Other Roguelikes > DiabloRL
[DiabloRL 0.5.0] XL 18 Rogue, D:9, YASD | Chargers.
White Rider:
DiabloRL v 0.5.0 roguelike postmortem character dump
White Rider, level 18 Rogue, killed by a frost charger in Caves, level 9.
She scored 322364.07 points, killing 0 hellspawn.
She advanced to level 18 gaining 636407 experience.
She amassed 3234 gold coins.
She granted eternal rest to the Skeleton King.
She was patient with Gharbad the Weak.
She retrieved Ogden's tavern sign.
She learned the Guardian spell.
She cleared Halls of Blind.
She was a hypohondriac.
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Strength 52/40
Magic 32/20
Dexterity 83/71
Vitality 58/46
Life 123/-14 Mana 72/72
Armor 15 ToHit 91
-- Spells ----------------------------------------------------
Firebolt level 2
Healing level 1
Guardian level 1
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[ Head ] Jade helm of the Moon [4]
[ Neck ] amulet of the Stars
[ Body ] Amber armor [11]
[ Wpn ] Vicious long battle bow (1-10)
[ Shld ] nothing
[ RRng ] nothing
[ LRng ] Gold ring of Stability
-- Quickslots ------------------------------------------------
[ Slot1 ] potion of full healing
[ Slot2 ] potion of healing
[ Slot3 ] potion of healing
[ Slot4 ] potion of healing
[ Slot5 ] potion of full healing
[ Slot6 ] potion of full healing
[ Slot7 ] scroll of healing
[ Slot8 ] scroll of healing
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
3234 gold coins
Raven's long staff of Town Portal (4-8) {9/9}
potion of full mana
short staff of Town Portal (2-4) {9/9}
crown of Brilliance [9]
scroll of town portal
long battle bow of Sorcery (1-10)
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
Bonehead Keenaxe
El Chupacabras
Skeleton King
30 * zombie
45 * rotting carcass
27 * skeleton
48 * corpse axe
158 * burning dead
58 * horror
13 * skeleton captain
110 * burning dead captain
50 * horror captain
9 * skeleton archer
112 * corpse bow
3 * burning dead archer
36 * horror archer
88 * scavenger
58 * plague eater
106 * bone gasher
46 * fallen one
19 * fallen one
41 * dark one
71 * dark one
15 * fiend
65 * gloom
113 * familiar
54 * flesh clan
56 * fire clan
56 * night clan
72 * night clan archer
58 * hidden
107 * stalker
13 * unseen
4 * overlord
56 * mud man
8 * horned demon
23 * frost charger
51 * winged demon
102 * acid beast
115 * poison spitter
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
A potion of full healing is lying here.
You found a potion of full healing.
The frost charger hits you.
The frost charger hits you.
You hit the frost charger.
You hit the frost charger.
You hit the frost charger. The frost charger dies. You gain 1548 experience.
A long battle bow (1-10) is lying here.
A long battle bow (1-10) is lying here.
A long battle bow (1-10) is lying here.
You hit the frost charger.
You hit the frost charger.
You hit the frost charger. The frost charger dies. You gain 1548 experience.
A long battle bow (1-10) is lying here.
You put the long battle bow (1-10) into your backpack.
The frost charger hits you. The frost charger hits you.
You hit the frost charger. The frost charger hits you. The frost charger hits
You hit the frost charger. The frost charger hits you. The frost charger hits
you. The frost charger hits you. The frost charger hits you. The frost charger
--- End code ---
I think this is the first run on DiabloRL where I actually died. The other runs were just, play a little while and I'll come back to it later, but I end up starting a new character and going with that. Rogue is pretty fun to play as; stand back and keep spraying. It's almost like DoomRL Lite edition. ;)
I must have accidentally learned Firebolt, and Guardian I got from one of the quests. Didn't get a chance to use it though. I kept the Staff of TP around for quick TPs, but I wonder if it would have been lighter on my load instead to keep a scroll with me instead. Remembering to pick up a scroll is less likely to happen after dungeon sprees, from my experience. I forget to do simple things like that.
I think this is the furthest I've reached on DiabloRL ever, but I think I can go further if not for those damn chargers. How do anyone do any melee against them?
It hurts me so much to see the mortem and see that I had 3!!!!!! full heals on my quickslot. Worse than DoomRL.
Horned demons are bugged. Non-stop charging is fixed in current version, wait for a new beta streak coming soon.
White Rider:
--- Quote from: you on August 21, 2013, 11:45 ---Horned demons are bugged. Non-stop charging is fixed in current version, wait for a new beta streak coming soon.
--- End quote ---
Be that as it may, I died between two Frost Chargers. It was interesting (until I died)
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