pulls himself up to the keyboard
Decided to make an annual check to see if there would be some interest in a game of Hackmaster 4e. For those unfamiliar with the system Hackmaster is as if someone took a bit of AD&D 1e, a bit of AD&D 2e and mixed these with good dose of gaming humor. Quite fiddly system, not all in it is serious. Prior experience not required, though prior knowledge of D&D (even the more recent editions) might help. Materials will be provided. Guidance for the newbs will be dispensed, at least in terms of character creation and rules knowledge (doing stupid things in-game will be entirely on you though :P)
What to expect from the game, should it happen - monsters to kill, death, loot to find, death, dungeons to crawl, and equal opportunity death. What not to expect - anything resembling elaborate plot: should something like that appear it probably means I mangled fit in bits and pieces of a prefab, or had a short term inspiration that will quickly run itself into the ground. Just a fair warning.
Only this much info for now because I expect the interest check to die based on past experiences >_>
* Malek Deneith lets go, falls back on the floor and focuses on remembering to breathe
Count me in, I'm up for anything :)
May I resume or pass on my previous (still alive) character? :P
I'm just here to say that it looks very peculiar to see blue in the recent posts section nowadays.
WB Malek :P
Malek Deneith:
@shark - I'm a bit antsy about previously generated characters on account of me cooking up a truckload of various houserules somewhere between death of previous game and failure of ressurecting it, but seeing as your monk was pretty straightforward I'd be willing to make an exception for him and do a look-over to see what'd need to be updated.
Edit: @ParaSait - yeah, I was kind of inactive for the past year. Internet connection was sketchy and life was weird at times. I finally remembered to put CF back into my tabs so I should at the very least LURK MOAR from now on.
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