General > Graveyard
Hackmaster 4e IC - Dungeons the Crawling
Malek Deneith:
"Well thankfully your wounds weren't all that serious, so..." - Johnson ponders for a moment - "... 125 gold pieces. Each. Plus two more for Mr. Jasper and Mr. Gard since we had to take care of their mules also."
"...oooh-kay... And for the record, what 'service' are we talking about here?" Gard asks sourly.
Malek Deneith:
- "Oh not much, really. It's just so that we've received a report of a band of kobolds appearing in vicinity. Pesky buggers are trying to rob people traveling to the village - we've learned of it because last merchant coming here had enough protection to scare them off, but considering one or two other travelers that come here regularly failed to appear lately... well I think you can piece that together yourselves. Normally we'd look for a party of adventurers to take care of it, but the only one I'm aware of is preoccupied otherwise at the moment. You could say that your appearance here was a gift from the Gawds." - Johnson smiles then suddenly produces a small pouch from a drawer in the desk - "Just so that I don't seem too much of a scrooge I am willing to sweeten the deal with 100 gold pieces. Upfront. And if the monsters really did kill some travelers already you can probably get more from their lair. How does that sound then?"
S.K. Ren:
"Kobolds? Those ratty buggers are always causing trouble. A'ight, I'll help you with yer problem, then we're even correct?".
100 gold pieces and an overeager stunty to lead the charge... this might be going somewhere.
"And what, pray tell, actually comprised 'enough protection'? I mean, Mr.... Grindle here is raring to go, and I know I am," Gard lies, "so we can use all the information we can get."
In the meantime, he starts getting impatient for Ezmuth to return. Blundering tit probably couldn't find the mule anyhow, and a plan for which this doesn't matter anyway is starting to form in Gard's mind. And - with a slightly repressed rumble - a second, totally different plan is forming in his belly.
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